Pièce 40 - Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 28 April 1917

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Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 28 April 1917


  • 28 April 1917 (Création/Production)

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Letter to Ruth Mallory written from France on 'April 28 1917'

He had been busy building a bathroom with a floor and thin walls but no roof.

He had found more grape hyacinths, a patch or rhubarb and some leeks.

He had been reading Well’s book which was very amusing and interesting in parts. Agrees that the offensive is the winning side at present provided it had command of the air and no effective means had been invented for stopping submarines. Agrees with Well’s opinion of the army. The waste of men was amazing and using less horses would be an economy. Doesn’t agree about German airmen who were a nimble lot. Can’t dispense with horses for field batteries without very seriously impairing their mobility.

Gives his opinion on how the war might end – cutting the railway to Constantinople, Russian and the Romanians retaking Romania. Germany may collapse in the summer but he didn’t believe she would and then everything depended on the Balkans.

Looked as though compulsory rationing would be the order in England so she should stop sending cakes. She seemed to fear going seriously short of food but he hopes she will have plenty of vegetables in the garden.

His ankle was behaving badly again and he was going to try and wear shoes for a time.

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