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Old Library
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Van de Weyer Albums 7

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 7
  • Series
  • 1471 - 1841
  • Part of Old Library

This album contains documents relating to French history from the 15th to 19th centuries, portrait prints and letters relating to American history, autographs of British notables (such as William Wilberforce) and one clipping from a 17th century dutch engraving.

Van de Weyer [née Bates], Elizabeth Anne Sturgis (1817-1878), wife of Jean Sylvain Van de Weyer, friend of Queen Victoria

Van de Weyer Albums 6

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 6
  • Series
  • 1783 - 1855
  • Part of Old Library

This album consists of notable 19th century figures. Many of the items are undated, therefore the date range of the album is taken from items which can be dated to a specific year.

Van de Weyer Albums 5

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 5
  • Series
  • 1808 - 1851
  • Part of Old Library

This album contains the engraved portraits and autographs of chiefly of British aristocratic and political figures from the 19th century. Many of the items are undated, therefore the date range of the album is taken from items which can be dated to a specific year.

Van de Weyer Albums 4

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 4
  • Series
  • 1832 - 1848
  • Part of Old Library

Many of the items are undated, therefore the date range of the album is taken from items which can be dated to a specific year.

Van de Weyer Albums 3

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 3
  • Series
  • 1837 - 1846
  • Part of Old Library

This album contains the engraved portraits and autographs of notable 19th century Belgians of Sylvain Van de Weyer's acquaintance. Many of the items are undated, therefore the date range of the album is taken from items which can be dated to a specific year.

Van de Weyer Albums 2

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 2
  • Series
  • 1830 - 1848
  • Part of Old Library

This album contains the engraved portraits and autographs of 19th century Belgian politicians and others of Sylvain Van de Weyer's acquaintance. Many of the items are undated, therefore the date range of the album is taken from items which can be dated to a specific year.

Van de Weyer Albums 1

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 1
  • Series
  • 1832 - 1843
  • Part of Old Library

This album chiefly contains the engraved portraits and autographs of notable diplomats in the court of Queen Victoria, and others of Sylvain Van de Weyer's acquaintance. Many of the items are undated, therefore the date range of the album is taken from items which can be dated to a specific year.

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

Van de Weyer Albums

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums
  • Collection
  • 1471 - 1855
  • Part of Old Library

The albums contain engraved portraits, autographs and correspondence of notable individuals chiefly from the United Kingdom, Belgium and France, but other countries are also represented. The vast majority of these items are from the 19th century, with an engraved portrait of the individual on the verso of the album page and a corresponding autograph/letter from that individual to Sylvain Van de Weyer or Elizabeth Van de Weyer on the recto of the album page. There is also a small grouping of older items relating to French historical figures.
Many of the items are undated, therefore the date range of the collection is taken from items which can be dated to a specific year.

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

Signature of William Wilberforce

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 7/f.18r
  • Item
  • undated
  • Part of Old Library

Signature of William Wilberforce, cropped from a letter addressed to Henry Thornton.

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

Signature of Rufus King

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 7/f.25r item 1
  • Item
  • undated
  • Part of Old Library

Signature of Rufus King, cropped from a letter.

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

Signature of Lady Byron

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 7/f.19r
  • Item
  • undated
  • Part of Old Library

Signature of Lady Byron ("& faithful s[ervan]t Noel Byron"), cropped from a letter.

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

Report to the Comité de Salut Public, signed by unidentified person

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 7/f.16r
  • Item
  • 14 December 1794
  • Part of Old Library

Report in French on headed paper to the Comité de Salut Public, addressed from Paris, signed by an unidentified person.

The document is dated in the French republican calendar system: "le 24 frimaire de l'an troisième de la République Française".

Partial transcription:
"Paris le 24 frimaire de l’an troisième de la République Française, une et indivisible.
Au Comité de Salut Public
Le Citoyen Henrion Directeur général des transports militaires de l’armée de Sambre et Meuse, nous fait connaitre le trait de Bravoure du C[itoye]n Pomme Charretier de la division Hautenot, qui n’a pas craint de s’exposer à une mort presque certaine en bravant le feu de l’ennemi pour sauver à la republique la perte de deux chevaux qui s’etaient échappé et avaient été sous les palissades entre la porte de la ville et le fort st jean.
Le trait de Bravoure du cit[oy]en Pomme ne doit pas rester sans récompense : mais comme la capacité et les connaissances de ce citoyen ne répondent pas à son généreux dévouement à l’intérêt de la république, il est impossible de l’élever a un grade supérieur, on ne peut que le reconnaitre par une simple gratification.
Le comité est prié de fixer la récompense que mérite le citoyen Pomme."

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

Receipt signed by Charles James Fox

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 6/ff.29r-29v
  • Item
  • 24 April 1783
  • Part of Old Library

Receipt addressed from "St James’s ", signed “C.J. Fox” and “Andrew Basilico” for expenses incurred by Basilico during his duties as the “Messenger to the Foreign Department” (also known as the “King’s Messenger”, a position Basilico held from 1782-1813).

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

Printed facsimile of a letter from Joseph Bonaparte to Napoléon Bonaparte

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 7/f.27r
  • Item
  • undated
  • Part of Old Library

Printed facsimile of an autograph letter, signed, from Joseph Bonaparte to Napoléon Bonaparte, dated...

Printed on the head of the letter: "Extrait d’une letter du Général Bonaparte à son Frere Joseph à Marseille, Departement des Bouches du Rhone. Paris, 6 Messidor an 3 de la Republique".

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

Portrait print of William II, Prince of Orange

  • MCOL/Van de Weyer Albums/Album 7/f.43r
  • Item
  • 1802
  • Part of Old Library

Lettering at foot of engraving: "The Portraicture of the Most Illustrious & Noble William of Nassau Prince of Orange, etc. born 1627 and married 23 May 1641.”

The publication line is cropped from the lower edge.

Van de Weyer, Jean Sylvain (1802-1874), diplomat

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