Pièce 19 - Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 19 May 1916

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Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 19 May 1916


  • 19 May 1916 (Création/Production)

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Letter to Ruth Mallory written from France

To show her what life was like he would describe two scenes. Scene I 12.30am to 1.30am – Noise of several hooters and the great bell clanging. Hurried figures moving in the street or standing at the doors of houses all wearing a mask with goggles. The gun numbers hasten to the gun carrying a large parcel on their tummies from which a snake seems to leap up to their mouths. All stand around for an hour imagining they see gas in the air. Then when its been established gas has not come their way they all troop back to bed.

Scene II – long grass and the breeze of early summer rustling the trees. Two men in the middle of a garden space looking at the sky through field glasses for hostile aeroplanes. A figure lying in a camp armchair idly reading a novel and another by him on the grass. Occasionally look skyward too.

He was sitting out now towards dinner time. Occasionally could hear a field gun going off but chiefly could hear the soft whizz of shells. Only 10 mins since their band had stopped – trombone, melodion, penny whistle, tambourine (very homemade) and Bell on the flute.

There were many idle moments but next week he would be on duty and his responsibilities would be greater. His stomach was out of sorts possibly caused by a stew and he couldn’t eat.

She is not to be alarmed when he talks about gas as the respirators were very efficient and not too bad to wear and they were far enough away to have plenty of warning. He is afraid the poor fellows in the trenches must get caught sometimes.

Sends his love to all at Birkenhead.

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