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Forme autorisée du nom
Limentani, Uberto (1913-1989), Italianist and Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge
forme(s) parallèle(s) du nom
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Autre(s) forme(s) du nom
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Zone de description
Dates d’existence
15 December 1913 - 17 August 1989
Of Milanese Jewish descent, Limentani left fascist Italy in July 1939. He joined the Italian Dept of the University in 1945, and became the Professor of Italian, 1964-1982; he was particularly well-known for his work on Dante. He was a professorial Fellow of the College from 1964, and an Honorary Fellow in 1988. He was awarded the gold medal of the Italian Government for services to scholarship (1982). He gave a wonderful rendition of the Crowland grace before dinner.
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Ronald Hyam
Simon Stoddart