Pièce 10 - Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 3 November 1918

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Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 3 November 1918


  • 3 November 1918 (Création/Production)

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Letter to Ruth Mallory written from France

Was interested in her visit to the Montessori school and wanted to hear all the details. It was a splendid enterprise of hers. Was delighted to think of her getting in touch with the Montessori movement and working out practical ways for it to work in Godalming.

She must have been very busy on her visit to London. He was glad Trafford was so bright. Had no idea Doris had been dangerously ill. Hoped to hear more on her visit to Will and Ka. It was a pity she hadn’t managed to see Jelly.

He had been made quite anxious by all the talk of influenza [Spanish flu] and hoped she wouln’t get it. The number of deaths seemed most alarming. The wife of one of the men there had died of flu.

Had spent a very quiet day. The Major [Gwilym Lloyd George] and Wilson had gone to Calais on a pure joy ride. He had studied French in the morning and gone to a neighbouring wood in the afternoon to collect Autumn leaves and berries. He had received two parcels from her, one with ginger, macaroni and flour and the other with an excellent cake from J & M. Also had two Manchester Guardians by post which were particularly welcome as they couldn’t get yesterday’s paper.

The Major [Gwilym Lloyd George] had received orders to proceed to Versailles for several days. He was lucky and he wished his father was Prime Minister.

Was greatly amused by Aunt Eleanor’s envelopes. Asks Ruth to note the correct spelling of ‘probably’. Also the words ‘apparatus’ and ‘jealous’ [Ruth was dyslexic].

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