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Offprints and articles concerning Pepys and the Pepys Library. Known formerly as the "Pepys Library Files".

List of contents:
1a. Wormald, F. (n.d.). Notes on the Lauderdale sale catalogue of January 1692. [Photocopy].

1b. Wormald, F. (n.d.). Some Pepysian Manuscripts in the Pepysian Library. [Typescript essay].

1c. Wormald, F. (n.d.). ‘Bibliotheca Manuscripta Lauderdaliana’, pp. 151-158. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 1584; PL 2329; PL 2014; PL 2002; PL 1576).

  1. Goldstein, L.M. (1966). ‘The Pepys Ballads’, The Library, 21(4), pp. 282-292. (Relates to PL 2505-9).

  2. Chiggiato, A. (1991). 'Contenuti delle Architetture Navali Antiche', Anteneo Veneto, pp. 141-211. [Two copies]. (Relates to PL 2820).

  3. Carcas B. (1991). The Life of James Carkesse, 1634-1711. [Typescript essay - includes loose letter from Bernard Carcas to Robert Latham]. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

  4. Latham, R.C. (1991). 'Pepys and his editors', in J. Horden (ed.) Bibliographia: Lectures, 1975-88, by recipients of the Marc Fitch Prize for Bibliography. Oxford: Leopard's Head, pp. 105-119.

  5. Latham, R.C. (1958). ‘Samuel Pepys - Scientist’, Crookes Digest, 30, pp. 2-9. (Relates to PL 1836-4).

  6. MacArthur, W.P. (1928). ‘Some Medical References in Pepys’, Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, pp. 1-15. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

8a. Nottingham Court Press. Sir Francis Drake's Pocket Almanac. London: Nottingham Court Press. [Leaflet for facsimile of PL 1].

8b. Nottingham Court Press. Map of Rome. London: Nottingham Court Press. [Brochure for facsimile of PL 2990]

8c. Nottingham Court Press. A Samuel Pepys Scrapbook - Views of London and Westminster. London: Nottingham Court Press. [Brochure for collection of prints].

  1. Aldwych Books. The Mary Rose Print. London: Aldwych Books Ltd. [Brochure for facsimile of the Mary Rose]. (Relates to PL 2991).

  2. Engle, G. (1993). ‘The Tradescant Tomb: The significance of the carvings’, Museum of Garden History Newsletter, 47, pp. 27-29. (Relates to PL 2972/166a & b).

  3. Sorrell, M. (1993). ‘Jack Fool’s Picture’, Essex Journal, 28(1), pp. 21-24.

  4. Ullendorff, E. (1992). ‘An Ethiopic Inscription in Westminster Abbey', Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 2(2), pp. 167-173. (Reference to Sir Samuel Morland).

  5. Shesgreen, S. (1992). ‘The Cries of London in the Seventeenth Century’, The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 86(3), pp. 269-294. (Relates to PL 2973).

14a. Adams, S. (1992). ‘The Papers of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester I. The Browne-Evelyn Collection’, Archives, 20(87), pp. 63-85. (Relates to PL 2502-4).

14b. Adams, S. (1993). ‘The Papers of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester II. The Atye-Cotton Collection’, Archives, 20(90), pp. 131-144. (Relates to PL 2502-4).

  1. Adams S. (1991). 'Review: The Gran Armada: 1988 and After', History, 76(247), pp. 238-249.

  2. Peck, E.H. (1993). The Battle of Glenlivet. Published for Avonside Conservation Group. (Relates to PL 358/4).

  3. Barker, R.A. (1992). ‘Shipshape for Discoveries, and Return’, The Mariner’s Mirror, 78(4), pp. 433-447.

18a. Barker, R.A. (1992). 'Of caravelas, tides and water', Rota da Seda, UNESCO, Sagres, April. [Typescript].

18b. Barker, R.A. (1992). 'Of caravelas, tides and water', Rota da Seda, UNESCO, Sagres, April, pp. 101-125.

  1. Barker, R.A. (1992). ‘Barrels at Sea: Water, Stowage and Guns on the Portugese Ocean’. I Simpósio de História Marítima, December. Lisbon: Academia de Marinha. [Typescript].

  2. Barker, R.A. (1994). 'A Manuscript on Shipbuilding, circa 1600, copied by Newton’, Mariner's Mirror, 80(1), pp. 16-29.

  3. Boydell & Brewer (1994). Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College Cambridge. [Brochure].

  4. [Missing].

  5. Good Company Theatre Productions (1994?). The Pepys Show: The private life and public times of Samuel Pepys, by Dennis Saunders directed by Sue Pomeroy, Cambridge Arts Theatre, 25-30 June. [Flyer].

  6. Turner, F. McD. C. (1933). ‘Pepys’s Books’, The Cambridge Review, p. 430.

  7. Old Hall Press (1994). The Cryes of London: The Collection in the Pepys Library. Leeds: Old Hall Press. [Brochure]. (Relates to PL 2972; PL 2980).

  8. Johnston, S. (1994). 'Mathew Baker and the Art of the Shipwright' in Making mathematical practice : gentlemen, practitioners and artisans in Elizabethan England. PhD dissertation. University of Cambridge. (Relates to PL 2820).

  9. Pezzini, D. (1994). 'Un Trattato sulla vita e attiva dalle "Revelationes" (VI, 65) di Santa Brigida: edizione di "An Informacion of Contemplative Lyf and Actif" dal MS Oxford, Bodley 423'. Aevum, 68(2), pp. 379-406. (Relates to PL 2125).

  10. Spufford, M. (1996). Chippenham to the World: microcosm to macrocosm. Roehampton Institute London, 20 February. pp. 4-23.

  11. de la Bédoyère, G. (1994). ‘John Evelyn’s Library Catalogue’, The Book Collector, 43(4), pp. 529-48. [Two copies].

  12. Gardner, M. (1974). ‘Mathematical games: The arts as combinatorial mathematics, or how to compose like Mozart with dice’, Scientific American, 231(6), pp. 132-136. [Two copies]. (Relates to PL 2467-8).

  13. HarperCollins (1995). The Diary of Samuel Pepys. [Publicity page for the first paperback edition of Pepys' Diary].

  14. Ratcliffe, M. (1995). ‘Pepys and the art of peeping’ [book review in newspaper], 19 March.

  15. Tomalin, C. (1995). ‘Private and public pleasures’ [book review], The Guardian, July 28.

  16. Harper, C.H.A. (n.d.). Samuel Pepys - Sermon-Taster. [Typescript essay].

  17. Aubrey, J. (1718-19). 'Appendix', in 1975 facsimile of The Natural History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey, pp. 330-333. [Photocopy].

  18. Gumpert, J.P. (1990). ‘Über Faltbücher, vornehmlich Almanache’, Rationalisierung der Buchherstellung im Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit, Wolfenbüttel, 12-14 November. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL1662).

  19. Taguchi, M. (1996). ‘The Legend of the Cross: Comparative Translation from English, Anglo-Norman and Latin’, Journal of Osaka Sangro University, 89, pp. 17-28. (Relates to PL 2125).

  20. Taguchi, M. (1996). ‘The legend of the Cross before Christ: another prose treatment in English and Anglo-Norman’, Poetica, 45, pp. 15-61.

  21. Podgorsky, A.V. (1996). An Ordinary Story of Love. [In Cyrillic alphabet].

  22. Podgorsky, A.V. (1996). John Evelyn’s Memoirs: towards a definition of the genre. [In Cyrillic alphabet].

  23. Keynes, M. (1997). ‘Why Samuel Pepys stopped writing his Diary: his dimming eyesight and ill-health’, Journal of Medical Biography, 5(1), pp. 25-29.

  24. Hull, D. (1997). ‘Robert Hooke: A Fractographic Study of Kettering-Stone’, Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 51(1), pp. 45-55.

  25. Bennett, I. (1994). Mr Pepys and His Musique: Three Scenes with Incidental Music of the Period. Oxford: Shakespeare Head Press.

  26. Withers, C. (1997). ‘Geography, royalty and empire: Scotland and the making of Great Britain, 1603-1661’, Scottish Geographical Magazine, 113(1), pp. 22-32. (Relates to PL 2973 (330a)).

  27. Cameron, A. (1996). ‘And it’s all written down in his diary’, Lloyd’s List. [Photocopy of review of Samuel Pepys and the second Dutch war: Pepys's navy white book and Brooke House papers. Transcribed by William Matthews and Charles Knighton; edited by Robert Latham]. (Relates to PL 2581).

  28. Capp, B. (1997). 'Review of Samuel Pepys and the second Dutch war: Pepys's navy white book and Brooke House papers. Transcribed by William Matthews and Charles Knighton; edited by Robert Latham', The Mariner's Mirror, 83(1), pp. 105-106. (Relates to PL 2581).

  29. Ollard, R. (n.d.). ‘Scott inquiry or the 17th Century’, Daily Telegraph. [Photocopy of review of Samuel Pepys and the second Dutch war: Pepys's navy white book and Brooke House papers. Transcribed by William Matthews and Charles Knighton; edited by Robert Latham].

  30. Strauß, U. (1997). ‘Herzog, Kreigsschiffkapitän, Abenteurer. Unbekannte Quellen 1673-1675 aus dem Wolfenbütteler Nachlaß des Christian August von Holstein-Norburg’, Braunschweigisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschicht,78, pp. 149-172. (Relates to PL 2141).

  31. Frugé, A. (1993). ‘London 1660 and 1960: The Coded Words of Sam Pepys’, in A Skeptic Among Scholars: August Frugé on University Publishing, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, pp. 167-184. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL1836-41).

  32. McCue, J. (1998). ‘And so back to Cambridge’, The Times, 12 February. [Also includes photocopy].

  33. Davidson, A. (1996). '“Some by Stenography”? Stationers, Shorthand, and the Early Shakespearean Quartos’, The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 90(4), pp. 417-449. (Relates to PL 402).

  34. Dobbs, C. and Swinbank, E. (1998) ‘Raising the Mary Rose’, Physics Review, 7(4), pp. 6-10. (Relates to PL 2991).

  35. Gibson, K. (1997). The Cult of Charles II. London: The Royal Stuart Society.

  36. Bellew, G. (1982). ‘An examination of the flags and heraldry on the contemporary picture of the Mary Rose’, The Coat of Arms, 122, pp. 47-53. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2991).

  37. Kelly, J. (1998). ‘Once a Pirate’, Mercator’s World, 3(3), pp. 50-57.

  38. Thompson, R. (1976). ‘Samuel Pepys’s Penny Merriments: a Checklist', The Library, 31(3), pp. 223-34. [Two photocopies]. (Relates to PL 302-304).

  39. (1962). ‘Secret of the Obelisk Discovered: Expert "deciphers" missing inscription’, The Guardian, 25 December.

  40. Watson, P. (1983). ‘Hewer, William (1642-1715) of Gauden House, Clapham Surr.’, in B.D. Henning (ed.) The House of Commons 1660-1690, London: Secker & Warburg for the History of Parliament Trusted, p. 542. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 1836).

  41. Watson, P. (1983). ‘Carteret, Sir George, 1st Bt. (c. 1610-80), of Whitehall and Hawnes, Beds.’, in B.D. Henning (ed.) The House of Commons 1660-1690, London: Secker & Warburg for the History of Parliament Trusted, pp. 29-31. [Photocopy].

  42. Astengo, C. (1996). Elenco Preliminare di Carte ed Atlanti Nautici Manoscitti: Eseguiti Nell’Area Mediterranea Nel Periodo 1500-1700 e Conservati Presso Enti Pubblici, Genova: Istituto di Geografia, Università di Genova.

  43. Keynes, S.D. (n.d.). Typescript relating to Humphrey Wanley’s 'Book of Specimens'. (Relates to PL 2981).

  44. Strauß, U. (1997). ‘Aus dem Schiffstagebuch der HMS ANTHELOPE 1673/74', Das Logbuch, 33, pp. 170-173.

63a. Pepys, S. ‘Beauty Retire’. [Multiple photocopies of modern sheet music]. (Relates to PL 2803).

63b. Pepys, S. ‘It is decreed’. [Multiple photocopies of modern sheet music]. (Relates to PL 2803).

  1. Luckett, R. (1995). ‘Pepys and Hackney’, in Hackney History, volume one, London: Friends of Hackney Archives, pp. 3-9.

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