Subseries 8 - Reference Materials Box 8

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Reference Materials Box 8


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Offprints and articles concerning Pepys and the Pepys Library. Known formerly as the "Pepys Library Files".

List of contents:

  1. Barker, R.A. (n.d.). 'Baker, Matthew (1530-1613)', Missing Persons from the Dictionary of National Biography. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2820; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  2. [Missing].

  3. Barker, R.A. (2001). 'Review of The Anthony Roll of Henry VIII’s Navy, ed. C.S. Knighton and D.M. Loades', Cruising, p. 54. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  4. Davies, C.S.L. (2002). 'Review of The Anthony Roll of Henry VIII’s Navy, ed. C.S. Knighton and D.M. Loades', English Historical Review, 117(471), p. 467. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  5. Fudge, J.D. (2001). 'Review of The Anthony Roll of Henry VIII’s Navy, ed. C.S. Knighton and D.M. Loades', International Journal of Maritime History, 13(1), pp. 332-333. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  6. Anon. (2001). [Advertisement for The Anthony Roll of Henry VIII’s Navy, ed. C.S. Knighton and D.M. Loades], Sea History, 97. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  7. Runyan, T.J. (2002). 'Review of The Anthony Roll of Henry VIII’s Navy, ed. C.S. Knighton and D.M. Loades', Albion, 34(2), pp. 300-301. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  8. Hutchinson, G. (2001). 'Review of The Anthony Roll of Henry VIII’s Navy, ed. C.S. Knighton and D.M. Loades', Mariner's Mirror, 87(4), p. 490. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  9. Sicking, L. (2003). 'Review of The Anthony Roll of Henry VIII’s Navy, ed. C.S. Knighton and D.M. Loades', Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis, 22, p. 90. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  10. Knighton, C.S. and Wilson, T. (2001). ‘Serjeant Knight’s Discourse on the Cross and Flags of St. George (1678)’, The Antiquaries Journal, 81, pp. 351-390. (Relates to PL 2877; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  11. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). 'The Anthony Roll', Mary Rose Trust Report, vol. 3. [Typescript]. (Relates to PL 2991; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  12. Chappell, E. (1933). 'Samuel Pepys as a Naval Administrator: a lecture delivered to the Hull Historical Association on 29th September'. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  13. Marsden, P. (comp.) (1999). The Mary Rose Historical Sourcebook. [Typescript draft]. (Relates to PL 2991; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  14. Swain, R.L. (2002). ‘Henry VIII’s unlikely Naval Hero’, MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History, 14(2), pp. 38-47. (Relates to PL 2991, PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  15. Brioist, P. (2002). 'Des mathematiciens au service des princes: La Renaissance, periode faste pour la geometrie et l'arithmetique', La Recherche, 7, pp. 32-36. (Relates to PL 2820; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  16. Martin, C. (2002). ‘Gun ships and sea dogs: a Tudor sea change in naval tactics set the course of English supremacy afloat’, British Heritage, 23(4), pp. 34-41. (Relates to PL 2991; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  17. Rennoldson, N. (n.d.). 'Review of The Anthony Roll of Henry VIII’s Navy, ed. C.S. Knighton and D.M. Loades', Arquebusier, 25/26, pp. 34-37. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2991; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  18. [Restricted access].

  19. [Restricted access].

  20. Sandford, F. (1687). The History and Coronation of James II. [Cross-section reproduction of illustration of the procession for the Coronation featuring Pepys]. (Relates to PL 2929; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  21. ‘The Restoration Navy’, in Hodges, H.W. and Hughes, E.A. (eds.) (1922) Select Naval Documents. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 71-89. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 1143; PL 2849; PL 2850; PL 2851; PL 2854; PL 2856; PL 2866; PL 2867
    PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  22. 'Reports of Pepys’s speech in the House of Commons, March 5th, 1668, Communicated by Mr E. S. de Beer', The Mariner’s Mirror (1928), 14(1), pp. 55-57. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  23. Wilson, J. (2001). ‘The Great Fire of Wymondham 1615’, The Annual: the Bulletin of the Norfolk Archaeological and Historical Research Group, 10, pp. 29-42. [Illustrated with woodcuts from ‘The arraignement Of John Flodder and his wife’ (Ballads 1: 130-1)]. (Relates to PL 2505; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  24. [Correspondence relating to MS corrections of 'In Rei Memoria'(1889)], Notes and Queries, 7. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 1143; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  25. Tanner, J.R. (1923). 'Notes on Pepys's "Admiralty Journal" of 1674-9', Mariner's Mirror, 9(4), pp. 110-114. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  26. Wilson, G.A., Field, A.P. and Fullerton, S. (2002). ['The Big Brown Eyes of Samuel Pepys'](DOI: 10.1001/archopht.120.7.969), Arch Ophthalmol, 120(7), pp. 969-975. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 1836-41; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  27. Pool, B. (1970). 'Pepys and the Thirty Ships', History Today, 20(7), pp. 489-495. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  28. Probst, N. (1993). 'Nordeuropæisk spanteopslagning i 1500- og 1600-tallet: Belyst ud fra danske kilder', in E. Gøbel and J. Lorentzen (eds.) Maritim Kontakt XVI. Copenhagen: Kontaktudvalget for Dansk Maritim Historie- og Samfundsforskning, pp. 7-42. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2820, PL 2910; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  29. 'Reynart the Foxe', in W.J.B. Crotch (1928) The Prologues and Epilogues of William Caxton. London: Pub. for the Early English Text Society by H Milford, Oxford University Press, pp. 62-63. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 1796; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  30. Scott, K.L. (2002). 'Four early fifteenth-century English manuscripts of the Speculum humanae salvationis and a fourteenth-century exemplar', English Manuscript Studies: 1100-1700, 10, pp. 177-203. (Relates to PL 2359).

  31. Kirk, R. (1934). ‘Pepys and Camden’s "Britannia"’, Times Literary Supplement, May 3, p. 322. [Photocopy].

  32. The Friend's of Thomas Plume’s Library (2001). Events in 2001. [Leaflet].

  33. Luckett, R. (1999). The Pepys Library Project. [Typescript proposal].

33a. Hobson, A. (1970). ‘Pepys Library Magdalene College Cambridge’, in Great Libraries. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, pp. 213-222. [Photocopy]. [Appendix A in The Pepys Library Project].

  1. Blackburn, M. (2002). ‘Discrepancies, Pepys’ Catalogue/Wing’. Email to Charles Knighton, 21 October. [Contains C. Knighton's email replies 'PL Census Queries']. (Relates to PL 362(4),(30); PL 363(51); PL 365(7), (35)).

  2. Heal, A. (1948). ‘17th-century booksellers’ & stationers’ tradecards’, Alphabet and Image, 8, pp. 51-62. (Relates to PL 2973.500 (b, e, a)).

  3. van der Waals, J. (1984). 'Review of Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, volume 3, part 1: Prints and drawings (general). Comp. by A.W. Aspital', Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art, 14(2), pp. 143-147.

  4. [Restricted access].

  5. Lockwood, W.A. (n.d.). 'Missing prints in red'. [Hand list]. (Relates to PL 2972; PL 2973; PL 2974; PL 2975; PL 2976; PL 2977; PL 2978; PL 2979; PL 2980; PL 2981; PL 2982; PL 2983).

  6. Matthews, W. (1935). ‘Samuel Pepys and Spain’, Neophilologus, 20, pp. 120-129. [Photocopy].

39a. Matthews, H. (2003). Letter to Charles Knighton, 30 June. [Suggests that W. Matthews’ transcription of Pepys’ Tangier Diary, which he refers to in 'Samuel Pepys and Spain', was destroyed during the Blitz].

  1. Silva, G.C. (1998). O Diário Nautico do Iate “Saudades”. Uma descrição de Portugal na Segunda metade do Séc. XVII. Lisbon: Academia da Marinha, pp. 5-31. [Photocopy]. (Refers to PL 2894).

  2. Huntingdon District Council (2003). ‘Long lost Samuel Pepys documents discovered in Huntingdon’. [Two copies of printout from website accessed 17/04/2003].

  3. Barrington-Ward, S. (2003). Sermon for the Tri-centenary of the death of Samuel Pepys. 25 May, Magdalene College Chapel, Cambridge.

  4. Gaimster, D. (2003). ‘The Mary Rose’, British Archaeology, 7, pp. 13-19. (Relates to PL 2991).

  5. Mount, F. (2003). ‘Periwigs and posterity’, The Times Literary Supplement, May 21.

  6. Greenwich Tour Guides Association (2003). Pepys hereabouts: Monday 26th May 2003. [Flyer].

  7. Samuel Pepys Club (2003). The Tercentenary of the death of Samuel Pepys. [Brochure].

  8. Luckett, R. (2003). ‘Pepys and the Scots’. [Typescript for newspaper article].

  9. Groome, S. (2002-3). ‘The progression of statuary in the Privy Garden at Hampton Court Palace’. The London Gardener, 8, pp. 36-51. (Relates to PL 2972(213)).

  10. Wiche, G. (2003). Pepys Tercentenary 2003. [Pamphlet].

  11. Loverci, F. (1997). ‘Homo Californianus: vicende storiche e letterarie’, Clio, 33(1), pp. 5-40. [Includes letter to Richard Luckett from the author].

  12. McShane Jones, A. (2004). ‘Revealing Mary: what depictions in broadsides of Mary II with her breasts exposed tell us about 17th century popular attitudes to royalty’, History Today, 54(3), pp. 40-46. (Relates to PL 2505-9).

  13. Kjegleklubben ‘Pepys’ [Bowling Club]. (2001). Kongeaften 2001. 24 November, Bergen, Norway. [Programme in Norwegian. With quotations from the Diary and illustrated with Per Schwab’s murals at the bowling alley].

  14. Gaskell, R. (2004). 'Printing House and Engraving Shop, a Mysterious Collaboration', The Book Collector, 53(2). (Relates to PL 506(a)).

  15. Carey, H.M. (2003). 'What Is the Folded Almanac? The Form and Function of a Key Manuscript Source for Astro-Medical Practice in Later Medieval England', Social History of Medicine, 16(3), pp. 481-509. (Relates to PL 1662).

  16. Anon. (1961). 'Samuel Cooper as Prince of Limners' [Review of Royal Academy Exhibition “The Age of Charles II”], The Times, 3 January.

  17. Kirkby, B, Nye-Browne, M. and Zafrana, V. (1997). Wicca: "I Don't Believe in Witches But They Exist!" [Exhibition catalogue]. The Gallery, University of Essex 27 May-27 June. (Relates to PL 2973(447a)).

  18. Cunningham, G. (ed.) (1991). Henry VIII, 500th anniversary of his birth. London: British Tourist Authority. [Leaflet]. (Relates to PL 2991).

  19. Bonhams (n.d.). 'Pepys (Samuel)', Catalogue of Printed Books, Maps & Manuscripts, p. 176. [Features letter signed by Samuel Pepys, Navy Office, 15 July 1668].

  20. Sheppard, J.M. (ed.) (1997). A guide to the census of Western medieval bookbinding structures to 1500 in British Libraries. s.l.: s.n.

  21. McCusker, J.J. (2005). 'The demise of distance: the business press and the origins of the information revolution in the Early Modern Atlantic world', The American Historical Review, 110(2), pp. 294-321. (Relates to PL 2972-3).

  22. Jill Flintham in front of open book press in Pepys Library during inspection June 2005. [Photograph].

  23. Moor, D. and McLeod, W.H.H (trans.) (2005). “Worshipful Company of Shipwrights”. An account of all the proceedings had in the years 1683 and 1684 between the Free Shipwrights of London And the Corporation of Shipwrights of Redrith... a transcription from The Company’s Book of Ordinances to 1792. (Guildhall ms 4600) and Checked against Pepys mss at Magdalene. [Typescript]. (Relates to PL 2875/421-463).

  24. Dumenda Productions (2005). Samuel Pepys: a life worth living. San Francisco, 8-18 September. [Multiple flyers and posters].

  25. Cambridge Illuminations Conference (2005). Cambridge Illuminations Conference: Pepysian MSS on display 10 Dec 2005. [Typescript list].

  26. Cockerill, T. (2005). 'The Cockerills, heirs of Samuel Pepys', Genealogists’ Magazine, 28(7), pp. 305-309. [Photocopy].

  27. Woolfolk, M. (2006). 'Searching for Samuel Pepys', British Heritage, pp. 42-48.

  28. Edwards, H.G.M et al. (2004). 'Raman spectroscopy of archaeological samples from the Barber-Surgeon's medicine chest on the Mary Rose', Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 35(8-9), pp. 746-753.

  29. Gibson-Wood, C. (2003). 'Marcellus, Laroon, John Baptist Gaspars and the portraits of Charles II for Christ’s Hospital’, The Burlington Magazine, 145(1204), pp. 505-509. [Photocopy].

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