Pièce 11 - Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 5 November 1918

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Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 5 November 1918


  • 5 November 1918 (Création/Production)

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Letter to Ruth Mallory written from France

The post had become erratic again and, as he didn’t have a letter from her to respond to, he didn’t feel like corresponding as there was nothing much going on. The most exciting event that had happened was his visit to a lagoon with Wilson and Knibbs. These were a series of large ponds on the other side of the river. He had previously discovered a boat there which turned out to be a lumpy old barge with two improvised oars and one seat for the oarsman. They explored the lagoon and then decided to transfer it to the river which was hard work. They planned to go down river and visit a friend of Wilson’s. There were obstacles near where the French were reconstructing a railway bridge over the river and they had to get them to help partially demolish a wooden foot bridge to let them pass. They did so willingly and were amused by their performance. When they reached their destination they found the man they had come to see was out.

Today was wet and he had only left the truck to go to A. [Arras] to interview the joiner about some windows. The Major hadn’t gone to Versailles in the end. Wilson had left to go on a three week gunnery course. Glad it wasn’t him. The left section were still at the Base. Hoped they would come up soon as it would be amusing to see them.

Frequently thought of their future at the Holt with relish but how would she solve the preliminary difficulties of fuel and servants etc. He was impatient about the delay in publishing terms and hated to think of the war lasting a day longer than it needed to. Had rather lost interest in the war and politics at present although that would change when peace talks started.

Wanted to hear more about her trip to London. What books did she find in the London Library? Thanks her for looking for articles for him.

Sends his congratulations to her father on his recovery and asks when he was likely to walk again.

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