Pièce 83 - Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 23 September 1916

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Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 23 September 1916


  • 23 September 1916 (Création/Production)

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1 item, paper

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Letter to Ruth Mallory written from France during the Battle of the Somme, 'Sept 23'

His hand was wobbly after driving in a stake with a very heavy maul. Was hoping he would get fit before he went climbing again. Intended to enjoy the late summer as there would be gloomy days afterwards.

Had been interested by Born in Exile [by George Gissing] which he describes.

Was sharing the work of the advanced section with Dunbar and describes his routine. Asks her to send out tea, about three packets of Mexican chocolate and a dozen soup squares.

He had seen Austin Earl twice more and describes his character. Had received a letter from Urquhart but felt too cynical to answer as he knew that he just wanted to hear how much danger he was in.

Looking at No. 4 gun under her camouflage of wire netting she looked quite a pleasant object but if Dante could see some of the terrible monsters out there he would write it was just what he needed for this inferno and would make drawings in his notebook (felt Dante was a notebook man). Thinks the inferno can’t have been such an unpleasant place. Compares his current situation and hell. Says hell is peopled by two kinds of bores – those with harsh insistent voices and the rest with polished manners. Asks her if she would rather go to Heaven or Hell. If Hell makes people aware that they were wrong, Heaven makes them no less conscious that they were right.

Asks her to copy out this letter for his mother. Hates to think of his letters going around his friends and this not to be among them as it was very like the real him.

Was glad she had spoken to Will and asks what he was doing.

Had just found four lice on a mackintosh cape on which he was sitting.

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