Pièce 50 - Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 17 July 1916

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Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 17 July 1916


  • 17 July 1916 (Création/Production)

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Letter to Ruth Mallory written from France during the Battle of the Somme, 'July 17 1916'

Comments on her reply to his views on religious education.

Responds to her question as to whether he will be older after the war by saying he used to be more gay but could be so again after the war and this healthy life of action was wonderfully youth giving.

Had little to do yesterday and were still idle. Describes what he thinks will happen next in the battle. They were in the thick of the fighting and half the places mentioned in the papers were in their line of fire or visible from the observations posts.

Thanks her for two parcels. Asks her to send soup tablets. It was wet weather. Bell was playing the flute. He had written to his mother so that would save her copying out his letter. Corrects her spelling of the word ‘copying’ [Ruth was dyslexic]. Asks her to read over her letters before sending them as some of her omissions makes it difficult to make out the meaning. Hopes she treats other people better than she treated him in that resect. He didn’t think it nice for her to let her thoughts go forth in such a careless fashion. Says he has been severe and says she writes very good letters and he didn’t want her to change the general manner.

Comments on Clutton-Brock’s reviews. Discusses how the canteen operates. Asks if she had received a photo of him that Sayle said he would send from Cambridge. He has one of her pinned to a sandbag.

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Written in pencil

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