Affichage de 1143 résultats

Notice d'autorité

Ballagh, Robert (1943-present), artist

  • Personne
  • 22 September 1943 - present

Irish artist, painter and designer. He was born in Dublin and studied architecture at the Bolton Street College of Technology. His painting style was strongly influenced by pop art. He is particularly well known for his hyperrealistic renderings of well known Irish literary, historical or establishment figures.

Beetham, Bentley (1886-1963), mountaineer, ornithologist and photographer

  • Personne
  • 1 May 1886 - 5 April 1963

Bentley Beetham was an English mountaineer, ornithologist and photographer, and a member of the 1924 British Mount Everest expedition.

Bentley Beetham was born in Darlington in 1886, the second son of James Weighell Beetham and his wife Frances. His father was a bank manager and died when Beetham was four years old. Until the age of eight Beetham was educated at Mr Bowman's Preparatory School; he then attended the Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Darlington. From 1899 to 1903 he attended the North Eastern County School where he was a boarder. He left school at the age of sixteen.

Initially he worked in an architect's office in Darlington and then between 1903-1914 he was busy with field research, writing books and articles, photography and giving lectures. In

1914, having established himself as a leading ornithologist, he returned to the North Eastern County School to teach natural history.
Beetham started rock climbing in the Lake District where he used Wasdale Head as a base and became fiends with Howard Somervell. Together they made ascents of the classic Lakeland climbs in the period before the First World War. After the war, Beetham and Somervell started climbing in the Alps. In 1924 they were both chosen to join the 1924 Everest Expedition.

In 1927 he was elected a member of the Royal Geographical Society.

In 1949 he retired and in 1962 he was disabled by a stroke. He spent his last year in a nursing home, where he died on 5 April 1963.

Briggs, Henry Perronet (1793–1844), artist

  • Personne
  • 1793 – 18 January 1844

An English painter of portraits and historical scenes. Briggs was born at Walworth, County Durham, the son of a post office official. His cousin was Amelia Opie (née Alderson), the wife of artist John Opie (whose portrait was later painted by Briggs). While still at school at Epping he sent two engravings to the Gentleman's Magazine and in 1811 entered as a student at the Royal Academy, London, where he began to exhibit in 1814. From that time onwards until his death he was a constant exhibitor at the annual exhibitions of the Academy, as well as the British Institution, his paintings being for the most part historical in subject. After his election as a Royal Academician (RA) in 1832 he devoted his attention almost exclusively to portraiture. Briggs died, of tuberculosis in London on 18 January 1844, aged 50/51.

Bussy, Albert Simon Aimé (1870-1954), French painter

  • Personne
  • 30 June 1870 - 22 May 1954

Albert Simon Aimé Bussy was a French painter who married the English novelist Dorothy Strachey Bussy. He knew and painted many members of the Bloomsbury circle and was friends with George Mallory.

Bussy was born in Dole and came from a family of shoemakers. He went from the drawing school in Dole to Gustave Moreau's studio in the École des beaux-arts de Paris, where he met and became friends with Henri Matisse. He received an honorable mention in 1894 at the Salon des artistes français for his Le Joueur de clarinette and Saint Georges terrassant le dragon. He showed a Portrait of Albert Machado in 1896. In 1897 he had his first solo exhibition at the Durand-Ruel gallery in Paris.

In 1901 Bussy visited London, where he came into contact with members of some English artistic circles, especially the Bloomsbury Group, and where he met Dorothy Strachey, who he married in 1903. Shortly after the wedding Simon and Dorothy moved to Roquebrune Cap Martin, in the south of France, where they bought a small house that soon became a meeting point for both French and English artists, writers and intellectuals. In addition to Dorothy's brother, the historian Lytton Strachey, and his cousin, the painter Duncan Grant, others included Rudyard Kipling, André Gide, Roger Fry, Vanessa Bell, Mark Gertler, Paul Valéry, Virginia Woolf, and Bernard Berenson. The painters Henri Matisse and Georges Rouault also visited.

Bussy was successful in the 1920s and 1930s, but his appreciation by both the public and critics declined after this time. He died in London in 1954, at the age of 88.

Carr, Henry (1894–1970), artist

  • Personne
  • 16 August 1894 – 16 March 1970

A successful British landscape and portrait painter who served as a war artist during World War II. Carr was born in Leeds and trained at Leeds College of Art and the Royal College of Art, under William Rothenstein. During World War I, he served in France with the Royal Field Artillery. After the war his work was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1921, in other British galleries and in Paris. He painted portraits of, among others, Aldous Huxley and Olivia Davis and landscapes of the English south coast.

Chappell, Edwin (1883-1938), naval instructor and engineer

  • Personne
  • 1883-1938

Edwin Chappell, B.Sc., A.C.G.I., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., was a naval instructor in the Royal Navy and a lecturer in engineering science at the City and Guilds’ (Engineering) College and Imperial College. Chappell was also a maritime historian and scholar of Samuel Pepys, and edited several works concerning the diarist.

Christopherson, Sir Derman Guy (1915-2000), engineer and Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Personne
  • 6 September 1915 - 7 November 2000

Master of Magdalene College, 1979-1985

Educated at University College, Oxford, and Harvard. Scientific Officer, Research and Experiments Dept, Ministry of Home Security, 1941-1945.
Made a Fellow of Magdalene College in 1945 and was Bursar between 1947 and 1949.
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds, 1949-1955
Professor of Applied Science, Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London, 1955-1960
Vice-Chancellor and Warden, University of Durham, 1960-1978
Chairman of the Committee of UK Vice-Chancellors and Principals, 1967-1970
Chairman of the Royal Fine Art Commission, 1980-1985

Honorary Fellow of Magdalene College, 1969-1978 and 1985-2000. One of the College’s most distinguished Masters.
Opened the new campus of the University of Malta.

In the College Magazine
Article: 'Sir Derman Christopherson - A Welcome' by W. Elkan, College Magazine, vol. 22 (1977-78) pp. 4-7

Article: 'Sir Derman Christopherson: Tribute' by J. E. Stevens, College Magazine, vol. 29 (1984-85), pp. 1-3

Obituary by R. Hyam College Magazine, vol. 45 (2000-01) pp. 8-13

Smith, John (1799-1870), transcriber of the diary of Samuel Pepys, clergyman

  • Personne
  • 1799-1870

An undergraduate at St John’s College, Cambridge, who matriculated in 1817. Smith was invited by the Master of Magdalane College to transcribe Samuel Pepys's diary in readiness for publication - a task which he commenced in 1819 and completed in 1822. A clergyman by profession, Smith became Rector of Baldock in 1832 and continued there until his death in 1870.

In the College Magazine
Photograph - a much later photograph (full length and bearded) as frontispiece - this photograph was presented to the College, but is now lost, College Magazine, No. 52 (1926) pp. 65-66

Latham, R. C. Pepys and His Editors (Occasional Paper No. 6, 1992) p. 2.

Wirgman, Augustus Theodore (1846-1917), Anglican cleric

  • Personne
  • 1846 - 15 October 1917

Matriculated in 1866 and took his degree in Classics in 1870. In 1871 he obtained a second class in the Theological Tripos.

Archdeacon of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, having taken up a post in Grahamstown in 1873; canon of Grahamstown Cathedral, 1899; royal chaplain; on active service during the Boer War. Author of many books including Storm and Sunshine in South Africa: with some Personal and Historical Reminiscences

College Magazine
Obituary: College Magazine, No. 26, December 1917

Howard, Thomas (1561–1626) 1st Earl of Suffolk and Visitor of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Personne
  • 1561–1626

Visitor of Magdalene College, 1572-1626

Grandson of Lord Audley. Member of St John's College.
Visitor, 1572–1626. Six masters were appointed during his visitorship, but the earlier appointments were made by Lord Burghley while Howard was a minor; however Barnaby Goche, 1640, was his own choice.
Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, 1598–1626.
High Steward and then Chancellor of the University, 1615.
Served as Lord Chamberlain to James I, 1602–1613
Created 1st Earl of Suffolk 1603.

Strachan, David Arthur (1908-1998), Clerk of Works of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Personne
  • 1908-1998

Educated at the Central School (later the Grammar School for Boys, now part of Netherhall School). Apprenticed as a carpenter. For many years he worked in the College while employed by the local builders Nunn, acquiring an unrivalled knowledge of the College buildings and infrastructure from 1958, before formally being employed by the College Maintenance Department from 1971, where he remained (long after the retiring age) part-time from 1978 until 1991, at one time acting as Clerk of Works.
He brought ingenuity and dexterity to the solution of a variety of problems throughout this time.

College Magazine
Obituay in College Magazine vol. 43 (1998-99) p. 24

Latham, Robert (1912-1995), Historian, Pepys Librarian and Honorary Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Personne
  • 1912-1995

Educated at Queens’ College Cambridge (double starred first in History). University Reader in History, Royal Holloway College, London (1942-1968), Professor of History, University of Toronto (1968-1969), Research Fellow of Magdalene College (1970-1972), Official Fellow and Pepys Librarian (1972-1982), Honorary Fellow (1984).
Editor of the definitive edition of The Diary of Samuel Pepys, 11 vols (1970-1983).

College Magazine
Obituary by R. Luckett, College Magazine, No. 39 (1994-95) pp. 3-6

Résultats 121 à 150 sur 1143