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Forme autorisée du nom
Hingston, Richard William George (1887-1966), physician, explorer and naturalist
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Zone de description
Dates d’existence
17 January 1887 - 5 August 1966
Major Richard William George Hingston was an Irish physician, explorer and naturalist, and was the medical officer on the 1924 Mount Everest Expedition.
He was the son of Reverend Richard Edward Hull Kingston of Aglish, County Waterford, and Frances Sandiford. Most of his early life was spent in the family home at Horsehead in Passage West, County Cork. He was educated at Merchant Taylors' School and at University College Cork. He graduated from the National University of Ireland with first-class honours in 1910, and almost immediately obtained a position in the Indian Medical Service. In 1913, he was seconded from military duty as naturalist to the Indo-Russian Pamir triangulation expedition. In 1914 he went on war service and saw action in East Africa, France, Mesopotamia, and the N.W. Frontier, gaining two mentions in dispatches and the Military Cross for gallantry in action. He wrote several books based on his travels and natural history observations.
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