Pièce 4 - Letter from Mary Brooke, 12 April 1924

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Letter from Mary Brooke, 12 April 1924


  • 12 April 1924 (Création/Production)

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Letter from Mary Brooke, Mallory's sister written from Colombo. This letter was found on George Mallory's body in 1999. It was wrapped in a handkerchief along with two other letters.

Full Transcript

Ap. 12th
Steelback Lodge
Galle Face

My dearest George

I hope you have been getting the weather reports all right – it will be very interesting to hear whether you can trace a connection with our weather & how long afterwards. Since sending you the observatory report yesterday we have had the most terrific storm – gale of wind from S.W. – torrents of rain & thunder – we had noticed very heavy clouds at the sunset & it looked as if something were approaching, but the storm didn’t break till about 1 a.m. last night. It was most violent for nearly three hours so if you get the same you had better be on the look out – I wonder how far you have got now – I do hope you are getting on well & making good time. We were very disappointed not getting up to Diyatalawa last Monday, we were all packed up & everything planned when a wire came from the C.C. postponing the whole move & in a furious temper that he hadn’t been told some little minor details that no one thought he would want to know. I believe there were some very heated telegrams between him & our Colonel but of course it didn’t alter things & we have just had to wait here in the heat & packed & angry! There is hardly anyone left down here now, but I believe we really shall get off on Monday & are much looking forward to getting up to the hills & a cooler atmosphere. Ralph is going off for a week’s shooting on Thursday – he & another man & they ought to have quite a good time & see a lot of interesting country. They are going to camp out & I believe try for panther & bears at night as it will be full moon. When he gets back we expect Wynyard for a few days on his way home from Shanghai. This place is getting rather gay now with the flamboyant trees & others all coming into flower – I am afraid we shall miss them at their best. We took the children to the museum the other evening. really most interesting – besides all the Ceylon animals, birds insects, precious stones etc they had a very interesting room of the native handicrafts – pottery etc some of it most attractive – I believe you get the best things of that sort at Kandy & we must certainly make an expedition there when we get back here.

With much love & let me have a line when you can
Your loving sister

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