Pièce 6 - Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 30 March 1924

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Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 30 March 1924


  • 30 March 1924 (Création/Production)

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Letter from George to Ruth Mallory from ‘Sedongchen’.

Full Transcript

My dearest Ruth,

The mail has come backwards from Yatung whither it was forwarded by the Anchor Line Agents in Bombay. I was very glad to get your letter, & an envelope with enclosures also met me here. It is wretched for you having such a cold March - I see later news of snow again. I am sorry Blunt has not turned up; he must be offended in some way though I can’t see why he should be; I only wrote asking him if a different day would suit him in one particular week.

Dearest one, you needn’t worry that you haven’t been an angel every day of your life. We went through a difficult time together in the autumn; but though we were both conscious that we saw too little of one another last term it seemed to me we were very happy & I often thought how cheerful & pleasant you were when life was not being very agreeable. I’m quite sure we shall settle down to enjoy our home in Cambridge & I will try not to be concerned so much simply with efficiency, which is useful but not a god.
I’m very glad you find people inclined to be kind; I’m sure they will be. I only wish I had had time to see something of our near neighbours with you before I went away.

I will enclose if I can find it a 5/- stamp which came out on an expedition parcel & may amuse some small boy.

This letter will get posted tomorrow from Gnatong & will have a good chance of catching the same mail as the one I wrote yesterday.
We had a good thunderstorm yesterday & the air was delightfully fresh & clear as we came up today. The sun seemed fully hot again like the plains of India, almost.

A great deal of love to you dearest one.
Ever your loving George.

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