Pièce 13 - Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 8 November 1918

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Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 8 November 1918


  • 8-9 November 1918 (Création/Production)

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Letter to Ruth Mallory written from France

He was feeling lazy tonight and hated himself for it. He seldom went to bed before midnight but was always first to breakfast which they never had before 9 am. They were having very bad weather which was rather depressing. Went to Arras that morning with Knibbs to shop for the mess. The cathedral had been used as an observation post and suffered damage.

Had received three letters from her and the curtain which he would hang tomorrow and it would be admired. He was happy to have the bill. They were cosy and had two rugs of the thinnest and meagrest description which served to cover the worst of the floor near the fireplace.

They seemed in agreement about returning to the Holt. He wasn’t tiring of Montessori, it was interesting that she was learning all about it. To answer her question about furniture they had apart from the table, they had three armchairs and the low deep shelves. It wasn’t a big apartment. He had been wondering about the Alpine Journal and was glad she had sent it but it hadn’t arrived yet. They ought to get advice about a piano and had better get a second hand one to start with, though even that would be expensive.

Glad he had been mostly right about the end of the war. Had seen some quotes from the Times which were idiotic. The Manchester Guardian had been quite good. A recent article upbraided people for not wanting peace now it was in sight and it had been very angry with the armistice terms to Turkey for not insisting on occupying Armenia for the sake of the Armenians. It drew attention to the Austrian situation fairly early. He hadn’t really thought about the issue of punishing individual Germans. It wasn’t worth fighting a day longer for that. What crime compares with the original one of starting the war for which the whole country was responsible and would be punished. Where would you draw the line when punishing individuals who would argue they were following orders?

9th - A lovely frosty, sunny morning. Would possibly go searching for Geoffrey Keynes who was about 20 miles from there. The car would have to get beer for the men.

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