Pièce 115 - Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 25 November 1916

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Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 25 November 1916


  • 25 November 1916 (Création/Production)

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Letter to Ruth Mallory written from France, 'Nov 25 1915' [it is actually 1916]

The Captain thought, as they all did, that he did too much himself so they were taking it in turns doing the Battery Commander work. He had begun today and was in the Captain’s dugout and was in charge of the battery so far as shooting was concerned, orders from HQ, ammunition etc.

Yesterday he had been to the observation post taking Dunbar’s turn so he could get a job finished but the light was bad so he didn’t succeed. It was atrociously cold. Some pleasant infantry fellows were occupying the trench. They shared lunch and chatted around a fire.

Had been writing a report about his reconnaissance which was a voluntary stunt which be thought was interesting and hoped would be useful.

He was beginning to have little hope of leave in the near future. Had received her letters and was glad that Clare was better. It was splendid to hear of her standing. Didn’t want her to become bandy legged. The song books had arrived as well as a chocolate cake.

Thanked Mrs W. for her noble efforts.

He had managed to have a hot bath which was the first since he had been out there.

‘It’s been soaking wet all day’ is written up the margin.

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