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Authority record

Turner, Hugh Thackeray (1853-1937), architect and amateur china painter, father of Ruth Mallory

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  • 8 March 1853 - 11 December 1937

Hugh Thackeray Turner was born in Foxearth, Essex, the son of Rev. John Richard Turner (a Church of England vicar) and his wife Harriet.

After leaving Newbery Grammar School he was apprenticed to the architect Sir George Gilbert Scott. In 1877 Turner began work on his own account. He was also employed by Scott's sons, John Oldrid and George Gilbert junior, becoming the latter's chief assistant.

Turner left Scott's office to become Secretary for The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (founded by William Morris in 1877). His job was to investigate, inspect and report on buildings at risk from insensitive restoration. He held the post until 1911.

On 19 July 1888 he married Mary Elizabeth (May) Powell (1854–1907). May became a leading member of the arts and crafts movement in her own right, exhibiting needlework and founding the Women's Guild of Arts with May Morris. The couple had three daughters, the second of whom, Ruth, married George Mallory in July 1914.

In 1898 Turner designed his own home Westbrook in Godalming, which with the assistance of Gertrude Jekyll's assistance was surrounded by a much admired garden.

After a long retirement he died of pyelonephritis on 11 December 1937 in London.

Tollast, Robert Malcolm Priestly (1915-2008), artist

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He studied Fine Arts at the Westminster School of Art. During World War II, he was commissioned in the Intelligence Corps and joined the diplomatic service as an Attaché de Presse in the British embassies of Baghdad and Cairo. He resigned in 1948 to become a full-time portrait painter and in 1949 had his first one-man show in London and exhibited at the Royal Academy. A period of global travelling was followed by ten years painting in the United States (New York and Washington D.C.) His exhibition at the Washington gallery was opened by the then British Ambassador, the Earl of Cromer, formerly Governor of the Bank of England. In the early 1960s, he spent time in Cambridge doing portraits of college luminaries and also for local families. After he returned to England in 1976, Robert Tollast divided his time among Switzerland, France (Paris) and Italy (Milan and Florence) and Austria (Vienna) with occasional visits to Germany. During long visits to South Africa, he painted three generations of the Oppenheimer family, among other prominent figures in industry. The list of Tollast's most interesting portrait commissions includes clients internationally prominent in the arts, sciences, industry and politics, of which one of the most notable is that of Sir Winston Churchill. This was the last official portrait, of which the sitter — notoriously difficult over portraits of himself — went on record to express his approval.
Robert Tollast's most recent important commission was to paint, in oil, all the partners of the partners of the Geneva private bank Lombard Odier & Cie. He also works in water-colour and pastel and is a notably successful painter of children. At the time of his death, Tollast was royal court painter to the Habsburg family of Austria.

Todd, Middleton (1891-1966), artist

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  • 26 October 1891 – 21 November 1966

A British artist. He was a member of the Royal Academy and well known as a portrait painter in the 1920s and 1930s. Todd was born in Helston in Cornwall. His father, Ralph Todd was a successful artist who taught at the Central School of Arts & Crafts in London. The younger Todd received art tuition from Stanhope Forbes in Newlyn before attending the Central School as a student. Todd served in the British Army during the First World War as a driver with the Army Service Corps. After the War, Todd had a picture exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1918. He enrolled at the Slade School of Fine Art and was there throughout 1920 and 1921. When he left the Slade, Todd travelled throughout France, Holland and Italy. Returning to Britain, Todd established himself as a successful artist becoming known for his portraits and his pastel and etching works.

Thompson, Sylvia (1877-unknown), Governess

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  • 24 September 1877 - unknown

Born at 19 Waverley Road, Liverpool. Attended Liverpool High School from the age of 13 to 16. In 1896 she entered Froebel College in Birmingham run by Miss Bishop and Miss Last for Kindergarden training. In 1898 she and her family spent the summer holidays at Ballaigner in the Jura Mountains and met Lady Burne-Jones (Aunt of Rudyard Kipling). She was later asked by Lady Burne-Jones to spend a fortnight with her at North End House, Rottindean looking after Angela and Denis who were staying with her whilst their parents were away.

She met Mrs Kipling whilst staying with Lady Burne-Jones. Mrs Carrie Kipling asked her to look after her children, Elsie and John (aged 5 and 3) whilst their nurse as on holiday for a month. She was then asked to accompany the family to South Africa in December 1900.

After their return she worked partly for herself (embroidery) and travelled in the United States and Canada. She then spent 10 years working for Mr (later Sir) Robert Hudson and his daughter Dorothy in Westminster. This ended once Dorothy turned 21. Sylvia moved to the house she had bought in Hampstead Garden Suburbs. She lived on money she earned embroidering children's clothes, an annuity left by Sir Robert, and an allowance from her mother.

In 1916 she acted as Matron of a rest home for retired Army sisters and nurses near Monte Carlo.

Thompson, Rupert

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An old friend of George Mallory's, whom he had known since the climbing days at Pen y Pass in Wales.

Tedder, Arthur William (1890-1967), 1st Baron Tedder, Marshal of the Royal Air Force, and Honorary Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge

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  • 11 July 1890 - 3 June 1967

Matriculated from Magdalene College in 1909.
Joined the Colonial Service, but left for war service in 1914: Royal Flying Corps. Deputy Allied Commander on D-Day in 1944; Chief of the Air Staff, 1946-1950.
Made an Honorary Fellow in 1943.
Chancellor of the University (in succession to Field-Marshal Smuts), 1950-1967.

Arms in Hall glass, W1.

Archives C/HUW/9/2;
'The Chancellor of the University' by H. Willink, College Magazine, No. 82 (1951), pp. 7-8
'In Memoriam', by H, Willink, College Magazine, No. 11 (1966-67)
Short paragraph in the College Magazine, No. 34 (1989-90) p. 36
‘Tedder’s letters from Magdalene: a selection, 1909-1913’ College Magazine, No. 45 (2000-01), pp. 100-110

Results 121 to 150 of 1143