Pièce 100 - Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 26 October 1916

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Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 26 October 1916


  • 26 October 1916 (Création/Production)

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Letter to Ruth Mallory written from France during the Battle of the Somme, 'Oct 26 1916'

They were firing at a slow rate and he was looking after the gun. The programme was written out so he had almost nothing to do and could retire to his dugout at intervals. Liked to do what the other men did and help when the gun needed pulling out of the mud.

Had a Canadian parson and an Irish parson to dinner and had an amazing argument about bequests which was rather refreshing.
Wood, Dunbar and Casey had established a mess at the right half which was a relief as the Captain dislikes them. He, Lithgow and Bell got along quite happily. Had seen Earl and Williams the previous evening at their mess which he could see from his dugout. Saw little of them as their battery had no system of relief and they never knew when they would definitely be off duty. Austin had an old complaint of the kidneys made worse by damp and it would be difficult for him to keep well in these conditions.

Discusses Kipling’s report of the Battle of Jutland and asks Ruth to see if there are accounts about the actions of different ships during the battle.

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