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College Archives

  • MCCA
  • Fonds
  • 1411-present

The Archive contains documents relating to the history of the College dating back to its re foundation by Lord Audley in 1542 and includes:

Official records generated by the College relating to its administration and governance including Governing Body Minute Books, Masters’ Records, Financial Records, and Estate Papers,

Records relating to its students including admission records, tutorial files, and matriculation photographs,

Records of related bodies such as clubs and societies,

The photograph collection.

Old Library

  • MCOL
  • Collection
  • 1428 - present

The Old Library, which is distinct from the Pepys Library, is Magdalene’s collection of rare books and manuscripts which has evolved throughout the history of the College. The Old Library also collects modern publications relating to the College and to Cambridge more widely. There are also a small number of ephemeral items and archive-type collections in the Old Library, and it is this material which we aim to enter into this catalogue. For advice on locating the printed books and manuscripts in the Old Library online, please consult the following page:

Pepys Scholars' Library

  • Collection

This collection is distinct from the Pepys Library. It contains reference material relating to Pepys from the seventeenth century to the present day, the first transcription of his diary from the 19th century, and printed books (the latter being catalogued on the University of Cambridge's Library catalogue, 'idiscover').

Any records of the Pepys Librarians held by the college are in the 'Personal Papers' collection. Please see a list of former Pepys Librarians below (with an accompanying reference code to their personal papers if applicable). From 1724-1900, the position of Pepys Librarian was held by the Master of the College.

Daniel Waterland (Pepys Librarian, 1724-1740)
Edward Abbott (Pepys Librarian, 1740–1746)
Thomas Chapman (Pepys Librarian, 1746–1760)
George Sandby (Pepys Librarian, 1760–1774)
Barton Wallop (Pepys Librarian, 1774–1781)
Peter Peckard (Pepys Librarian, 1781–1797)
William Gretton (Pepys Librarian, 1797–1813)
George Neville-Grenville (Pepys Librarian, 1813–1853)
Latimer Neville (Pepys Librarian, 1853–1900)
A.S. Ramsey (Pepys Librarian, 1900-1904)
V. S. Stanley Jones (Pepys Librarian, 1904-1906): MCPP/VER
Percy Lubbock (Pepys Librarian, 1906-1908)
Stephen Gaselee (Pepys Librarian, 1908-1919)
Owen Morshead (Pepys Librarian, 1919-1926)
A.B. Ramsay (Pepys Librarian, 1926-1927)
Francis Turner (Pepys Librarian, 1927-1949): MCPP/FT
Richard Ladborough (Pepys Librarian, 1949-1972)
Robert Latham (Pepys Librarian, 1972-1982): MCPP/LAT
Richard Luckett (Pepys Librarian, 1982-2012): MCPP/LUC

Personal Papers

  • MCPP
  • Collection

Within the College Archive we hold the personal papers of former Masters, Fellows, alumni and others associated with the College. The individual collections are arranged alphabetically by surname.