Pièce 17 - Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 15 November 1918

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Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 15 November 1918


  • 15 November 1918 (Création/Production)

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Letter to Ruth Mallory written from France

Celebrations of peace had continued and took the form of a run out and a large meal. He had been to Lille with the Major, Pemberton, and three men from a battery in Arras. Lille was the third largest town in France, although France didn’t have many. They had lunch in a large hotel used an officers’ club which was entirely an English institution. They had then walked around the town and met others so the party grew to 10. He was depressed in the 1 1/2 hours in the ante room as it was impossible for him to join in the conversation and it was a crowd of rowdy officers of unprepossessing appearance. He skilfully manoeuvred himself to be placed at dinner between two men who seemed capable of ideas beyond incidents in military careers and performances of drunken heroes. Had a long and interesting talk about America. That and half a bottle of bubbly helped him survive the evening. He always started these evenings thinking he would enjoy himself with agreeable companions until he realised that, whatever they were individually, collectively they were all barbarians with whom he had nothing in common.

Trafford had turned up the day before yesterday and had lunch with them. His visit to Trafford was deferred until he had moved quarters. He was trying to arrange for Trafford to take him to Beauvais as he wanted to see the cathedral.

Was sorry she hadn’t found sympathy in the family for her Montessori adventures. That was so like families but she had any amount from him so she shouldn’t be discouraged.

He hoped Trafford would be sending over two planes to photograph the guns so as to furnish them with souvenirs.

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