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Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat
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Letter from Abraham Hayward to Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 4/ff.75r-75v
  • Item
  • undated
  • Part of Old Library

Autograph letter addressed from "Temple", signed, to Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer, saying he is finding it impossible to get dinner on the table much before light, and therefore if he could have the pleasure of his company at some future occasion when no such contretemps is likely to occur.

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

Letter from Alexandre Rodenbach to Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 3/ff.81r-81v
  • Item
  • undated
  • Part of Old Library

Autograph letter in French, signed, to Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer. The letter is in two hands, one of a copyist for the main part of the letter, and Rodenbach’s hand for the signature (Rodenbach was blind).

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

Letter from an unidentified person to Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 1/ff.79r-79v
  • Item
  • 15 July 1839
  • Part of Old Library

Autograph letter, signed, to Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer, in which the author requests Van de Weyer to write to the Belgian Prime minister, on behalf of a relative.

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

Letter from an unidentified person to Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 3/ff.9r-9v
  • Item
  • 7 July 1843
  • Part of Old Library

Autograph letter in French, addressed from "Bruxelles", signed, to Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer. The author offers Van de Weyer a book, and asks him to give a package to "John Martyn" the painter.

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

Letter from an unidentified person to Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 1/ff.34r-34v
  • Item
  • 23 May 1843
  • Part of Old Library

Autograph letter, to Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer, asking for Eugène Dartigue to be introduced to Mr. Senior. The signature at the end of the letter is possibly 'Stammers'.

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

Letter from an unidentified person to Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 2/ff.17r-17v
  • Item
  • undated
  • Part of Old Library

Autograph letter in French, signed, to Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer. The signature is possibly "E. Courvais" or "E. Lourvais".

The writer explains that the King's equerry, M. Meyer, would like to visit the Queen's stables, and will come the following morning. Van de Weyer is asked to give him instructions on how to be allowed in.

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

Letter from an unidentified person to Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 7/f.26r
  • Item
  • 30 December 1838
  • Part of Old Library

Autograph letter, addressed fron "Brighton", from a Colonel de [C?] to the Belgian Ambassador in London. The author provides a resume of his military credentials and offers his services to the Belgian people.

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

Letter from an unidentified person to Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 2/f.18r
  • Item
  • undated
  • Part of Old Library

Autograph letter in French, signed, to Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer. They signature is possibly "Vauchoy" or "Vauchuy".

The author tells Van de Weyer that the Queen is pleased with him due to a matter concerning the Prince, and invites him to Court that afternoon.

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

Letter from an unidentified person, probably to Jean Sylvain Van de Weyer

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 1/ff.24r-24v
  • Item
  • undated
  • Part of Old Library

Autograph letter in French, signed, probably to Jean Sylvain Van de Weyer.

'Mon cher collègue,
Je vous envoie "Monsieur de Talleyrand", c'est à dire, sa vie. Je vous envoie aussi le portrait dont il a été question hier soir. Je ne sais pas s'il est ressemblant mais je sais très bien que l'original n'eut la fatuité de le faire litographier.
[bien à vous?]
Dimanche matin
Vous trouverez vous ce pli, un très joli échantillon de la belle écriture du Seigneur M. Je serais charmé, si je pouvais vous faire le cadeau de ce militaire secrétaire.'

The reference to "Monsieur de Talleyrand" might be a general allusion to a crafty diplomat, rather than de Talleyrand personally.

The line before the signature might be a short version of "bien à vous", which might indicate a slightly informal tone.

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

Letter from Andrew Stevenson to Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 1/ff.55r-55v
  • Item
  • undated
  • Part of Old Library

Autograph letter addressed from "32 Upper Grosvenor Street", signed, to Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer, concerning logistics of the marriage of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert.

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

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