Pièce 28 - Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 31 March 1917

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Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 31 March 1917


  • 31 March 1917 (Création/Production)

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Letter to Ruth Mallory written from France on 'March 31 1917'

They had been very lucky since they had left P. The village was more or less unstrafed so they had a sound roof over their heads and glass in their windows. They had worked hard but had an easy move.

They had fired for the first time and he had been observing. It was strange not seeing trenches in front of them or hearing guns firing on either side. He had nearly had a nasty fall when coming down from the first floor via the rafters and a ladder but had managed to save himself.

He had an exciting climb up a fallen tree and observed their firing in a gale of wind. It was foolish to destroy future billets but they were only carrying out orders.

The infantry were attacking i.e. walking slowly across open fields until they reoccupied the village in front almost without opposition except for some slight firing from the Germans but there were no casualties. Two Lewis guns were firing near him which were spotted by the enemy who sent over a dozen ‘whizz bangs’. The gunners had to move but his signallers had cover but it wasn’t pleasant for him.

He returned from the observation post exploring two copses. Spring was late that year.

Went to the Cavalry mess and sat talking and smoking with them when suddenly there was a fearful crash and the windows shattered. He had never seen men move so quickly. He thought it was a shell and remained where he was as he had learned that the next shell would be very unlikely to land in the same place and had long ago ceased to be startled unduly by loud noises. Another fearful bang had come and they saw it was his gun firing. A call had come but they had time to warn them to open their windows. He had to apologise and lead them to a position behind their gun to see the work that was going on.

The Major came and said they had to move that night and he had to go with him to find a position at once. That was at 6pm and they were back by 7.30pm. No position had ever been found so quickly. They had no choice. He was prepared for a night up and a strenuous day next day getting things straight. When they got back orders had come in that it was the other half of the battery who had to shift. They had had the worst of it. He shared a room with Johnson and Dunbar and expected tow of the right officers (Glen, Wood and Hutchinson) would join them leaving only one at the new place.

Thanks her for the parcels of cake and sausage rolls.

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