Informs him she is visiting Doris and expresses her opinions about relations. Describes taking Clare out to the Brocks and making a smocked tunic. Discuss the progress of the war and when he will get leave. Expresses her love for him and her wish for the war to end.
Tuesday 2 Jan. evening - Tells him about her day's activities running errands. Describes seeing dapple grey horses in the woods.
Wednesday 3 Jan. morning - Compares Clare's nature to Jean's. Asks him if people in France are feeling optimistic about the war. Expresses her concern for his safety.
Describes the snowy weather. Updates him on Bob and Mildred's travels. Describes a visit to see Constance's new baby. Tells him about her morning plans. Hopes that he has shelter where he is located. Discusses the affects the weather is having on agriculture.
Is thankful for his letters. Describes watching the kittens playing and the weather. Hopes he is having a nice time. Complains that Agnes is not much of a cook. Tells him of her drive with Mildred to Shamley Green and of her wish for them to live there one day. Reminds him to send her his new address and informs him of a coming visit from Anna and Moresco Pierce. Is sorry that Mr Reade will not be joining him.
Is sorry to hear of the death of his companions and urges him to stay safe. Describes the contents of the parcel she has sent him. Informs him that Bridget’s daughter has mumps and will not be visiting. Discusses the design of her bowl. Describes her train journey from Guildford. Discusses Mildred and her father’s organisation. Hopes he will have leave soon. Discusses the progress of the war. Tells him that Constance Mussen’s husband is in the field artillery. Is enclosing a dividend warrant for him to sign. Apologises that her letter has not been interesting and expresses her anxiety over his safety. Intends to be her father’s caddy at the golf course.
Describes the weather and her journey home from the depot on the train. Tells him about a conversation with Will and Olive Kennedy about the French army. Updates him on Clare's progress.
Discusses the progress of the German trenches. Describes her father's relationship with Owen and Mary Anne. Describes the servants annoyance at having to move guests about the house. Talks about her domestic duties. Hopes that her letters will still get through to him. Discusses her feelings about soldiers being wounded and sent home. Is enjoying having Clare to herself. Wonders how domestic duties will be allocated when Marjorie leaves. Tells him she misses him.
Describes her morning activities; writing to his mother, walking to town. Asks him if he wants the Alpine Club Journal. Discusses the book she is reading - The Round Table. Tells him Harry has left to join his regiment. Informs him that Violet has gone to Prior's Field for the day. Discusses how busy his parents are with the mission. Tells him she misses him and gives details of how she keeps busy.
Acknowledges his letter's of 25 and 26 February. Discusses the progress of the war. Describes the weather. Tells him that Peggy Gregson and Dorothea Lockhart are coming to lunch. Discusses the book Diana of the Crossway. Asks him to tell her more about his General. Updates him on Clare's progress.
Expresses in detail her love for him. Discusses her thoughts on God’s relationship with humanity. Describes a story told to her by Robert Graves concerning his experiences with spiritualism. Tells him she tried to visit the girl in need again and was unsuccessful. Describes a design for a cup.
Informs him that the curtain is finished and being sent to him. Tells him about making the Montessori apparatus on a budget. Asks for his opinion on the peace terms. Describes how Clare likes to climb ladders. Expresses her opinion about his Alpine Journal article and asks him to send it back to her.
Expresses her longing to have him home on leave. Discusses the morale of the Williams family and intends to visit them. Informs him that Violet’s mother is staying. Describes catching a goose for the Clutton-Brocks. Describes her gardening plans. Discusses the progress of the war and how and when it will end. Describes a disagreement with Violet.
Acknowledges his last letter and thanks him for the embroidery. Is glad he is now moving. Describes a piece of news Mary Anne told her about celebrations in Berlin regarding the peace with Bulgaria. Tells him about milking the cows with Marjorie and her new coat and skirt. Informs him that she has visited Flossy Carson and updates him on her health and on the unfortunate news that her baby is feared dead. Describes garden plans with Mary Anne. Discusses the progress of the war. Hopes that he has time to write. Tells him about reading a letter from Mr Lytton Strachey. Informs him she is reading about the French Revolution.
Describes her intended activities. Describes paddling in the sea with Clare and Clare's reaction to the seaside. Tells him about Uncle Lawrence's plans to make toy stands for an arts and crafts exhibition and a model of a building that will be used to remember Colonials fallen in the war. Discusses the progress of the war.
Thursday 20 July - Describes her surroundings as she writes. Describes golfing with her father and Mr Raxworthy. Discusses Clare’s lack of musical talent, her progress and her education, including learning French at a young age.
Friday 21 July – Informs him she has sent his food parcels. Apologises for her carelessness with spelling. Informs him of the death of Mr Tompson, killed in action and wonders about the safety of Mr Willet. Asks him to inform her about how much danger he is in. Informs him about the premature birth of Mrs Irvine’s son. Expects a visit from Bridget. Discusses how the war has made them grow up. Is happy that he is keeping joyful.
Acknowledges his letter of the 15th and expresses her opinions about friendship and being open with each other. Discusses The Life of Christ. Asks him if he is moving position. Updates him on the health of her father. Asks him if he likes the knife she sent him. Discusses his opinions about Robinson.
Tells him about Clare and Beridge attending a party at the Holt. Describes Violet's reaction to receiving her five pound bonus. Describes making a necklace for Marjorie. Asks him for reading suggestions and expresses what she would like to read. Tells him she would have liked to vote in his place. Asks him where in Calais is he located and expresses her fears of him being assigned another task that will keep him from coming home. Expresses her opinions about party politics. Discusses the nature of their friend's marriages and openness of their lives. Tells him she will always use the baby welfare group for doctor's advice because it is paid for by the rates. Sends him Christmas wishes.
Describes the weather, the gardens, and the walks she has been going on with Mildred. Tells him about goose hunting in the canoe. Discusses how she prays for different people.
Discusses sending him cake, tea, and dried fruits. Updates him on Clare's progress. She has enjoyed her time with Mary and explains the friendship dynamics between Bridget, Ralph and Stephen. Discusses the progress of the war and the dangers of speculating on locations of loved ones. Expresses her wish to have a baby boy next time and tells him about Clare's character. Discusses her thoughts on life and death.
She has received photographs and will send six of them to his friends. Describes her activities at Birkenhead with his mother. Discusses her opinions on public and private debt. Intends to visit Nancy Warr. Hopes that he does not feel frightened. Updates him on Clare's progress. Expresses how much she misses him and what she is doing to fill her time.
Describes in detail Clare's eating habits. Tells him about visiting Dick Wimberly and hearing about his experiences on the Somme. Updates him on Violet's tooth trouble. Discusses the capture of Monastier and the progress of the war. Tells him about the book Anne Veronica she has finished and discusses the plot. Hopes he is well and expresses her wish for him to come home on leave.
Tells him that Mildred is starting to feel unwell and Alison Steel will not be coming to visit. Discusses demobilisation and when he is likely to come home. Updates him on her father's health. Expresses her opinions on Mr Clutton Brocks' Studies in Christianity. Describes her activities for the day. Expresses her love for him.
Morning - Describes her previous day’s activities. Discusses Boswell’s book, particularly his thoughts on adultery. Describes her trip into London by electric train and talking to Doris about her expected baby. Describes her journey home on the bus.
Evening – Expresses her love for him and her wish to have another baby. Tell him that Doris believes Trafford to be on the Somme.
Expresses her happiness at receiving letters from him. Discusses in detail the progress of the war and peace talks. Expresses her gratitude that he has not been affected by shell shock. Expresses her opinion about fighting from the air. Describes a conversation between herself, her father and Olive about the leisure provisions for working men after the war and how to close the class divides. Tells him how she would like to meet the man Olive is engaged to.
Informs him about being included in her father and Mr Fanshawe’s meeting for the National Mission. Discusses in detail the question of how the Church can help with practical matters within the parish. Describes in detail the service she attended through the Mission led by Mrs Fanshawe. Informs him that she will be leading one of her own. Discusses the progress of the war. Discusses the book she is reading and future reading material. Asks him to try and let her know if he moves. Hopes that his men can get rid of their lice.
Discusses the progress of the war. Describes her plans for the garden. Intends to have the Huxley's over for tea. Wonders if the Germans are feeling the same way as them. Asks him if he is allowed to send more information on his location and activities. Informs him that Clare's photographs are ready. Describes Clare's character. Asks him if he wants U.D.C papers sent to him and discusses their content.
Updates him on her father's health. Expresses her feelings of unhappiness about the war and everyone's state of mind. Tells him she has told the servants about the pregnancy and informs him that Violet is not pleased. Expresses her feelings about the baby being a boy. Tells him that his letters bring her joy and that she is looking forward to having another baby.
Reflects on the last few months and expresses her sadness that he is not home for Christmas. Discusses the progress of demobilisation. Describes a conversation with Mary Anne and Violet about the Holt and the moving date. Expresses her concerns about Clare learning bad manners from the Fletcher boys. Tells him what presents she sent to his family and the preparations for Christmas. Reflects on all the things they can do together when he is home. Discusses the sugar ration.
Expresses her annoyance at the postal service. Tells him about the Brocks coming for tea. Describes her surroundings and wonders what his are like. Updates him on Clare's walking progress and her father's health. Describes a letter from Aunt Patty regarding Doris' new job at the war office and discusses Doris' health. Informs him she has written to his mother. Asks him about the food in France.
She has read his letter to Ralph and Mary. Discusses his duties and living conditions as described in his last letter. Expresses her opinions about the progress of the war. Describes her walk with Clare and Mary. Discusses her thoughts on the fear of Hell and the merits of good behaviour. Intends to stay to see Henrietta Livingstone. Informs him his pamphlet has been read by Mr Clutton-Brock, Mr Arthur Benson, and Mr Fletcher and gives their opinions of it. Tells him she is proud of him. Describes the maps of Armentières and the trenches she was shown by Ralph. She hopes he does not have to see dead bodies.