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Day & Haghe (from c. 1831), chromolithographic printers

  • Pessoa coletiva

The main British firm of chromolithographic printers. William Day (1797-1845) set up the firm in c. 1824. From c. 1831 traded as Day & Haghe (Louis Haghe, 1806-1885). Haghe left to devote himself to watercolour in the 1850s, where after the firm continued as Day & Son under William Day the younger (1823-1906), also referred to as WJ Day.

H. Cautrey Photo

  • Pessoa coletiva


Mallory [née Turner], Ruth (1892-1942), wife of mountaineer George Mallory

  • Pessoa singular
  • 1892-1942

Ruth Turner was born on 10 June 1892 and was the daughter of Hugh Thackeray Turner (a prosperous architect) and his wife May. She lived at Westbrook, an elegant house on the far side of the Wey Valley, with her two sisters Marjorie and Mildred. Her mother died in 1907.

She first met George Mallory at a dinner in the Autumn of 1913 at the house of Arthur Clutton-Brock, a lawyer and writer who lived in Hindhead Road not far from Charterhouse School where George was teaching. They met socially several times over the next few months and in March 1914 Thackeray Turner invited George to accompany him and his daughters on a trip to Italy. George and Ruth fell in love during the week long’s holiday and became engaged. They married on 29 July 1914 and had three children:

Clare (1915-2001) who married Glenn Millikan (Glen died in a climbing accident in Tennessee in 1947)
Beridge (1917-1953) who married David Robertson
John (1920-present) who married Jenifer Krohn (climbed Mount Everest in 1995).

After George's death she and the three children moved back to Westbrook to live with her father. When he died in 1937 Westbrook was sold and Ruth lived with a cousin.

In 1939 she married her friend Will Arnold-Forster after the death of his wife.

She died of cancer in 1942. Her daughter, Berry Robertson, also died of the disease in 1953.

Fuller Maitland, Richard Evelyn (1885–1953), artist

  • Pessoa singular
  • 1885–1953

Portraitist and landscape painter with works in government and regional art collections (Ipswich and Hertfordshire).
Richard Evelyn Fuller Maitland was the son of the art collector and Liberal politician William Fuller Maitland (1884–1932), of Stansted Hall, Essex. William Maitland had inherited from his own father an important collection of early Italian paintings, nine of which he sold to the National Gallery, London, in 1878, including The Mystic Nativity by Sandro Botticelli. Educated at Harrow School, Richard Maitland went on to study at Sir Hubert Herkomer’s Art School, Bushey, Hertfordshire. He also pursued a part-time military career, gaining the rank of captain in the Scots Guards. Essentially a gentleman-artist, Maitland exhibited twice at the Royal Academy, in 1904 and in 1921, when he showed a portrait of a judge, Edwin Max Konstam. His known oeuvre is small and includes A Mediterranean Scene (Bushey Museum and Art Gallery, 2004.108.1), a portrait of Sir Frederick Liddell, First Parliamentary Counsel, dated 1913 (Government Art Collection, no. 1203) and two portraits of senior members of the Admiralty. Also in 1913, Magdalene College, Cambridge, commissioned a sketch from Maitland of Thomas Hardy, then aged seventy-two.

Horton, Percy (1897-1970), artist

  • Pessoa singular
  • 1897-1970

Painter and draughtsman, born in Brighton, Sussex. Studied at Brighton School of Art, 1918–20, where he had a scholarship. Horton was a man of strong radical convictions, and because he was an absolute conscientious objector he had to endure two years’ hard labour in Carlton Prison, Edinburgh, 1916–18, during World War I. From 1916–18 was at Central School of Arts and Crafts under A S Hartrick and Ernest Jackson, then with a Royal Exhibition attended Royal College of Art, under Randolph Schwabe and Allan Gwynne-Jones, 1922–5. Horton went on to teach at the Royal College, 1930–49, where he was a highly respected figure, becoming Ruskin Master of Drawing at Oxford University, 1949. Taught voluntarily at the Working Men’s College, London, for a time.

Tollast, Robert Malcolm Priestly (1915-2008), artist

  • Pessoa singular

He studied Fine Arts at the Westminster School of Art. During World War II, he was commissioned in the Intelligence Corps and joined the diplomatic service as an Attaché de Presse in the British embassies of Baghdad and Cairo. He resigned in 1948 to become a full-time portrait painter and in 1949 had his first one-man show in London and exhibited at the Royal Academy. A period of global travelling was followed by ten years painting in the United States (New York and Washington D.C.) His exhibition at the Washington gallery was opened by the then British Ambassador, the Earl of Cromer, formerly Governor of the Bank of England. In the early 1960s, he spent time in Cambridge doing portraits of college luminaries and also for local families. After he returned to England in 1976, Robert Tollast divided his time among Switzerland, France (Paris) and Italy (Milan and Florence) and Austria (Vienna) with occasional visits to Germany. During long visits to South Africa, he painted three generations of the Oppenheimer family, among other prominent figures in industry. The list of Tollast's most interesting portrait commissions includes clients internationally prominent in the arts, sciences, industry and politics, of which one of the most notable is that of Sir Winston Churchill. This was the last official portrait, of which the sitter — notoriously difficult over portraits of himself — went on record to express his approval.
Robert Tollast's most recent important commission was to paint, in oil, all the partners of the partners of the Geneva private bank Lombard Odier & Cie. He also works in water-colour and pastel and is a notably successful painter of children. At the time of his death, Tollast was royal court painter to the Habsburg family of Austria.

Début, Marcel (1865–1933), sculptor

  • Pessoa singular
  • 1865–1933

A French sculptor best known for his Art Nouveau bronze depictions of historic figures like Mozart and Gaelic warriors, scenes from Greek mythology, rustic peasants in Tunisia, and pedigreed animals. Born in 1865 in France, he studied with his father the famed sculptor Jean Didier Début, who specialized in more traditionally realistic figurative work, as well as under Henri Michel Antoine Chapu, a renowned sculptor of bronze and marble, at the École des Beaux-Arts. Début began exhibiting both as a painter and sculptor at the Salon of 1883 up until the start of World War I, when the Salon was suspended. The artist died in 1933 in France. 

Brooke, Rupert (1887-1915), poet

  • Pessoa singular
  • 1887-1915

Rupert Brooke studied Classics at King's College, Cambridge between 1906 and 1909 where he met and became friends with Hugh Dalton. He became involved in various Cambridge groups, and was widely acknowledged as a handsome and charismatic figure about the university. He was a member of the Fabian Society and the Marlowe Dramatic Society both of which George Mallory was also a member.

Ingamells, Andrew (1956-present), graphic designer and illustrator

  • Pessoa singular
  • 1956 - present

Born in 1956, Andrew Ingamells trained at St.Albans School of Art and the London College of Printing before embarking on a career as a graphic designer and illustrator. It was during this time that he started making drawings of individual buildings and architectural landscapes of London.

In 1987 he was invited to Clarendon Graphics, the print studio set up by Anthony Benjamin, to make aquatint etchings from some of his achitectural drawings. So began his love affair with a traditional printing method that has barely changed in centuries, continuing a tradition of neo classical draughtsmanship made popular by Piranesi.

Andrew has worked in close collaboration with master printmakers Pete Kosowicz and Simon Marsh, and with fine art print publisher Martin Village.

He has exhibited at many London venues over the years including CCA Galleries, The Grosvenor Gallery, The Curwen Gallery and The Royal Academy. His work is held in corporate and public collections including the Tate Gallery, HRH the Prince of Wales, English Heritage, The National Trust, The Paul Mellon Centre for British Art, Shell Oil and the City of London Guildhall Library who put on a retrospective exhibition of his work.

Notable works have included the Basilica San Marco in Venice, the Duomo di Firenze, Jefferson’s Monticello in Virginia and every one of Nicholas Hawksmoor's seven London Churches.

Andrew is currently working on a series of topographic line-plate etchings of the Oxford and Cambridge colleges, a project which has not been undertaken so seriously or comprehensively since the engravings of David Loggan's Cantabrigia Illustrata of the 1680s. He has also begun a series of studies of Ivy League universities in the United States and has recently completed studies of the three Inns of Court in London.

Moreau, Auguste (1855-1919), sculptor

  • Pessoa singular
  • 1855–1919

A French sculptor best known for his bronze-cast figurines. His allegorical Art Nouveau works often depicted women, children, cherubs, and historical figures adorned with floral motifs and ornaments, and were influential to other artists working at the time. Born in Dijon, France in 1855 to a celebrated family of sculptors, including his father, Auguste Moreau, he went on to regularly exhibit his work at the Paris Salon from 1861 on. The artist died in 1919 in France.

Charny, B. M. sculptor

  • Pessoa singular
  • active late 19th early 20th century

M. Charny (late 19th/early 20th century) was active/lived in France.  M. Charny is known for Sculpture.

Dumaige, Etienne (1810-88), sculptor

  • Pessoa singular
  • 1810-88

Henry Etienne Dumaige (1830-1888) is a French sculptor born in Paris in 1830, died in Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie in 1888. He is the student of Jean Feuchère and Christophe Dumont. He exhibited at the Salon of French Artists from 1863 to 1886. He exhibited including The Golden Age , a plaster group at the Salon of 1863, then 1864; Hero to that of 1866 and Patrie , bronze group at the Salon of 1886. Dumaige is rewarded with a second medal in 1880. For the foundry Houdebine, participating in Exposition Universelle of 1878 in Paris, he composes two caryatids-women-flares, but he also works for other founders.
Among other things, he made statues for the Hôtel de Ville in Paris, then the one representing Rabelais , a marble for the City of Tours.

Della Robbia, Luca (1399/1400–1482), Sculptor

  • Pessoa singular
  • 1399/1400–1482

An Italian Renaissance sculptor from Florence. Della Robbia is noted for his colourful, tin-glazed terracotta statuary, a technique which he invented.

Meitner-Graf, Lotte (1899–1973), photographer

  • Pessoa singular
  • 1899–1973

A noted Austrian black-and-white portrait photographer. Meitner-Graf moved to England with her family in 1937, opening her own studio at 23 Old Bond Street in London in 1953. Frisch, in his Times obituary, noted that there "can be few educated people who have not seen one of Lotte Meitner-Graf’s photographic portraits, either on a book jacket (for instance, Bertrand Russell’s autobiography, or Antony Hopkins’s Music All Around Me) or on a record sleeve or concert programme." She photographed Albert Schweitzer, musicians Marion Anderson, Otto Klemperer and Yehudi Menuhin; actors John Gielgud and Danny Kaye; and scientists Lord Blackett, William Lawrence Bragg, Dorothy Hodgkin, and Max Perutz.

Neville, Richard (1783-1858), Visitor of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Pessoa singular
  • 26 September 1753 - 13 March 1858

Eldest son of the 2nd Baron Braybroke. Educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford. Made Honorary Doctor of Civil Law in 1810.
Matriculated and graduated at Magdalene in 1811.
Between 1805 and 1825 he was successively MP for Thirsk, Saltash, Buckingham and Berkshire. He succeeded his father as 3rd Baron in 1825, and removed from Billingbear, the family seat of the Nevilles, near Wokingham, to Audley End, which had been left to his father by his distant relative, Lord Howard de Walden. Was the Recorder of Saffron Walden and High Steward of Wokingham.

Author, President of the Camden Society (1853-1858), and first Editor of the Pepys Diary (1825). As Visitor, he appointed his fourth son, Latimer Neville, as Master in 1853.

Bright, Mynors (1818-1883), hebraist and President of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Pessoa singular
  • 1818 - 1883

Son of the physician who first diagnosed Bright’s disease.

He matriculated from Magdalene College in 1835. Hebraist. The proctors resigned after his defence of an offending undergraduate, and their resignation was accepted by the Senate after a long discussion.
c. 1843 elected Fellow
1851 - 1872 Tutor
1853 - 1873 President of Magdalene College.

From middle-life, his mobility was impaired and he was confined to a sofa. He spent much of his time making a new transcription of the Pepys Diary of which he was the second editor. He was paralysed from 1880, having retired to London in 1873.

His benefaction to the College made possible the erection of Bright’s Building (1909).

Arms in Hall glass, W1.

Freeman, John (active 1670-1720), painter

  • Pessoa singular
  • Active 1670–1720

Painter, who had some repute as a history painter in the reign of Charles II. In early life he went to the West Indies, and narrowly escaped death by poisoning. He returned to England, and was much employed, although 'his Genius was so impair'd by that Attempt on his Life, that his latter Works fail'd of their usual Perfection.' He was considered a rival of Isaac Fuller. He drew in the Academy that then existed, and latterly was scene painter to the play-house in Covent Garden. Some plates in R. Blome's 'History of the Old and New Testament' are probably from his designs. It is not known when he died, but he can hardly have lived till 1747, and be identical with the I. Freeman who drew the large view of 'The Trial of Lord Lovat in Westminster Hall.'

Faber, John (c.1660-1721), draughtsman and engraver

  • Pessoa singular
  • c.1660-1721

Born in Holland, John Faber came to London in around 1687 and began engraving portraits shortly thereafter. By 1707, he had established a shop near the Savoy in the Strand where he printed and published his own work. Among his more famous mezzotints are portraits of the founders of both Oxford and Cambridge, a set of the heads of the twelve Caesars and twenty-one portraits of the Reformers. Faber's work is noteworthy because he was one of the few mezzotint engravers who often both designed and engraved his plates. His son, John Faber, also became a portrait engraver.

Holtzer, Henry (active 1970s), painter

  • Pessoa singular
  • Active 1970s

Does not appear to be the more famous Henry Holzer who retired in 1968 from blindness.

Christopherson, Sir Derman Guy (1915-2000), engineer and Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Pessoa singular
  • 6 September 1915 - 7 November 2000

Master of Magdalene College, 1979-1985

Educated at University College, Oxford, and Harvard. Scientific Officer, Research and Experiments Dept, Ministry of Home Security, 1941-1945.
Made a Fellow of Magdalene College in 1945 and was Bursar between 1947 and 1949.
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds, 1949-1955
Professor of Applied Science, Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London, 1955-1960
Vice-Chancellor and Warden, University of Durham, 1960-1978
Chairman of the Committee of UK Vice-Chancellors and Principals, 1967-1970
Chairman of the Royal Fine Art Commission, 1980-1985

Honorary Fellow of Magdalene College, 1969-1978 and 1985-2000. One of the College’s most distinguished Masters.
Opened the new campus of the University of Malta.

In the College Magazine
Article: 'Sir Derman Christopherson - A Welcome' by W. Elkan, College Magazine, vol. 22 (1977-78) pp. 4-7

Article: 'Sir Derman Christopherson: Tribute' by J. E. Stevens, College Magazine, vol. 29 (1984-85), pp. 1-3

Obituary by R. Hyam College Magazine, vol. 45 (2000-01) pp. 8-13

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