Pièce 37 - Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 23 April 1917

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Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 23 April 1917


  • 23 April 1917 (Création/Production)

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Letter to Ruth Mallory written from France on 'April 23 1917'

He had received some old letters from her and isn't happy that the post is so bad. They hadn't heard much more about he great operations in the north and south. Had received a letter from Polly. Her father had suffered two bad strokes. He was in his 80s and had married again. As he was semi paralytic his wife was also nursing him. Polly was quite calm about it and didn't really know or love her father and couldn't like him but wouldn't have the new Lady Jenkinson in her home. Polly was capable to creating and living in false worlds. She was nursing and it he thought it would be as well for her if the war went on for another 30 years.

Had a good time at the observation post and had conducted a shoot of 100 rounds. Too cold to walk in the woods but had picked some polyanthus and grape hyacinths which he had put in her bowl in the mess.

There was a good deal of activity about inoculation. So far his servant had given notice that as a result of his inoculation he wouldn't be able to shave him for some days.

Was hoping for some warmer weather. He had found some daffodils and Lithgow some rhubarb which they planned on cutting. The cream she had sent was very good and asks her to send more and to continue sending the sausages. He had ordered two pipes from Cambridge and told them to send her the bill. Asks her to send something for his hair which inclined to scruffiness and his barber servant said he should have some dry shampoo which he thought was a good idea as it was hard to wash his hair out there.

The battery were all together and Wood was sleeping with him in Dunbar's place which he was glad of as the effort of dispelling Dunbar's habitual cloud of gloom was wearisome.

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