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Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 9 October 1916

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from France during the Battle of the Somme, 'Oct 9 1916'

Refers to letters from her, Brother Giles, Mother, Avie, and Mrs B-B.

Had a tiresome day inspecting damage to Pys church and tamping to a trench to register the German line. It went wrong and they discovered the sight on the gun was out of order.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, 9 September 1916

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from France during the Battle of the Somme, 'Sept 9 1916'

Things were moving there. The noise of heavy firing had been incessant since the advance a few days ago when the French had done so well. Would be disappointed if they didn’t get on a bit. The battery was back together which was a relief.

Had read Coxon Fund by Henry James and comments on the phrase about women 'the fastidious sex'. Describes how he will behave after the war.

Had been in the trenches and seen a really beautiful face different to most officers who had the air of intending to fight. Describes the R.F.A. man.

Had a long and tiring day in the trenches trying to get information and then hours of close observing. Exciting work as they were expecting a counter attack and both sides were firing on the area to his right. The attack must have begun just after he had left as the noise was as loud as the thunder of Niagra Falls.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, April 1921

Letter to Ruth Mallory, written onboard the S. S. Sardinia, on his way to India to unite with the other members of the Mount Everest Expedition.

He had suffered from the most acute depression after she left, not just because of her leaving but because he had lost a suitcase. He was very relieved when it had been found. He had been reading Queen Victoria and talking to three of his fellow passengers. He describes the man sitting next to him in the smoking room and his clothing. The ship was rolling quite a bit.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, c. 10 October 1917

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Avington Park Camp, Winchester. No date except 'Wednesday'.

Thanks Ruth for sending Catriona. Describes the wound in his foot which wasn't painful but was tender and he couldn't walk on it. The chances for him seeing her at the weekend weren't rosy. He wasn't distressed by being bedridden as it gave him time to read and think and he had a little work to do. His bed was hard but he had had a fire all day. His consumption of cigarettes increased in proportion to the pressure on his backside but they tasted of chloroform so that helped reduce consumption. Had been reading whatever newspapers he could. Wishes they could go on making a push every five days as the Germans must be feeling tired.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, c. 11 October 1917

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Avington Park Camp, Winchester. No date except 'Thursday'

A Carthusian came in, not Lampard, and they talked so much it was almost time for the post and he hadn't written to her. His wound was better but it was slow and the surface skin was dead but he had no pain. Had been busy with gunnery problems and finished reading a work by a Frenchman about England. Since lunch he had been reading Catriona.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, c. 11 or 12 July 1916

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from France during the Battle of the Somme, 'July 1916'

Full Transcript

My dearest Ruth,

This is merely a note in advance chiefly to say that if you haven’t already bought the potatoes it will be better after all not to send them. We have discovered a way of getting them here.

I have just had breakfast after firing for 3 hours. We are very busy and I feel rather tired – chiefly I expect because these field guns make such an offensive noise. I believe our operations are going as well as expected – it’s a hard life in which one has to be reasonable. Will you send along parcels of the Times 4 or 5 at a time. It so often happens that for some days I see nothing but the Daily Mail and the Harmsworth popular press disgusts me in its present stage of rampant jingoism over ‘the great push’ than at any previous period of the war. The government is very largely to blame for that e.g. for the official photos. A picture of one of our guns as it stands in the emplacement with its girdles on appeared in the Daily Mail of July 5. This is evidently the advertising centre. O God! O Montreal!

The car is to start now. So au revoir till I talk to you again later on.
Your loving George.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, c. 12 October 1917

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Magdalen Camp Hospital, Winchester. No date

[Letter is written in pencil and is very faint so full transcript is provided]

Full Transcript

My dearest Ruth,

I’ve no chance of seeing you this weekend – it’s very sad but there it is & we must make the best of it. Kenway very kindly wired yesterday offering to call for me on Saturday morning.

Well, you’ll see by this address that my situation has changed. It all came of the silliest little row between my batman & the mess servants – they kept him waiting ¾ hr for my dinner & he objected, & they told the mess secretary that I was complaining – I being the most humble innocent of mortals among my books & papers, and the mess secretary who presumably had a point of injured innocence to make at a mess meeting must need speak of an officer in his quarters, which meant me, making complaints against the overworked staff of which there came a hint to the doctor, instigated by the Colonel who knew nothing but what he had heard at the mess meeting dear man & that it was time I went to hospital. And so here I am & I don’t know that it’s a change for the worse only I hate the way it came about.

The ward is a dreary enough great room & at this moment I’m alone – the one officer who shares it with me having gone out for the afternoon. It has been perishingly cold till just now – there was a theory (not very far wide of the truth) that the stove smoked so much that it was not worth while lighting it. But ultimately an attempt has been made & though the room was full of smoke for ½ hr while the fire burnt up I could do with a lot more than that for the sake of the warmth we have now.

I had a letter from Jelli this morning. It’s annoying in a way that Tressler, as it appears, seems to have got in first & Jelli has engaged herself to perform at one of his Chamber Concerts on Oct 28 – that by the bye is the date which suits her; & you’ve fixed it with Marjorie Waterhouse [old school friend, they attended Prior's Field School] too haven’t you? Will you make the other necessary arrangements about escorting Jelli & hiring the Church Padre?

I also heard from Mary this morning & she says Ralph is very keen to get me into his battery & is moving all he can. I think I ought to get that fixed up through Col. Dawson; anyway I shall try. And my dear one, I’m bound to say I feel its high time I should go out again; the present events in France just put that into my blood. I expect I had better go & see Col. Dawson as soon as I am passed fit for GS at the end of this month & get him to send me out as a reinforcement to Ralph as soon as a batch is going - & that’ll perhaps give me a fortnight more.

The Hoennis seem greatly to have enjoyed their visit to you as I gather by a note from Hoenni this morning.
I suppose the post has again failed us as you say you have no letter from me. I hope you will get this one all right tomorrow morning.

About the O’Malleys, I really feel I don’t know – wouldn’t it be worth while asking what is their address in any case – you have the Denton one on a letter from Ursula. I must be writing to Mary Ann some time. I will send back the Golden Bowl to the L.L.
Dear love it’s very hard not to see you this weekend & although such a stupid little accident, it’s a wonderful pleasure to see you so happy & so lovely & now just when you will be more free I can’t come. Mrs Munns I suppose leaves you tomorrow – give her my kind regards & say I believe I have a a hanky of hers she used for my thumb last Sunday & if it is hers I’ll have it washed and sent on.

Farewell to you sweet love,
Your loving George

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, c. 2 October 1917

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Avington Park Camp, Winchester. Undated apart from 'Tuesday'

His name had appeared in the London Gazette together with that of Earl, Bliss, Courtney, Thomson and Strain and some others of the Weymouth course. They were all to have 2nd pips [ie made Lieutenants].

Had an oily job in the afternoon taking down the buffer of our guns which was quite interesting.

Had written a long letter to his mother chiefly about the babies name. He wanted to work in Beridge if they could.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, c. 23 October 1917

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Avington Park Camp, Winchester. No date except 'Tuesday'

Their written exam would be on Wednesday afternoon and there was a good deal to look up before then and he had only just managed to get hold of a handbook of the gun. This morning they had passed through the gas chamber. They had to go in and change their masks. He didn’t realise the chamber would be full of gas when they entered as it was usual to let the gas off once they were inside. He mistook the practice change for the real test. He had some difficulty with his helmet. The tube which was supposed to go in his mouth seemed to be going into his eye so he took it off to get it right and had a whiff of gas. The gas must have been very light as he felt no ill effects except a slight headache.

Was going to dine with the Irving’s that evening. They would be outdoors doing map work during the afternoon.

The exams would finish on Thursday so he might come home straight after. The motor bike had blown off its exhaust so he was getting one of the fitters in the camp to mend it.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, c. 24 October 1917

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Avington Park Camp, Winchester. No date except 'Wednesday'

Had just finished the exam. The examiner had been just plain nasty but he should get 75%. On his last weekly paper he had got full marks.

He had his medical board this morning. They said he would be unfit for a month and gave his two weeks light duties and two weeks Home Service.

He had a letter from Mrs Benson to say A. C. Benson had had a nervous breakdown but was getting on quite well. This was better than he had expected.

Had put in for leave for Friday to Tuesday but didn’t know if he would get that.

Had to get off and prepare or the practical exam tomorrow.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, c. 3 November 1917

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Avington Park Camp, Winchester. Undated except 'Saturday'

Had received an order last night stopping all leave. No sign of a movement order yet and he was getting impatient. He had finished 'Hope' but if he were to send it to Jelli as she asked he would need to make a copy first. Was working on his Alpine article again.

Had been to Winton and called on the Maitlands and went to the booksellers to get a Christmas present for Robin Garbut but was unsuccessful. He only bought books for himself - the last two Henry James's and two Thomas Hardy's.

Last night he had dined with Dr Browne in his mess. Was much excited by the possibilities on the Italian Front.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, c. 31 August 1917

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Avington Park Camp, Winchester

Was just outside the village of Winton. Was annoyed he was with a heavy rather than a siege battery. Would have to buy a basin, pillow and straw mattress. Didn't know what they would be asked to do.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, c. 4 November 1917

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Avington Park Camp, Winchester. Undated except 'Sunday'

Could understand Ruth's feelings but didn't think she should come down to see him as it wouldn't be for very long and then she would get distressed at leaving him. He was seeing Mrs Garbutt that afternoon and would ask is she knew of any rooms.

Had spent the morning in his room working on his Alpine article. Would sent it to Herbert Reade for approval. Would try and get Winton to go for a walk with him or if not he would go on his own.

Had watched a thrilling football match at Winchester College the day before which brought back a host of recollections. Then went to evensong at the cathedral before walking back.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, c. 4 October 1917

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Avington Park Camp, Winchester

Was sorry that she had caught a chill. Was also sorry the weather had broken as it was the worse thing for the war.

They performed their gun drill this morning and spent the last 1 ½ hours in the lecture room. It was quite interesting learning the ways of a new gun. The lectures were somewhat childish but he officers weren’t very learned from a mathematical point of view.

Had been in to Winchester to have a new pipe put in the carburettor of the bike but the expert said it couldn’t be better than it was and he couldn’t think of a way to reduce petrol consumption. He had called on the Courtneys and been congratulated on his 2nd pips [being made a Lieutenant].

Thought he might go into Winton and see Rendall but might not go out in this weather.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, c. 8 October 1917

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Avington Park Camp, Winchester. No date except 'Monday'

Describes an accident he had on his motor bike when returning to camp from visiting her for the weekend. The result of which was a crushed right foot which he was unable to walk on.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, c. 9 October 1917

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Avington Park Camp, Winchester. No date except 'Tuesday'

Describes the injury to his foot and that the pain had ceased. Was doubtful he would be up and walking enough by the weekend to visit her but might be able to by train. Avie had suggested November 16th for a visit and he would write and ask her to come to Westbrook. He had been visited by Avie's former doctor who spent a long time talking to him. Geoffrey was one of the best friend's in the world and he liked to plan things for others.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, January 1916

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Warwick House, Weymouth

The Weymouth Queen which sailed between Weymouth and the Channel Islands was unloading below his window which was faintly cheering the scene and the grey blight of the everlasting east wind. It had been a very bleak day.

He had selected his landlady and moved his things in the previous evening. It was not the most comfortable room nor the largest but had the right aspect and if the sun ever shone again it would shine on them.

A good landlady, although a trifle lazy, but clean and homely and not avaricious (although she was Scotch). Room cost a guinea a week with light and coal extra. Two armchairs in the room and not much room for clothes in the bedroom. Bed was comfortable and the sheets were linen and rather good. Breakfast was nicely cooked and the damsel who waited upon him seemed alert and willing.

She was not to count on joining him in Weymouth until he could write again after seeing Clarke. He had read most of Hugh’s letters and was vastly impressed and moved.

Postscript – I wonder what you bought in London today?

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, January 1916

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Weymouth

Had seen Clarke and there was no hope of him going to Lydd immediately so he would be in Weymouth for about a month. She would be arriving the following day and he wouldn’t be back until about 4.30pm. Reminds her to change at Basingstoke if she comes by the 12.50. The house was in the block on the right near the Pavilion [he has drawn a sketch map showing the location of the house]. The landlady’s name was Mrs Plumbe.

Asks her to bring his white buckskin rubber shoes. Besides that the most important things were flowers and tea (Miss Jekyll’s kind).

Not quite so grey today, little rain in the morning but lots of mud.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, July 1915

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Pen y Pass [no date]

Had arrived in Pen y Pass but instead of a car there was a little trap to meet them. They were expected but when they arrived the hall was dark as the current had been turned off due to a thunderstorm. They were staying in the lower shack and his bed was too short. Hugh was excited about the prospect of climbing. There was one other guest in the hotel, a man called O’Malley who would climb with them that day. Weather was clearing and they planned to go toward Tryfan. He had been sorry to leave her but was glad to be there.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, July 1915

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Pen y Pass [no date]

He hadn’t received a letter from her. They had an amusing adventure getting passed the soldiers who were guarding the pipes running from the lake to the power station and so on to LLiwedd. He had managed to get hold of the newspapers and he was beginning to back the Russians as the Germans were taking too long to get through. Hoped she was well and wasn't bored. Changes were a blessing at times which men want more than women. Did she have any news of Trafford.

Friday - they were going to make an early start, take things gently and he wouldn't attempt anything that was not within his powers.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, July 1917

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Skipness on Sunday

Describes his 2 1/2 hr journey on the steamer, his fellow passengers and then the 1 1/2hr coach journey to get to Red House where Ethel Graham was waiting for him in a car. Describes the countryside, house and gardens where he was staying. Amongst the other guests were Cosmo Gordon's father and Lee Warner [who ran the Medici Society], Mary Ann and Frances [Cosmo's wife]. Arran was visible and he was going there on Wednesday to stay in the hostel in Corrie.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, July 1917

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Skipness

He describes a walk up the burn, clambering over obstacles, and descending to a cave where he crawled through a small hole to get out. There was lots of rock scrabbling but he was feeling feeble, stiff and old. His ankle had been feeble. Frances had received a letter from Cosmo [Gordon, from France] and he was alright and out of the line. He had been taking and developing photographs.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, July 1917

Letter to Ruth Mallory written from Corrie, Isle of Arran, on Wednesday

Describes an expedition to a distant glen. Frances [Gordon] took him in a pony and trap to catch the steamer for Arran. He had a lovely walk over two of the best mountains and was supposed to meet David Pye and Will Arnold-Forster but didn't see them. He saw them later on another summit but didn't try and reach them. Instead he had a bathe and returned to the hotel. He was much pleased with Arran.

Letter from George to Ruth Mallory, March 1922

Letter to Ruth Mallory, from the S.S. Caledonia [P. & O. S. N. Co. Letterhead]

Brief Summary
Life on board ship. Opinion on use of oxygen. Opinion of colleagues. Watched porpoises.

Detailed Summary
They were all getting along happily enough. There was a good deal of scientific discussion around the subject of breathing oxygen. Wakefield was somewhat distrustful of the whole affair and sometimes irritated by Finch who was dogmatic in his statements. In this company he was amused by Finch. Was much intrigued by the shape of his head which seemed to go out at the sides where it ought to go up. He was a fanatical character and didn't laugh easily. He greatly enjoyed his oxygen class.

The oxygen drill was being abandoned and so they would hear less on the subject, which was extremely interesting and Finch had been very competent about it. Refers to a full page hand drawing by Somervell, entitled ‘Homeward Bound' [included on the next page of the letter] which showed an unfortunate man whose apparatus had broken and so he was forced to go down taking the oxygen straight from the bottle.

At his first meeting with Strutt, which took place at the Alpine Club, he thought him a dry, stiff solider but he was rather a chatterbox and quite entertaining though never profound. He describes Strutt’s diplomatic role with a mission to Denikin’s army [Russian Lt. Gen Anton Denikin] and an Austrian prince and was High Commissioner in Danzig or some big town in the Baltic. Over one affair Curzon tried to get him court marshalled as a traitor to his country so he concluded he must be a good man.

He had enjoyed good talk, especially with Noel who he particularly liked. The Everest film should be worth £15,000 for foreign rights alone, which gave him some hope that there would be generous terms to the lectures.

Further describes life on the ship, the warm weather and the sunset. The bugle sounded warning them to dress for dinner. He had to go and bathe as he had been playing deck cricket. He slept with a fan in his cabin and thought how romantic a voyage could be if one was lazy enough. If she were there he would take quite a lot of interest in the phosphorescence of the water, the dolphins, whales, sharks, the flying fishes, and all the rest.

[Continues next morning] - previous night he had watched porpoises in the sea which kept pace with them. His porthole and door had closed overnight so the fan was just churning round the same old air and it was very stuffy.

She was very brave about his going away and she wouldn't be dull without him. He will have to wait a long time to hear news from her and wonders if they will still be in Darjeeling when the mail arrives. Many supplies were still on their way notably the oxygen cylinders.

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