Pièce 49 - Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 2 September 1917

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Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 2 September 1917


  • 2 September 1917 (Création/Production)

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Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Avington Park Camp, Winchester

Suggests the possibility of Ruth living in a small village nearby so he could live with her. Had walked to the top of a hill and described seeing a natural amphitheatre which consoled him for the shock of finding himself in a military camp. Dinner on the first night was very solemn and he addressed one remark to each of his neighbours and men opposite but no one opened conversation with him and there was no general talk. Describes the previous night’s dinner which began badly but improved and his neighbour was ‘quite human and interested’ and it was a pleasant little party.

His bed wasn’t a brilliant success as the straw was so hard. The camp was well arranged and hospitable and he had a good hot bath before dinner last night.

He was planning on walking to Itchen Abbas for lunch at the Plough Inn, then walk up the river and back over the hills.

[letter continues later in pencil] – the Plough Inn didn’t have any food so he had gone to the Black Swan and had white bread and yellow butter (not the military variety) and there was raspberry jam and white sugar lumps.

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