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Tollast, Robert Malcolm Priestly (1915-2008), artist

  • Person

He studied Fine Arts at the Westminster School of Art. During World War II, he was commissioned in the Intelligence Corps and joined the diplomatic service as an Attaché de Presse in the British embassies of Baghdad and Cairo. He resigned in 1948 to become a full-time portrait painter and in 1949 had his first one-man show in London and exhibited at the Royal Academy. A period of global travelling was followed by ten years painting in the United States (New York and Washington D.C.) His exhibition at the Washington gallery was opened by the then British Ambassador, the Earl of Cromer, formerly Governor of the Bank of England. In the early 1960s, he spent time in Cambridge doing portraits of college luminaries and also for local families. After he returned to England in 1976, Robert Tollast divided his time among Switzerland, France (Paris) and Italy (Milan and Florence) and Austria (Vienna) with occasional visits to Germany. During long visits to South Africa, he painted three generations of the Oppenheimer family, among other prominent figures in industry. The list of Tollast's most interesting portrait commissions includes clients internationally prominent in the arts, sciences, industry and politics, of which one of the most notable is that of Sir Winston Churchill. This was the last official portrait, of which the sitter — notoriously difficult over portraits of himself — went on record to express his approval.
Robert Tollast's most recent important commission was to paint, in oil, all the partners of the partners of the Geneva private bank Lombard Odier & Cie. He also works in water-colour and pastel and is a notably successful painter of children. At the time of his death, Tollast was royal court painter to the Habsburg family of Austria.

Fuller Maitland, Richard Evelyn (1885–1953), artist

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  • 1885–1953

Portraitist and landscape painter with works in government and regional art collections (Ipswich and Hertfordshire).
Richard Evelyn Fuller Maitland was the son of the art collector and Liberal politician William Fuller Maitland (1884–1932), of Stansted Hall, Essex. William Maitland had inherited from his own father an important collection of early Italian paintings, nine of which he sold to the National Gallery, London, in 1878, including The Mystic Nativity by Sandro Botticelli. Educated at Harrow School, Richard Maitland went on to study at Sir Hubert Herkomer’s Art School, Bushey, Hertfordshire. He also pursued a part-time military career, gaining the rank of captain in the Scots Guards. Essentially a gentleman-artist, Maitland exhibited twice at the Royal Academy, in 1904 and in 1921, when he showed a portrait of a judge, Edwin Max Konstam. His known oeuvre is small and includes A Mediterranean Scene (Bushey Museum and Art Gallery, 2004.108.1), a portrait of Sir Frederick Liddell, First Parliamentary Counsel, dated 1913 (Government Art Collection, no. 1203) and two portraits of senior members of the Admiralty. Also in 1913, Magdalene College, Cambridge, commissioned a sketch from Maitland of Thomas Hardy, then aged seventy-two.

Dumaige, Etienne (1810-88), sculptor

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  • 1810-88

Henry Etienne Dumaige (1830-1888) is a French sculptor born in Paris in 1830, died in Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie in 1888. He is the student of Jean Feuchère and Christophe Dumont. He exhibited at the Salon of French Artists from 1863 to 1886. He exhibited including The Golden Age , a plaster group at the Salon of 1863, then 1864; Hero to that of 1866 and Patrie , bronze group at the Salon of 1886. Dumaige is rewarded with a second medal in 1880. For the foundry Houdebine, participating in Exposition Universelle of 1878 in Paris, he composes two caryatids-women-flares, but he also works for other founders.
Among other things, he made statues for the Hôtel de Ville in Paris, then the one representing Rabelais , a marble for the City of Tours.

Raingo Freres

  • Corporate body

Little is known about the French clockmaker and bronzier Raingo, who almost certainly apprenticed in Paris circa 1790. He moved to Belgium, circa 1800, probably for political reasons, and from the signatures on some of his clocks, it is known that he worked in Gand and Tournay. Later, in 1823, he is recorded as being clockmaker to the duc de Chartres. The company became Raingo Frères in 1825 and thereafter clocks bear their signature with various Paris addresses. They had a workshop workshop on Rue Vielle du Temple in 1829, and from 1840 to 1850 in Rue de Saintonge. After 1860 they moved again back to Rue Vielle du Temple where they started sell bronzes. noted for the quality of their gilding and chasing. The firm exhibited at many of the important exhibitions of the second half of the 19th century, including London in 1862, and was known for the fine quality of its ormolu in particular their superb gilding and chasing.

Scholfield, Alwyn Faber (1884–1969), librarian

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  • 1884-1969

Alwyn Faber Scholfield was educated at Eton College and then studied Classics at King's College Cambridge. After graduating, he travelled and taught for a year at Eton. He worked in Cambridge University Library on classical and early printed books in 1911–12 and in 1913 he went to Calcutta as keeper of the records of the Government of India and officiating librarian of the Imperial Library, Calcutta. From 1919 to 1923 he was librarian at Trinity College, Cambridge. He was elected librarian of the University of Cambridge in 1923, and held that post until 1949. During his tenure he supervised the removal of the library from Old Schools to its current site and managed it on restricted resources during the Second World War.

Boschetti, Benedetto (1820-1870), founder of workshop

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  • 1820-1870

The workshop of Benedetto Boschetti (1820-1870) was renowned for the exceptional quality of its marble work 'after the antique'. From his premises at 74 via Condotti in Rome, Boschetti supplied extremely high quality works of art to satisfy the academic and sophisticated tastes of young Englishmen on the Grand Tour. His work was widely praised and he was awarded a medal at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. The most celebrated examples of his work today are a mosaic table depicting the Triumph of Cupid in the Gilbert Collection, London, and the fine reductions of the Warwick Vase, in rosso antico now in the Toledo Museum, Ohio.

Dupré, Giovanni (1817-1882), sculptor

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  • 1 March 1817 - 10 January 1882

Italian sculptor whose success was a product of his lifelike and original interpretation of form when Italian sculpture was deteriorating into a mannered imitation of the works of Antonio Canova. Dupré was the son of a carver in wood. Tuscan. He had a museum in Fiesole, but this is now closed.

Faber, John (c.1660-1721), draughtsman and engraver

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  • c.1660-1721

Born in Holland, John Faber came to London in around 1687 and began engraving portraits shortly thereafter. By 1707, he had established a shop near the Savoy in the Strand where he printed and published his own work. Among his more famous mezzotints are portraits of the founders of both Oxford and Cambridge, a set of the heads of the twelve Caesars and twenty-one portraits of the Reformers. Faber's work is noteworthy because he was one of the few mezzotint engravers who often both designed and engraved his plates. His son, John Faber, also became a portrait engraver.

Faure de Brousse, Vincent-Désire (1843-1908), sculptor

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  • 1843-1908

Vincent-Désire Faure de Brousse (1843 to 1908 Montpellier Paris) was a French sculptor. He was a student of Hugo Salmson in Paris and presented from 1876 - 1883 at the Paris Salon. Faure de Brousse was an exceptionally talented artist who specialised in bronze, figurative sculptures, crafted in the Italian Renaissance style. He was well-respected as a sculptor, and was regularly selected to exhibit at the Salon in Paris in the late 19th Century.

Ferville-Suan, Charles Georges (1847-1925), sculptor

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  • 16 January 1847 - 11 December 1925

Born in Le Mans, in Sarthe, on 16 January 1847, and was adopted by the painter Charles Suan. He lived during a certain period in Montmartre, and died in Le Mans on 11 December 1925. He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts of Paris, and was a pupil of François Jouffroy. He realized medaillons and statuettes, in plaster, marble or bronze. He exhibited at the Salon, as early as 1872, and until 1909, and became a member of the Société des Artistes Français.

Fiaschi, Emilio (1858–1941), sculptor

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  • 1858–1941

An Italian sculptor presumed to have been from Volterra. From 1883 to 1885, he studied at Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze and spent most of his career in Florence, Italy. He was skilled in sculpting both marble and alabaster and most often produced female nudes, usually smaller than life-size figures. His female nudes featured highly polished skin and emphasized the curves of hips and waistlines.

Garrett, Stephen Denis (1906-1989), mycologist and Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge

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  • 1906-1989

Matric 1926. Despite six generations of engineers behind him (Garrett Engines of Leiston, Suffolk), he took up Botany, and married Jane Perkins from the rival firm in Peterborough. After research work in Adelaide, London and Rothamsted, Berks, he returned to Cambridge in 1949, becoming Reader in Mycology in 1961 and Professor in 1971. He became a Fellow in 1962, one of two elections (the other was Dr R V Short in Physiology) made to meet the recommendations of the Bridges Report about increasing the number of College fellowships for those with University posts. Garrett was an adventurous eater of fungus species, but never made a mistake.

Gregoire, Jean Louis (1840-1890), sculptor

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  • 17 December 1840 - 5 January 1890

Gregoire trained under the celebrated sculptor Jean Jules Salmson at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and his work was first exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1867. His bronze sculptures were often classical in nature and commonly took war and music as their themes, typical of the Academic style in which he was trained.

Horton, Percy (1897-1970), artist

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  • 1897-1970

Painter and draughtsman, born in Brighton, Sussex. Studied at Brighton School of Art, 1918–20, where he had a scholarship. Horton was a man of strong radical convictions, and because he was an absolute conscientious objector he had to endure two years’ hard labour in Carlton Prison, Edinburgh, 1916–18, during World War I. From 1916–18 was at Central School of Arts and Crafts under A S Hartrick and Ernest Jackson, then with a Royal Exhibition attended Royal College of Art, under Randolph Schwabe and Allan Gwynne-Jones, 1922–5. Horton went on to teach at the Royal College, 1930–49, where he was a highly respected figure, becoming Ruskin Master of Drawing at Oxford University, 1949. Taught voluntarily at the Working Men’s College, London, for a time.

Leighton, Edmund Blair (1852–1922), artist

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  • 21 September 1852 – 1 September 1922

Painter of historical genre scenes, specialising in Regency and medieval subjects. His art is associated with the pre-Raphaelite movement of the mid-to-late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Moreau Vauthier, Augustin (1831-1893), sculptor

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  • 1831-1893

Augustin Edme Moreau-Vauthier, (French, 1831-1893) exhibited La Fortune also referred to as L’Abondance, at the Paris Salon of 1878. the bronze has a gold patina, is signed with the foundry mark on the verso F. Barbedienne on the left side of base. Moreau Vauthier debuted in the Paris salon of 1857 with an ivory sculpture. Early in his career he simply signed Moreau but in 1865, he started working in bronze and signed his work with a hyphenated Moreau-Vauthier to distinguish himself from other sculptors who carried the Moreau signature such as Mathurin, Hippolyte and others who later became equally if not more successful.

Moreau, Auguste (1855-1919), sculptor

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  • 1855–1919

A French sculptor best known for his bronze-cast figurines. His allegorical Art Nouveau works often depicted women, children, cherubs, and historical figures adorned with floral motifs and ornaments, and were influential to other artists working at the time. Born in Dijon, France in 1855 to a celebrated family of sculptors, including his father, Auguste Moreau, he went on to regularly exhibit his work at the Paris Salon from 1861 on. The artist died in 1919 in France.

Peynot, Émile (1850–1932), sculptor

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  • 22 November 1850 – 12 December 1932

Peynot was born in Villeneuve-sur-Yonne, Burgundy. He became well known following his Grand Prize at the Prix de Rome sculpture competition in 1880 and a left a legacy of numerous monuments and reliefs in France as well as Argentina and Ecuador. He died in Paris in 1932.Emilé Edmond Peynot studied under Joffrey and Robinet, first exhibiting at the Salon des Artistes Fraçais 1873, later achieving the Grand Prix de Rome in 1880 and gold medals at the Paris Expositions Universelles in 1889 and 1900. His work is held by museums in Paris and his public commissions for public squares and monuments in Paris at the Petit Palais, the Opera-Comique, and the Lyon train station are lasting preservations of his achievements.

Pradier, James (1790–1852), sculptor

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  • 23 May 1790 – 4 June 1852

A Genevan-born French sculptor best known for his work in the neoclassical style. He studied under Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres in Paris. In 1827 he became a member of the Académie des beaux-arts and a professor at the École des Beaux-Arts.The cool neoclassical surface finish of Pradier's sculptures is charged with an eroticism that their mythological themes can barely disguise. James Pradier is buried in the Père-Lachaise cemetery.

Villanis, Emmanuel (1858-1914), sculptor

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  • 12 December 1858 - 28 August 1914

A French sculptor. He was born in Lille, France, and died in Paris. He studied at the Accademia Albertina in Turin. One of his teachers was Odoardo Tabacchi. From 1885, Villanis lived in Paris and became one of the most productive sculptors towards the end of the 19th century. His female bronze busts, cast by the Society de Bronze de Paris, were exported all over the world from Paris, particularly to the United States. Today his sculptures can be found regularly in auctions.

Prince Luigi Amedeo, Duke of the Abruzzi (1873–1933), mountaineer and explorer

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  • 29 January 1873 - 18 March 1933

Prince Luigi Amedeo, Duke of the Abruzzi was an Italian mountaineer and explorer known for his Arctic explorations and for his mountaineering expeditions, particularly to Mount Saint Elias (Alaska–Yukon) and K2 (Pakistan–China). In 1906 he led an expedition to the Ruwenzori Range (5,125 m), in Uganda. He scaled sixteen summits in the range, including the six principal peaks. One of them, Mount Luigi di Savoia, bears his name. The highest peak was reached on 18 June 1906.

In 1909 he aimed to climb K2 in Karakoram and he and his team reached a height of 6,250 m. The standard route up the mountain (formerly known as K2's East Ridge) climbs today on the Abruzzi Spur.

In an attempt on Chogolisa he and his companions again failed to reach the summit, but set a world altitude record, a height of approximately 7,500 m (24,600 ft) before turning around just 150 m below the summit due to bad weather.

Results 1 to 30 of 1145