Affichage de 407 résultats

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College Archives
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43 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Obituaries of C.S. Lewis

(1) ‘The Uncontemporary Apologist' in Theology LXVIII, (No. 536), Feb 1965, by Simon Barrington-Ward (Fellow and Dean of Magdalene College)

(2) Photocopy of an obituary by Helen Gardner in Proceedings of the British Academy LI (1965)

(3) Printout of a copy of an obituary in The Times, 25 November 1963

Magdalene College Magazine

(No. 38), Vol. 6, No. 1

'The College Plate IV', pp. 1-2

The College Plate - The Pepys Cup

Magdalene College Magazine

(No. 41), Vol. 6, No. 4

'The Portrait of Henry Howard, fourth Duke of Norfolk', pp. 93-96

Portrait of Henry Howard, fourth Duke of Norfolk'

Magdalene College Magazine

(No. 42), Vol. 6, No. 5

'A Fighting Parson' about Hammond Robertson (b. 1757) came to Magdalene as an undergraduate in 1775, pp. 121-123

Drawing of an undergraduate in evening dress and academic gown reading 'The Granta'

Magdalene College Magazine

(No. 50), Vol. 8, No. 1

'The Election of Barton Wallop', pp. 9-11

Arthur Christopher Benson, pp. 1-8

Arthur Christopher Benson

Magdalene College Magazine

(No. 53), Vol. 8, No. 4

'Francis Cranmer Penrose' (admitted to the College in 1838), pp. 71-72

Magdalene College Magazine

(No. 61), Vol. 9, No. 3

'The King of Games, the Game of Kings'. The young Duke of York, afterwards James II, playing tennis at the Court. from a print in the Pepys Library

Drawing - 'Flashlight glimpse of a farewell party given to Mr Richards by Senior Members of the College before his departure for China'

Magdalene College Magazine

(No. 75), Vol. 10, No. 7

Charles Stewart Parnell [an account as to the events leading up to him leaving Magdalene by A. S. Ramsey]

Robert Neville-Grenville
Major John Nelson Barstow
M. R. Montagu

A. B. Ramsay

Magdalene College Magazine

(No. 76), Vol. 10, No. 8

William Farish, 1759-1837, pp. 281-286
Magdalene Boys' Club, pp. 297-300

Michael O'Bryen Shute Barrington
Michael Alastair Brodie
Colonel Harold William Alexander Francis Crichton-Browne
Sydney John Stephens
John Henry Stothert
Thomas Norman Kenneth Walker

Drawing of the outline of a man's head, labelled 'Amalgamation Club?'
Two photographs of Magdalene Lads' Club at camp, King's Mead, Seaford, 1937

Magdalene College Magazine

Vol. 11, No. 82

The Chancellor of the University [Lord Tedder], pp. 7-8

The Monks' Room, pp. 8-11

Magdalene College Magazine

Vol. 12, No. 86

Pepys and Pascal, pp. 5-8

William Farish (1759-1837), pp. 25-29

Arthur Stanley Ramsey, 1867-1954, pp. 41-44

Magdalene College Magazine

Vol. 12, No. 87

In Memoriam: Allen Beville Ramsay

Vernon Stanley Vernon-Jones, 1875-1955

Magdalene College Magazine & Record

New Series No. 16

Richard William Ladborough (1908-1972). Includes photograph, pp. 2-5

Sir Charles Harington [admitted to Magdalene 1916; Hon. Fellow 1944]

Professor Francis Wormald [admitted to Magdalene 1922; Hon. Fellow 1961]

Magdalene College Magazine & Record

New Series No. 31

Editorial: the admission of women

Magdalene and the Molteno Institute (includes images of Professor Nuttall, Professor Keilin, and Dr Klein), pp. 20-22

Reminiscences Cambridge in the Twenties by J.E.H. Blackie, pp. 23-25

Unbuilt Magdalene II Redfern's Plan for Benson Court (1921) (includes images - view from Magdalene Bridge, internal elevation facing entry from Magdalene Street, plan of the layout of the new court), pp. 25-29

Two photos of Dorothea Richards

Letter from David Keilin to A.C. Benson (1916)

Letter from Harry Redfern to the Bursar (1921)

St. Mary Magdalen College

A copy of S. Mary Magdalen College. This is a history of the College probably taken from a larger 19th century book on the histories of all Cambridge Colleges. Contains prints of the following engravings:

Magdalene College from the Close
Part of First Court showing the tower and gates
Part of First Court showing the Chapel and Dining Hall
South end of Hall

Boat Club Secretary's Book, 1852-1863

The first page shows hand drawn coloured symbols representing: First Crew, Captain of the First Crew, Steerer of the First Crew, Secretary, Captain of Cannibal Crew, Cannibal Crew, the Shield of the First Crew, and the Shield of the Cannibal Crew.

A manuscript addition to the first page gives the unanimous thanks of the Boat Club to Mr Kershaw for is kindness in ornamenting the book.

Boat Club Secretary's Book, 1901-1926

A manuscript addition to the first page reads ' This book was presented to the Magdalene Boat Club by G. C. R. Taylor, Captain 1901-1902'.

Contains minutes of meetings and race reports.

Résultats 1 à 30 sur 407