Pièce 108 - Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 12 November 1916

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Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 12 November 1916


  • 12 November 1916 (Création/Production)

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Letter to Ruth Mallory written from France during the Battle of the Somme, 'Nov 12 1916'

Had been busy since Lithgow had gone on special leave. Had been up to the observation post and as it was too misty to observe had worked with two signallers to make a proper place for the F.O.O. [Forward Observation Officer]. Had gone to the village to meet a working party sent by Bell. The village was much less damaged and so more interesting than other villages in the area. Had waited in the growing moonlight watching the infantry coming and going but his party hadn’t turned up.

Car was out of action so had gone with Casey in the motor lorry to collect stores for the canteen which took a long time. Had two letters from her, one from Raymond and one from Harold Porter. Raymond regretted not being able to go over the top with the Guards Division on the 15th. Hoped to see him if he got leave next month. Only thing holding up regular leave was a lack of transport.

Interested in her account of Johnstone and was disappointed he hadn’t turned out more attractive. Robert wouldn’t tend to increase his modesty.

Not to send butter regularly as they could get it there. Asks if she had received any rent from the Greens as he had heard nothing since they had been at New Romney.

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