Doyle, John [pseud. H. B.] (1797–1868), cartoonist and painter
- Pessoa singular
- 1797 - 2 January 1868
Doyle, John [pseud. H. B.] (1797–1868), cartoonist and painter
Ludolf, Count Guglielmo Di (d. 1839), Neapolitan Minister in London
Ouseley, Sir Gore (1770-1844), 1st Baronet and diplomatist
Mackinnon, William Alexander (1784–1870), politician and chief of clan Mackinnon
Erskine, David Montagu (1776–1855), 2nd Baron Erskine and diplomatist
Bloomfield, Henry Keane (1798-1870), British army officer
Colville, Adm John (1768-1849), 10th Baron Colville and Admiral of the Fleet
Maurin, Antoine (1793-1860), lithographer
Delpech, François Séraphin (1778-1825), lithographer and lithographic printer
Howe, Eduard Georg Ludwig William, Count von Kielmansegg (1804-1879), politician
Belliard, Augustin Daniel (1769-1832), general
French General.
Corr, Erin (1803-1862), engraver
Bromley, James (1800-1838), engraver
Jeffrey, Lord Francis (1773–1850), writer and judge
Baring, Francis (1800-1868), 3rd Baron Ashburton and politican
Cochran, John (active 1821-1865), stipple and line engraver, and painter of miniatures
Verzwyvel, Michel Karel Antoon (1819-1868), engraver
Keyser, Nicaise de (1813-1887), Belgian painter
Geefs, Willem (1805-1883), Belgian sculptor
Liszt, Franz (1811-1886), composer, pianist and teacher
Wulffaert, Adrien (1804-1873), Belgian painter
Fairland, Thomas (1804-1852), engraver and lithographer
Chantery, Sir Francis Legatt (1781-1841), sculptor
Wyon, William (1795-1851), medallist and engraver
Watlet, Nicolas (1789-1868), magistrate and politician
Van Solingen, Adriaan (1758-1830), physician
Vilian XIV, Philippe Louis Marie Ghislain (1778-1856), diplomat