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Amalgamation Club

Distributed finances to the College clubs and societies. Originally covered the finances of the College Boat, Cricket, Athletics, Rugby Union and Association Football, Hockey, and Lawn Tennis Clubs. Later the College Magazine and Reading Room were also included.
The Committee consisted of a Permanent Treasurer, an Honorary Secretary, with Assistant Secretary if necessary, and the Captain and Secretaries of the various clubs.

College Magazine

Original series ran from 1909 to 1956 and then a new numbering series started with No. 1 being 1956-1957.

The original series contained mainly articles, poems, and stories from undergraduates. It was printed at the expense of the Amalgamation Club and was circulated only to residents members and a few subscribers.
From 1952-1956 the Magdalene College Record was printed from the Magazine and sent to all members of the College Association.
In 1956 in view of the Appeal for Endowment the Record was sent to every old member.
Future issues would only be sent to members of the College Association and to those who had subscribed to the Appeal.

The old Magazine was discontinued mainly on the grounds of expense. It was hoped that in its new and reduced form it would still contain articles, serious and light, on things which interested Magdalene men. The Editor invited contributions and news from all members of the College. The Period covered by the Record was from 1 September to 31 August.

Cricket Club

Cricket Ground
Cricket matches were originally played on Parker's Piece. This was the clubs only accommodation until 1903 when, by arrangement with the Corpus Amalgamation Club, they were allowed a share in the use of their ground.
In 1909 the College bought 8 1/2 acres of arable land on the Ely Road (just beyond the junction of the Arbury Road with Ely Road, a 8 min cycle from the College) and then an additional 1 1/2 acres to improve the shape of the field. The ground measured 165 yards by 260 yards. Work was carried out to improve the soil and level the ground. It was hoped that the ground would be used for the first time in 1912. The land was held freehold and cost approximately £100 per acre. The Amalgamation Club needed £75 per annum for interest on the loans. A pavilion was also needed. [Source: College Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 5 December 1910]

For a description of the new ground and pavilion (including drawing of the pavilion) see College Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 1, December 1911.

Cuppers results:
7 June 1964 - Won the first ever College knock-out cricket competition by beating Emmanuel.
1978 - Won by beating St Catharine's.
Also won in 1982, 1985, and 1989.

Football Club

Founded in 1875.

According to a letter from Roger White (matriculated 1945) to the College Magazine, 2003-2004 the club had ceased to exist due to the Second World War. He went to the rooms of Freddie Mutesa in Mallory Court (Sir Edward Frederick William David Walugembe Mutebi Luwangula Mutesa II Kabaka (king) of the kingdom of Buganda in Uganda from 1939 until his death in 1969. He was the 35th Kabaka of Buganda and the first president of Uganda (1962-1966), when he was overthrown by Milton Obote.

They agreed that they should re-start the Football Club. They needed to get clothing coupons for a set of shirts and authority to re-start the club. They got permission from Frank Salter. The Club had a good year and got to the Cuppers Final where they were beaten by St John's. (College Magazine, 2003-2004, pp. 127-128, includes a photograph of the team from 1945-1946).

JCR (Junior Common Room)

The JCR represents the interests of undergraduates and acts as the link between students, Fellows and College Departments, and between Magdalene students and the main Cambridge University Student Union (CUSU). The JCR President attends meetings of the Governing Body, and the Amalgamation Club which allocates money to College sports clubs and societies.

All Magdalene undergraduates automatically become JCR members when joining Magdalene but membership is not compulsory. The Committee is elected annually at the end of Michaelmas Term (mid-November) by the undergraduate community.

The JCR organises events and activities throughout the year including social events and Freshers week.

Keilin Society

This Society was founded in November 1963 and was named after Dr David Keilin.

It was formed:
"...for the purpose of introducing members of Magdalene College who are studying the Biological Sciences, including Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, to both resident members of the Zoology and Botany Departments, and Biologists visiting the University from elsewhere, in an informal atmosphere where discussion is to be encouraged'.

Membership was automatic for all Biologists in the College.

Kingsley Club

The Kingsley Club was founded as a literary club under the patronage of A.C. Benson in 1906. It was named after Charles Kingsley the novelist who had been an undergraduate at Magdalene from 1838-1842. It's declared object was 'the reading and discussion of papers dealing with literary, artistic and kindred subjects'. The club lapsed with the outbreak of the First World War and was re-established by Francis Turner in 1925. It foundered again with the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939 and was revived again by Turner in 1948 and enjoyed a more or less unbroken existence until Lent Term 1991. Membership was restricted and was by invitation. It was seen as 'the premier gathering of student intellectuals'.

Initially Minute Books listed the names of those present at meetings and the title of the paper given but soon became more of a summary of the paper and subsequent discussion. Amongst the Secretaries were George Mallory and Sir Michael Redgrave.

Lewis, C. S.

C.S. Lewis was appointed the first Professor of Medieval & Renaissance English at Cambridge and moved from Magdalen College, Oxford, to take up the position in 1954. He was made a Professorial Fellow of Magdalene College in 1954, and he had rooms in First Court. He was made an Honorary Fellow in 1963 and died on 22 November 1963. A Memorial Service was held in the Chapel..

He described his move as a 'great success' and described Magdalene in the following terms:
‘My new college is a smaller, softer, more gracious place than my old. The mental and social atmosphere is like the sunny side of a wall in an old garden'; ‘A tiny little place … but a perfect gem architecturally and (I think) much more congenial socially and spiritually.’

See Walter Hooper (ed)., Collected Letters, 3 vols. (2000-2006), esp. Vol. III 'Narnia, Cambridge & Joy, 1950-1963'.
In addition to the letters in this archive, Hooper prints his ‘Easter hymn’ (F/FT/3); a letter about Canon Tibbats; and a letter about the possible deposit of Kipling’s papers in the College (p. 1261, 4 May 1961).

For other letters of College interest, see W.H. Lewis (ed) Letters of C.S. Lewis , p. 289 (Lady Willink's death), p. 293 (unexpurgated Pepys), and p. 308 (Hon. Fellowship).

Most of C.S. Lewis's papers are held in the Bodleian Library in Oxford.

Lewis, C.S. (1898-1963), writer and Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge

Mallory, George

This collection consists of records relating to George Mallory's time whilst he was a student at Magdalene College, a few from his time at school at Winchester College, and from his career post Magdalene as a schoolmaster at Charterhouse.

The bulk of the collection is made up of letters written between him and his wife Ruth from the time of their engagement in 1914 until his death on Everest in 1924. The collection also contains the three letters found on his body in 1999.

The collection does not contain any original photographs although there are a number of copies which can be used for reference but cannot be reproduced without the prior consent of the copyright owner.

There is also a biographical file containing articles and other secondary sources about Mallory - see MCHR/1/MALLORY

Mallory, George Herbert Leigh (1886-1924), mountaineer

May Ball

The first May Ball was planned for 1910 but was cancelled following the death of King Edward VII who died on 6 May 1910. The first ball went ahead the following year and was held on 12 June 1911. An account of the ball which appeared in the College Magazine, vol. II, No. 1, December 1911 reads as follows:

"A ball was held in the College on Monday, June 12th. This was the first time such an experiment had been tried, and it proved a great success. A marquee, gaily bedecked with streamers of green and white, was erected for the purpose in the second court. We must congratulate everyone connected with the organisation on the excellence of their work; and the stewards deserve much praise for the way in which they fulfilled their arduous task of being interpreters of abstruse hieroglyphics, walking Who's Who's, and yet maintaining an ornamental appearance. Herr Moritz Wur's band supplied the music, to the complete satisfaction of the company, some of whom were inspired to demonstrate certain of the items, including the 'Burglar's Prowl,' and the 'Bogie Walk'. We must compliment the secretary on his excellent idea of providing shawls for protection against the dewy morn, and we have also to thank the Master and Fellows for their kindness in allowing us to roam in the garden - a privilege that was much enjoyed'.

Musical Production Society (MMRS)

Founded in 2001.

Past shows:
March 2007 - Saturday Night
March 2008 - Me and My Girl
March 2009 - The Boyfriend
March 2010 - Gypsy
March 2011 - Cabaret
March 2012 - Little Shop of Horrors
February 2013 - How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
March 2014 - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
February 2015 - Guys and Dolls
March 2016 - Godspell
February 2017 - Anything Goes
February 2018 - The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
March 2022 - Ed: The Musical

Parnell Society

This was a dining society founded in 1977. It was banned by the College in 1982.

Rugby Club

The Rugby Club was formed in 1875 after a meeting was held in Mr Pine's rooms on 25 October.
The Captain of the Boat Club took the chair at the first meeting and was elected to the Presidency of the new club. Mr Whitehead was chosen as the first captain.
The first rugby match was played on the Corpus ground on 29 October and ended in a draw in favour of Corpus by 5 tries to nothing. The next game against Clare was played on Parker's Piece (the scene of University rugby matches until the municipal authorities objected tot he damage done). The result was a draw in favour of Magdalene by one try and a touchdown to nothing. The final game of the first season was against a joint team from St Peter's and St Catherine's and the score was Magdalene 5 touchdowns, Combined Colleges 3 tries and 2 touchdowns. Under the old rules no match could be won unless a goal was kicked. New rules came into force in November.
The game was then very different to the modern game with most international and club sides having 13 forwards and 7 outsides.
For further information see: College Magazine, No. 80, May 1949, pp. 15-17

Spider Club

Believed to be an undergraduate dining society although very little is know about it. Mentioned in the College Magazine editorial (Vol. 3, No. 2. March 1914]

"The Kingsley still exists and has had one or two amusing papers. I hope the Spiders - a club of another nature - is not being left to die. It would be a pity if an Institution of such comparative antiquity should cease to be; we look to men who take an interest in matters social to see to it. After all the senior members of College manage to keep the Pepys Dinner alive!"

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