Pièce 17 - Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 6-7 March 1917

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Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 6-7 March 1917


  • 6 March 1917 (Création/Production)

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Letter to Ruth Mallory written from France on 'March 6 1917'

He had received two good letters from her. He thought it very, very likely that the war would end that year but they had been disappointed before. It was worse for her as she was just awaiting for it to end whereas he was doing things. She was also doing less than usual at present [Ruth was expecting their second child]. Thought she ought to keep on her work for the Mothers Welcome if it didn’t overburden her. He hadn’t thought of Venice lately although they came back to that sort of happiness when they met.

He hadn’t had a very exciting day. He had been looking at maps in the morning and then later observing from a tree. He didn’t know the lay of the land and the man sent to help him wasn’t much use but he had enjoyed himself. He walked down to another battery for tea and was pleased to see new primrose leaves.

March 7 – a dull day but he was planning on going out to an observation post to look around. A great advantage of battery life was the opportunity to get out into natural daylight to visit places.

He hadn’t written to anyone but her for ages and he must try. He hadn’t heard any news from Charterhouse and asks after Mr Fletcher. He owed Hoenni a letter and would send a letter to Mary for Ruth to forward. He had received a parcel of sausages and would be glad of parcels now as when it was muddy the lorries didn’t get through and they lived on bully beef and biscuits.

He didn’t go up to the observation post in the end as it was too misty but would go up tomorrow and stay for two days which he would enjoy but it would probably rain.

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