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Pepys Scholars' Library
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Bound Volume 4

Offprints and articles concerning Pepys and the Pepys Library bound into albums. Formerly known as the 'Miscellaneous Pamphlets' volumes.

List of contents:

  1. Bridge, F. (n.d.). The "Pepys Club" Grace. Music by Matthew Locke (1666). Arranged and adapted for use at the gatherings of the Samuel Pepys Club. [Music score].

  2. Chappell, E. (1933). 'Samuel Pepys', *The Mariner's Mirror', 29(2), pp. 212-32.

  3. Chappell, E. (1933). 'Elizabeth Pepys', The Somerset Year Book, 32.

  4. Chappell, E. (1936). Leviova Pepysiana. London: Privately printed by Edwin Chappell.

  5. Wilson, E.M. (1955). 'Samuel Pepys's Spanish Chap-Books, Part I', Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 2(2), pp. 127-54.

  6. Wilson, E.M. (1956). 'Samuel Pepys's Spanish Chap-Books, Part II', Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 2(3), pp. 229-68.

  7. Wilson, E.M. (1957). 'Samuel Pepys's Spanish Chap-Books, Part III', Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 2(4), pp. 305-22.

  8. Roberts, S.C. (1953). 'Books: Their Use and Their Care', Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Library Association, Llandudno.

  9. Ashbee, E.W. (1869). Mr. Ashbee's Occasional Fac-similie Reprints. VII. "The Assyse of Breade:" From the Original printed at London by Robert Wyer, circa 1540. London: Printed for subscribers only. (Relates to PL 1434).

  10. Emslie, M. (1955). 'Pepys' Shakespeare Song', Shakespeare Quarterly, 6(2), pp. 159-70.

  11. McKie, D. (1952). 'Samuel Pepys, F.R.S. (1633-1703)', Discovery, pp. 145-223.

  12. Wormald, F. (1954). 'The Wilton Diptych', The Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 28(3-4), pp. 191-203.

  13. Warner, F. (1953). Christ's Hospital Masque 1553-1953. [Play].

  14. Norman, P. (1920), 'Pepys and Hewer', pp. 53-77. [Includes correspondence between Margaret Toynbee and Philip Norman].

  15. Harrison, F.L. (1958-1963). 'Music for the Sarum Rite. MS. 1236 in the Pepys Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge', Annales Musicologiques, 6, pp. 99-144. (Relates to PL 1236).

  16. Gray, J. (1965). 'James Bailey', The Cambridge Review, 86(2102), pp. 437-46. [James Bailey (c 1790-1864), classical scholar and schoolmaster].

  17. Fielding, X. (1955). 'A 17th century Atlantic outpost: The British occupation of Tangier', History Today, 5, pp. 463-72.

  18. Pool, B. (1963). 'Samuel Pepys and Navy Contracts', History Today, 13(9), pp. 633-41.

  19. Pepys Whiteley, D. (1965). 'My friend the Merchant: Thomas Hill and Pepys', History Today, 15(8), pp. 576-81.

Bound Volume 5

Offprints and articles concerning Pepys and the Pepys Library bound into albums. Formerly known as the 'Miscellaneous Pamphlets' volumes.

List of contents:

  1. Duff, E.G. (1907), 'The Library of Richard Smith', The Library, 30(8).

  2. Fitzwilliam Museum (1933). Tercentenary exhibition of Books from the Library of Samuel Pepys lent by the Master and Fellows of Magdalene College Cambridge.

  3. Gaselee, S. (1924). The Early Spanish Printing Press. A lecture delivered before the Anglo-Spanish Society of Great Britain and the Spanish-Speaking countries on Wednesday, December 19th, 1923. London: The Anglo-Spanish Society.

4a. Mcdonnell, M. (1934). 'A Newly Discovered Early View of the Exterior of the Second School', The Pauline, 52(350), pp. 101-4.

4b. Mcdonnell, M. (1934). 'A Newly Discovered Early View of the Interior of the Second School', The Pauline, 52(351), pp. 134-7.

  1. Ladborough, R.W. (1953). 'Note No. 26. A Discovery in the Pepys Library', The Book Collector, 2(4), pp. 278-9.

  2. Tillman Merritt, A. (n.d.). 'A Chason Sequence by Fevin', Essays on Music, pp. 92-9.

  3. Godman, S. (1955). '"Youth's Delight": Pepys's Own Flageolet Tutor', The Times, 15 February.

  4. Ladborough, R.W. (1956). 'Pepys and Pascal', French Studies, 10(2), pp. 134-9.

  5. Peacock, A. (1957), 'The Queen's Sea Flags', The Mariner's Mirror, 43(4), pp. 269-80.

  6. catalogue: treasures of Cambridge, Goldsmiths' Hall London 1959. [Exhibition catalogue].

  7. illustrations: treasures of Cambridge, Goldsmiths' Hall London 1959. [Illustrations exhibition catalogue].

  8. Carter, H. and Wolpe, B. (1959). 'Pepys's copy of Moxon's Mechanical Exercises', The Library, 14(2), PP. 124-6.

  9. Scott, J.F. and Hartley, H. (1960). 'William, Viscount Brouncker, P.R.S. (1620-1684)', Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 15(Tercentenary Number), pp. 147-57.

  10. Wilson, E.P. (1960). 'Illustrations of Social Life III: Street-Cries', Shakespeare Survey, 13, pp. 106-10.

15a. Royal Academy. (1960-61). The Age of Charles II. [Illustrations exhibition catalogue].

15b. Anon. (1960). 'English Art Under Charles II', The Times, 9 December. [Review of above exhibition].

  1. Richards, A.N.G. (1906-1). 'The King Dictates', The Cornhill, 171(1026), pp. 494-505.

  2. Clifford, H.D. (1958), 'Farm-house where Pepys was a lodger, Country Life*, 5 June, pp. 1246-7.

  3. Pepys Whiteley, D. (1960). 'The Pepys Library', The Cambridge Review, 81(1947), p. 366.

  4. Pepys Whiteley, D. (1960). 'Books on Pepys', The Cambridge Review, 82(1991), pp. 167-8.

  5. Pepys Whiteley, D. (1961). 'Problems with Pepys Portraits', Country Life, 6 April, pp. 778-9.

  6. Pepys Whiteley, D. (1961). 'A Portrait of Pepys?', Country Life, 4 May, p. 1034.

Reference Materials Box 4

Offprints and articles concerning Pepys and the Pepys Library. Known formerly as the "Pepys Library Files".

List of Contents:

  1. [Item transferred].

  2. Sotheby and Co. (1931). 'Lot 451: Pepys (Samuel) Jan. 1670, to Wm. Brathwayte', Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, A Few Manuscripts, Autograph Letters. And Documents, etc. New Bond Street, London, 13-14 July.

  3. Sotheby and Co. (1932). 'Lot 328: Naval Papers', Catalogue of a Selection of Valuable Printed Books and a Few Manuscripts, from the Library at Wakefield Lodge, Potterspury, Northampton. New Bond Street, London, 29 February-1 March.

  4. Sotheby and Co. (1954). 'Lots 294-295', Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, Music, Autograph Letters, Literary Manuscripts and Historical Documents. New Bond Street, London, 24-25 May.

  5. Sotheby and Co. (1955). 'Lots 207, 208, 216, 233', Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. New Bond Street, London, 4-6 April.

  6. Sotheby and Co. (1955). 'Lots 967-968', Catalogue of the Andre de Coppet Collections Part IV: English Manuscripts and Autograph letters of the 12th to the 17th Centuries. New Bond Street, London, 4-5 July.

  7. Sotheby and Co. (1959). 'Lots 462-464', Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, Autograph Letters, Literary Manuscripts and Historical Documents. New Bond Street, London, 26-27 October.

  8. Sotheby and Co. (1960). 'Lot 122: Pepys (Samuel) Derby House, 27 April, 1678, to Lord Yarmouth (Robert Paston)', Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. New Bond Street, London, 28-29 March.

  9. Sotheby and Co. (1961). 'Lot 118: Pepys (Samuel) Friday 21 November 1690 to John Evelyn', Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Documents Relating to the History of the Netherlands and Dutch Colonisation in America, and Autograph Letters and Manuscripts of Artists, New Bond Street, London, 10 April. [Includes inserted letter from James M. Osborn to Derek Pepys Whiteley, 6 July 1961, regarding the sale of Pepys' letter].

  10. Sotheby and Co. (1962). 'Lots 540, 823, 841-844 ', Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, Fine Bindings, Music, Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. New Bond Street, London, 17-19 December.

  11. Sotheby and Co. (1963). 'Lots 90, 236, 240', Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. New Bond Street, London, 13-14 May.

  12. Sotheby and Co. (1964). 'Lots 63-68: Wenceslaus Hollar, The Views of Tangier', Catalogue of the Collection of English Drawings formed by the late Sir Bruce Ingram. New Bond Street, London, 21 October.

  13. Sotheby and Co. (1964). 'Lot 439: Pepys (Samuel) June 1672, to the Storekeeper of Deptford dockyard', Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. New Bond Street, London, 9-10 November.

  14. Sotheby and Co. (1965). 'Lot 428: Pepys (Samuel) 18 December, 1686 to Sir Robert Southwell', Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books and Autograph Letters. New Bond Street, London, 1-2 November. [Includes inserted typescript receipt of sale].

  15. Sotheby and Co. (1966). 'Lot 318: Caxton (William) Ovyde of Methamorphoseos', Catalogue of the Celebrated Collection of Manuscripts formed by Sir Thomas Philllipps. New Bond Street, London, 27-28 June.

  16. Sotheby and Co. (1970). 'Lots 223-229', Catalogue. New Bond Street, London, 30 November. [Photocopy]. [Includes letter from Derek Pepys Whiteley to R. J. Dobell, 30 December 1970].

  17. Sotheby and Co. (1974). 'Lots 246-247', Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. New Bond Street, London, 25 March.

18a. [Restricted access].

18b. [Restricted access].

18c. [Restricted access].

18d. [Restricted access].

18e. [Restricted access].

18f. [Restricted access].

18g. [Restricted access].

18h. [Restricted access].

18i. [Restricted access].

18j. [Restricted access].

18k. [Restricted access].

18l. [Restricted access].

18m. [Restricted access].

18n. [Restricted access].

18o. [Restricted access].

18p. [Restricted access].

18q. [Restricted access].

18r. [Restricted access].

18s. [Restricted access].

18t. [Restricted access].

18u. [Restricted access].

18v. [Restricted access].

18w. [Restricted access].

18x. [Restricted access].

18y. [Restricted access].

  1. Power, D.A. (1904). Who performed lithotomy on Mr. Samuel Pepys?, London: Printed at The Lancet Office. [Paper read at the second meeting of the Samuel Pepys Club, 26 March 1904].

  2. Lee, S. (1906). Pepys and Shakespeare. London: Bedford Press. [Paper read at the sixth meeting of the Samuel Pepys Club, 30 November 1905].

21a. Wheatley, H.B. (1910). Samuel Pepys his Portrait. Presented by "The Graphic" to the members of the Club dining on December 16, MCMX. (Includes H.B. Wheatley's bookplate).

21b. Wheatley, H.B. (1910). Samuel Pepys his Portrait. Presented by "The Graphic" to the members of the Club dining on December 16, MCMX.

22a. Power, D.A. (1911). 'Why Samuel Pepys Discontinued his Diary', The Lancet, 177(4582). [Delivered at a meeting of the Samuel Pepys Club, 5 April].

22b. Power, D.A. (1911). 'Why Samuel Pepys Discontinued his Diary', The Lancet, 177(4582). [Delivered at a meeting of the Samuel Pepys Club, 5 April].

  1. Chappell, E. (1933). The Secrecy of the Diary. [Paper read before the Samuel Pepys Club, 24 November]. (Includes typescript list of Pepys related opuscula).

24a. Chappell, E. (1936). Tangier in 1683 and 1935. London: Blackheath Press. [Paper which was to have been read before the Samuel Pepys Club, 4 February].

24b. Chappell, E. (1936). Tangier in 1683 and 1935. London: Blackheath Press. [Paper which was to have been read before the Samuel Pepys Club, 4 February].

25a. Chappell, E. (1937). The National Maritime Museum and Samuel Pepys. London: Blackheath Press. [Paper read before the Samuel Pepys Club, 27 May].

25b. Chappell, E. (1937). The National Maritime Museum and Samuel Pepys. London: Blackheath Press. [Paper read before the Samuel Pepys Club, 27 May].

  1. Cleary, F.E. (1981). Pepys House, Brampton in the County of Cambridgeshire. [Paper given at Apothecaries' Hall, Blackfriars, London, 29 October].

  2. Tibbits,D. (1983). Pepys and the Navy. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 2 June].

  3. Girtin, T. (1980). 'Samuel Pepys, Clothworker', Samuel Pepys Club Occasional Paper No 12. [Typescript for address at Clothworkers' Hall, 11 November 1980].

  4. Latham, R. (982). 'Editing Pepys', Samuel Pepys Club Occasional Paper No 13. [Typescript for address at Apothecaries Hall, 29 November 1982].

  5. West, F.H. (1983). 'Service to commemorate the 350th anniversary of his birth at the Church of St. Bride Fleet Street on 23 February 1983', Samuel Pepys Club Occasional Paper No 14. [Bidding and address for service].

  6. (1983?). 'A letter from Pepys requesting an admission to Christ’s Hospital', Samuel Pepys Club Occasional Paper No 15. [Typescript].

  7. Raybould, G.W. (1983). '12 Buckingham Street', Samuel Pepys Club Occasional Paper No 16. [Typescript notes for visit to Buckingham Street as part of the Club's outing, 17 May 1983].

  8. Duke of Gloucester (1984). 'Address by the R. R. H. The Duke of Cloucester [sic.] at the 100th dinner of the Samuel Pepys Club in the 350th anniversary year of Pepys’ birth on Wednesday 26th October 1983', Samuel Pepys Club Occasional Paper No 17. [Typescript].

  9. Kolbert, C. (1984). 'Pepys and the Royal Society', Samuel Pepys Club Occasional Paper No 18. [Typescript for address at the dinner on 28 November 1984].

  10. Hall, R. (1984). 'Pepys and Newton', Samuel Pepys Club Occasional Paper No 19. [Typescript for address at the dinner, 28 November 1984].

  11. Pilkington, P.C. (1987). 'Samuel Pepys’s Education at St. Paul's', Samuel Pepys Club Occasional Paper No 20. [Typescript for address at the dinner, 1 December 1987].

  12. Montagu, J. (1988). 'Samuel Pepys in Africa', Samuel Pepys Club Occasional Paper No 21. [Typescript, expanded from talk given in the Middle Temple Hall, 1 December 1987].

  13. Balcombe, J. (1990). 'Pepys at the Inns of Court', Samuel Pepys Club Occasional Paper No 23. [Typescript for address at the dinner in Sion College, 16 November 1989].

39a. The Samuel Pepys Club (1903). List of Members and Rules.

39b. The Samuel Pepys Club (1903). Nineteenth Meeting Dinner at Princes' Hotel, Jermyn Street Friday, December 1st, 1911. London: Chiswick Press. [Programme and invitation].

  1. [Restricted access].

  2. [Restricted access].

  3. Bridge, F. (n.d.). The "Pepys Club" Grace. [Sheet music].

  4. Walker, E. (n.d.) The Samuel Pepys Club, Founded 26th of May, 1903. [Print - two copies].

  5. Pepys, C.D.L. (1980). An account of the Samuel Pepys Club. [Typescript].

  6. The Samuel Pepys Club and C.D.L. Pepys (1981). An exhibition of Pepysiana Presented by The Samuel Pepys Club During the Month of June 1981 at Stoner Park, Near Henley-on-Thames by kind permission of Lord and Lady Camoys. [Exhibition catalogue].

  7. Cleary, F.E. and Pointer, C.L. (1981). Samuel Pepys Club receipts and payments account year ended 31st December 1981.

  8. Samuel Pepys Club (1981). Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in Clothworkers’ Hall [...] on Tuesday 3rd November 1981.

  9. Samuel Pepys Club (1982). The Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held by kind permission of the Master and Wardens at Clothworkers' Hall, Dunster Court, Mincing Lane, EC3, on Wednesday 10 November 1982 at 1600 of the clock. [Notice and agenda].

  10. Adams, R.H. (1982). Invitation to Mapperton. [Invitation to members of the Samuel Pepys Club].

  11. Adams, R.H. (1982). The Samuel Pepys Club Annual Dinner - Monday 29 November 1982. [Invitation].

  12. Adams, R.H. (1983). The Samuel Pepys Club Commemorative Service in the Church of St. Bride, Fleet Street on Wednesday 23 of February 1983 at 1145 a.m.. [Invitation].

  13. Samuel Pepys Club (1984).Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in Clothworkers’ Hall [...] on Wednesday 14 November 1984. [Includes agenda from the 1985 AGM].

  14. Samuel Pepys Club (1984). Income and expenditure account for the year ended 31st December 1984. [Typescript].

  15. Samuel Pepys Club (1986). The Rules of the Samuel Pepys Club.

  16. Samuel Pepys Club (1988). The Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held by kind permission of the Master and Wardens at Clothworkers' Hall, Dunster Court, Mincing Lane, EC, on Monday 21 November 1988 at 1400 hours. [Notice, agenda and minutes from the 1987 AGM].

  17. Adams, R.H. (1988). Visit to the Royal Society of Arts, in John Adam Street, Adelphi, London WC2. [Invitation].

  18. Martin, J. (c. 1995). Pepys House, Brampton. [Appeal for donations].

  19. Samuel Pepys Club (1995). Visit to Hampton Court Palace Monday 26 June 1995. [Invitation].

  20. Samuel Pepys Club (1998). NB: Dates for 1998. [Invitation].

  21. Samuel Pepys Club (1998). Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 1 December 1998 at Clothworkers' Hall. [Includes agenda].

  22. Balcombe, J. (1999). Address by Sir John Balcombe at the Annual Dinner in the Old Hall, Lincoln’s Inn, 9 November 1999. [Typescript].

  23. Samuel Pepys Club (2000). Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 23 May 2000 at Clothworkers' Hall.

  24. (2000). St. Olave Hart Street in The City of London, Presents A Festival of Flowers, To commemorate 2000 years of Christianity and nearly 1000 years in this place. [Poster featuring portrait of Pepys].

  25. Samuel Pepys Club (2003). The Tercentenary of the death of Samuel Pepys. [Brochure of events].

  26. [Restricted access].

  27. Samuel Pepys Club (2010). Minutes of the Pepys Club Annual General Meeting held on 13th December 2010 at at Clothworkers' Hall.

  28. Samuel Pepys Club (2011). Minutes of the Pepys Club Annual General Meeting held on 12th December 2011 at at Clothworkers' Hall.

  29. The Samuel Pepys Award Trust (2005). Frances Harris wins 2005 Pepys award. [Typescript notes].

  30. The Samuel Pepys (1998). Dinner at Magdalene College on Saturday, 20th June, 1998. [Menu].

Reference Materials Box 6

Offprints and articles concerning Pepys and the Pepys Library. Known formerly as the "Pepys Library Files".

List of contents:
1a. Wormald, F. (n.d.). Notes on the Lauderdale sale catalogue of January 1692. [Photocopy].

1b. Wormald, F. (n.d.). Some Pepysian Manuscripts in the Pepysian Library. [Typescript essay].

1c. Wormald, F. (n.d.). ‘Bibliotheca Manuscripta Lauderdaliana’, pp. 151-158. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 1584; PL 2329; PL 2014; PL 2002; PL 1576).

  1. Goldstein, L.M. (1966). ‘The Pepys Ballads’, The Library, 21(4), pp. 282-292. (Relates to PL 2505-9).

  2. Chiggiato, A. (1991). 'Contenuti delle Architetture Navali Antiche', Anteneo Veneto, pp. 141-211. [Two copies]. (Relates to PL 2820).

  3. Carcas B. (1991). The Life of James Carkesse, 1634-1711. [Typescript essay - includes loose letter from Bernard Carcas to Robert Latham]. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

  4. Latham, R.C. (1991). 'Pepys and his editors', in J. Horden (ed.) Bibliographia: Lectures, 1975-88, by recipients of the Marc Fitch Prize for Bibliography. Oxford: Leopard's Head, pp. 105-119.

  5. Latham, R.C. (1958). ‘Samuel Pepys - Scientist’, Crookes Digest, 30, pp. 2-9. (Relates to PL 1836-4).

  6. MacArthur, W.P. (1928). ‘Some Medical References in Pepys’, Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, pp. 1-15. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

8a. Nottingham Court Press. Sir Francis Drake's Pocket Almanac. London: Nottingham Court Press. [Leaflet for facsimile of PL 1].

8b. Nottingham Court Press. Map of Rome. London: Nottingham Court Press. [Brochure for facsimile of PL 2990]

8c. Nottingham Court Press. A Samuel Pepys Scrapbook - Views of London and Westminster. London: Nottingham Court Press. [Brochure for collection of prints].

  1. Aldwych Books. The Mary Rose Print. London: Aldwych Books Ltd. [Brochure for facsimile of the Mary Rose]. (Relates to PL 2991).

  2. Engle, G. (1993). ‘The Tradescant Tomb: The significance of the carvings’, Museum of Garden History Newsletter, 47, pp. 27-29. (Relates to PL 2972/166a & b).

  3. Sorrell, M. (1993). ‘Jack Fool’s Picture’, Essex Journal, 28(1), pp. 21-24.

  4. Ullendorff, E. (1992). ‘An Ethiopic Inscription in Westminster Abbey', Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 2(2), pp. 167-173. (Reference to Sir Samuel Morland).

  5. Shesgreen, S. (1992). ‘The Cries of London in the Seventeenth Century’, The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 86(3), pp. 269-294. (Relates to PL 2973).

14a. Adams, S. (1992). ‘The Papers of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester I. The Browne-Evelyn Collection’, Archives, 20(87), pp. 63-85. (Relates to PL 2502-4).

14b. Adams, S. (1993). ‘The Papers of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester II. The Atye-Cotton Collection’, Archives, 20(90), pp. 131-144. (Relates to PL 2502-4).

  1. Adams S. (1991). 'Review: The Gran Armada: 1988 and After', History, 76(247), pp. 238-249.

  2. Peck, E.H. (1993). The Battle of Glenlivet. Published for Avonside Conservation Group. (Relates to PL 358/4).

  3. Barker, R.A. (1992). ‘Shipshape for Discoveries, and Return’, The Mariner’s Mirror, 78(4), pp. 433-447.

18a. Barker, R.A. (1992). 'Of caravelas, tides and water', Rota da Seda, UNESCO, Sagres, April. [Typescript].

18b. Barker, R.A. (1992). 'Of caravelas, tides and water', Rota da Seda, UNESCO, Sagres, April, pp. 101-125.

  1. Barker, R.A. (1992). ‘Barrels at Sea: Water, Stowage and Guns on the Portugese Ocean’. I Simpósio de História Marítima, December. Lisbon: Academia de Marinha. [Typescript].

  2. Barker, R.A. (1994). 'A Manuscript on Shipbuilding, circa 1600, copied by Newton’, Mariner's Mirror, 80(1), pp. 16-29.

  3. Boydell & Brewer (1994). Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College Cambridge. [Brochure].

  4. [Missing].

  5. Good Company Theatre Productions (1994?). The Pepys Show: The private life and public times of Samuel Pepys, by Dennis Saunders directed by Sue Pomeroy, Cambridge Arts Theatre, 25-30 June. [Flyer].

  6. Turner, F. McD. C. (1933). ‘Pepys’s Books’, The Cambridge Review, p. 430.

  7. Old Hall Press (1994). The Cryes of London: The Collection in the Pepys Library. Leeds: Old Hall Press. [Brochure]. (Relates to PL 2972; PL 2980).

  8. Johnston, S. (1994). 'Mathew Baker and the Art of the Shipwright' in Making mathematical practice : gentlemen, practitioners and artisans in Elizabethan England. PhD dissertation. University of Cambridge. (Relates to PL 2820).

  9. Pezzini, D. (1994). 'Un Trattato sulla vita e attiva dalle "Revelationes" (VI, 65) di Santa Brigida: edizione di "An Informacion of Contemplative Lyf and Actif" dal MS Oxford, Bodley 423'. Aevum, 68(2), pp. 379-406. (Relates to PL 2125).

  10. Spufford, M. (1996). Chippenham to the World: microcosm to macrocosm. Roehampton Institute London, 20 February. pp. 4-23.

  11. de la Bédoyère, G. (1994). ‘John Evelyn’s Library Catalogue’, The Book Collector, 43(4), pp. 529-48. [Two copies].

  12. Gardner, M. (1974). ‘Mathematical games: The arts as combinatorial mathematics, or how to compose like Mozart with dice’, Scientific American, 231(6), pp. 132-136. [Two copies]. (Relates to PL 2467-8).

  13. HarperCollins (1995). The Diary of Samuel Pepys. [Publicity page for the first paperback edition of Pepys' Diary].

  14. Ratcliffe, M. (1995). ‘Pepys and the art of peeping’ [book review in newspaper], 19 March.

  15. Tomalin, C. (1995). ‘Private and public pleasures’ [book review], The Guardian, July 28.

  16. Harper, C.H.A. (n.d.). Samuel Pepys - Sermon-Taster. [Typescript essay].

  17. Aubrey, J. (1718-19). 'Appendix', in 1975 facsimile of The Natural History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey, pp. 330-333. [Photocopy].

  18. Gumpert, J.P. (1990). ‘Über Faltbücher, vornehmlich Almanache’, Rationalisierung der Buchherstellung im Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit, Wolfenbüttel, 12-14 November. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL1662).

  19. Taguchi, M. (1996). ‘The Legend of the Cross: Comparative Translation from English, Anglo-Norman and Latin’, Journal of Osaka Sangro University, 89, pp. 17-28. (Relates to PL 2125).

  20. Taguchi, M. (1996). ‘The legend of the Cross before Christ: another prose treatment in English and Anglo-Norman’, Poetica (Tokyo), 45, pp. 15-61.

  21. Podgorsky, A.V. (1996). An Ordinary Story of Love. [In Cyrillic script].

  22. Podgorsky, A.V. (1996). John Evelyn’s Memoirs: towards a definition of the genre. [In Cyrillic script].

  23. Keynes, M. (1997). ‘Why Samuel Pepys stopped writing his Diary: his dimming eyesight and ill-health’, Journal of Medical Biography, 5(1), pp. 25-29.

  24. Hull, D. (1997). ‘Robert Hooke: A Fractographic Study of Kettering-Stone’, Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 51(1), pp. 45-55.

  25. Bennett, I. (1994). Mr Pepys and His Musique: Three Scenes with Incidental Music of the Period. Oxford: Shakespeare Head Press.

  26. Withers, C. (1997). ‘Geography, royalty and empire: Scotland and the making of Great Britain, 1603-1661’, Scottish Geographical Magazine, 113(1), pp. 22-32. (Relates to PL 2973 (330a)).

  27. Cameron, A. (1996). ‘And it’s all written down in his diary’, Lloyd’s List. [Photocopy of review of Samuel Pepys and the second Dutch war: Pepys's navy white book and Brooke House papers. Transcribed by William Matthews and Charles Knighton; edited by Robert Latham]. (Relates to PL 2581).

  28. Capp, B. (1997). 'Review of Samuel Pepys and the second Dutch war: Pepys's navy white book and Brooke House papers. Transcribed by William Matthews and Charles Knighton; edited by Robert Latham', The Mariner's Mirror, 83(1), pp. 105-106. (Relates to PL 2581).

  29. Ollard, R. (n.d.). ‘Scott inquiry or the 17th Century’, Daily Telegraph. [Photocopy of review of Samuel Pepys and the second Dutch war: Pepys's navy white book and Brooke House papers. Transcribed by William Matthews and Charles Knighton; edited by Robert Latham].

  30. Strauß, U. (1997). ‘Herzog, Kreigsschiffkapitän, Abenteurer. Unbekannte Quellen 1673-1675 aus dem Wolfenbütteler Nachlaß des Christian August von Holstein-Norburg’, Braunschweigisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschicht,78, pp. 149-172. (Relates to PL 2141).

  31. Frugé, A. (1993). ‘London 1660 and 1960: The Coded Words of Sam Pepys’, in A Skeptic Among Scholars: August Frugé on University Publishing, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, pp. 167-184. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL1836-41).

  32. McCue, J. (1998). ‘And so back to Cambridge’, The Times, 12 February. [Also includes photocopy].

  33. Davidson, A. (1996). '“Some by Stenography”? Stationers, Shorthand, and the Early Shakespearean Quartos’, The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 90(4), pp. 417-449. (Relates to PL 402).

  34. Dobbs, C. and Swinbank, E. (1998) ‘Raising the Mary Rose’, Physics Review, 7(4), pp. 6-10. (Relates to PL 2991).

  35. Gibson, K. (1997). The Cult of Charles II. London: The Royal Stuart Society.

  36. Bellew, G. (1982). ‘An examination of the flags and heraldry on the contemporary picture of the Mary Rose’, The Coat of Arms, 122, pp. 47-53. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2991).

  37. Kelly, J. (1998). ‘Once a Pirate’, Mercator’s World, 3(3), pp. 50-57.

  38. Thompson, R. (1976). ‘Samuel Pepys’s Penny Merriments: a Checklist', The Library, 31(3), pp. 223-34. [Two photocopies]. (Relates to PL 302-304).

  39. (1962). ‘Secret of the Obelisk Discovered: Expert "deciphers" missing inscription’, The Guardian, 25 December.

  40. Watson, P. (1983). ‘Hewer, William (1642-1715) of Gauden House, Clapham Surr.’, in B.D. Henning (ed.) The House of Commons 1660-1690, London: Secker & Warburg for the History of Parliament Trusted, p. 542. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 1836).

  41. Watson, P. (1983). ‘Carteret, Sir George, 1st Bt. (c. 1610-80), of Whitehall and Hawnes, Beds.’, in B.D. Henning (ed.) The House of Commons 1660-1690, London: Secker & Warburg for the History of Parliament Trusted, pp. 29-31. [Photocopy].

  42. Astengo, C. (1996). Elenco Preliminare di Carte ed Atlanti Nautici Manoscitti: Eseguiti Nell’Area Mediterranea Nel Periodo 1500-1700 e Conservati Presso Enti Pubblici, Genova: Istituto di Geografia, Università di Genova.

  43. Keynes, S.D. (n.d.). Typescript relating to Humphrey Wanley’s 'Book of Specimens'. (Relates to PL 2981).

  44. Strauß, U. (1997). ‘Aus dem Schiffstagebuch der HMS ANTHELOPE 1673/74', Das Logbuch, 33, pp. 170-173.

63a. Pepys, S. ‘Beauty Retire’. [Multiple photocopies of modern sheet music]. (Relates to PL 2803).

63b. Pepys, S. ‘It is decreed’. [Multiple photocopies of modern sheet music]. (Relates to PL 2803).

  1. Luckett, R. (1995). ‘Pepys and Hackney’, in Hackney History, volume one, London: Friends of Hackney Archives, pp. 3-9.

Pepys Scholars' Library

  • Colección

This collection is distinct from the Pepys Library. It contains reference material relating to Pepys from the seventeenth century to the present day, the first transcription of his diary from the 19th century, and printed books (the latter being catalogued on the University of Cambridge's Library catalogue, 'idiscover').

Any records of the Pepys Librarians held by the college are in the 'Personal Papers' collection. Please see a list of former Pepys Librarians below (with an accompanying reference code to their personal papers if applicable). From 1724-1900, the position of Pepys Librarian was held by the Master of the College.

Daniel Waterland (Pepys Librarian, 1724-1740)
Edward Abbott (Pepys Librarian, 1740–1746)
Thomas Chapman (Pepys Librarian, 1746–1760)
George Sandby (Pepys Librarian, 1760–1774)
Barton Wallop (Pepys Librarian, 1774–1781)
Peter Peckard (Pepys Librarian, 1781–1797)
William Gretton (Pepys Librarian, 1797–1813)
George Neville-Grenville (Pepys Librarian, 1813–1853)
Latimer Neville (Pepys Librarian, 1853–1900)
A.S. Ramsey (Pepys Librarian, 1900-1904)
V. S. Stanley Jones (Pepys Librarian, 1904-1906): MCPP/VER
Percy Lubbock (Pepys Librarian, 1906-1908)
Stephen Gaselee (Pepys Librarian, 1908-1919)
Owen Morshead (Pepys Librarian, 1919-1926)
A.B. Ramsay (Pepys Librarian, 1926-1927)
Francis Turner (Pepys Librarian, 1927-1949): MCPP/FT
Richard Ladborough (Pepys Librarian, 1949-1972)
Robert Latham (Pepys Librarian, 1972-1982): MCPP/LAT
Richard Luckett (Pepys Librarian, 1982-2012): MCPP/LUC

Reference Materials Box 7

Offprints and articles concerning Pepys and the Pepys Library. Known formerly as the "Pepys Library Files".

List of contents:

  1. Rose, H. (1998). Catalogue 1257: Autograph Letters & Historical Documents, Maggs Bros Ltd., p. 83. [Catalogue entry for letter signed by Pepys, Navy Office 1671]. (Relates to PL 139).

2a. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Allin, Sir Thomas. [Typescript for Oxford Dictionary of National Biography entry].
2b. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Anthony, Anthony. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2c. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Bacon, Philemon or Philip. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2d. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Batten, Sir William. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2e. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Beach, Sir Richard. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2f. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Richard Busby. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2g. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Carteret, Sir George. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2h. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Creed, John. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2i. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Cromleholme, Samuel. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2j. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Hewer, William. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2k. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Jordan, Sir Joseph. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2l. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Knight, John. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2m. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Langley, John. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2n. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Mennes, Sir John. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2o. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Middleton, Colonel Thomas. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2p. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Myngs, Sir Christopher. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2q. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Palmer, James. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2r. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Peachell, John. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2s. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Penn, Sir William. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2t. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Pepys, Samuel. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2u. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Rider, Sir William. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2v. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Smith or Smyth, Sir Jeremiah. [Typescript for ODNB entry].
2w. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). Wheler, Sir Francis. [Typescript for ODNB entry].

  1. Knighton, C.S. (1998). ‘Review of The Theatre of Death: The Ritual Management of Royal Funerals in Renaissance England, 1570-1625 by Jennifer Woodward, The Sixteenth Century Journal, 29(2), pp. 514-516.

  2. Shelton, T. (1685). Zeiglographia. [Four enlarged photocopied pages]. (Relates to PL 860(ii)).

  3. Barnard, F.P. (1914). ‘Henry the Eighth’s Navy’, in O. Elton (ed.) A Miscellany Presented to John Macdonald Mackay. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press; London: Constable, pp. 132-141. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2219).

6a. Griffiths, A. (1995). 'Review of Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge. Volume III: Prints and Drawings Part ii, Portraits. Comp. E. Chamberlain’, Print Quarterly, 12(4), pp. 409-412. [Photocopy].

6b. Griffiths, J. (1996). 'Review of Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge. Volume II: Ballads, Part i: Catalogue. Comp. H. Weinstein; Volume II: Ballads, Part ii: Indexes. Comp. H. Weinstein. Volume III: Prints and Drawings, Part ii: Portraits. Comp. E. Chamberlain', The Library, 18(1), pp. 68–70. [Photocopy].

6c. Ollard, R. (1984). ‘Review of Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge. Vol V, Part ii, Modern Manuscripts*. Comp. C.S. Knighton’, The English Historical Review, 99(392), pp. 624-625. [Photocopy].

6d. Thompson, J.J. (n.d.). ‘Review of Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College Cambridge. Volume Vi: Bindings. Comp. R. McKitterick and R. Beadle’, Medium Ævum, 63(2), pp. 360-361. [Photocopy].

6e. Ollard, R. (1978). 'The many sides of Pepys', The Times Literary Supplement, 24 November. [Review of Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge. Volume I: Printed Books. Comp. N.A. Smith, H.M. Adams and D. Pepys Whitely.]

6f. Ollard, R. (1978). 'The many sides of Pepys', The Times Literary Supplement, 24 November. [Review of Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge. Volume I: Printed Books. Comp. N.A. Smith, H.M. Adams and D. Pepys Whitely. Photocopy].

6g. Ollard, R. (1978). 'Review of Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge. Volume I: Printed Books. Comp. N.A. Smith. Ed. R. Latham', British Book News, November. [Photocopy].

6h. Shaaber, M.A. (1979). 'Review of Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge. General Editor R. Latham. Volume I: Printed Books. Comp. N.A. Smith', Analytical and Enumerative Bibliography, pp. 120-129. [Photocopy].

  1. Knighton, C.S. (1980). ‘Pepys and his Library’ [typescript lecture], Cambridge Antiques Society, 5 Nov.

  2. Duffy, E. (1986). ‘The Godly and the Multitude in Stuart England’, The Seventeenth Century, 1(1), pp. 31-55. (Relates to PL 365; PL 1836-41). [Photocopy].

9a. Good Company Pepys Productions (1999). Samuel Pepys, The Secret Diaries, Written by Dennis Saunders, Guildford Yvonne Arnold Theatre, 6-10 April. [Leaflet]. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

9b. Good Company Pepys Productions (1999). Samuel Pepys, The Secret Diaries, by Dennis Saunders Spring Tour 1999. [Schedule]. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

9c. [Restricted access].

  1. Klingholz, R. (1998). ‘Die Letzte Schlacht der “Revenge”’, GEO Das neue Bild der Erde, 12, pp. 86-108. (Relates to PL 2820).

  2. Anderson, R.C. (1920). ‘Henry VIII.’s “Great Galley”’, Mariner’s Mirror, 6(9), pp. 274-281. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2991).

  3. Kelly, J. (1998). ‘The Pirate, the Ambassador and the Map-Maker’, History Today, 48(7), pp. 49-55. (Relates to PL 2610; PL 2874 (271-333))

  4. Williamson, J.A. (1914). ‘The Two Ships Named Great Harry’, Blackwood’s Magazine, 195(30), pp. 205-215. [Photocopy].

14a. Lockyer, R. (1970). ‘A very worthy, Industrious & curious person’ [Review of The Diary of Samuel Pepys, A new and complete transcription edited by Robert Latham and William Matthews. Vols 1, 2 and 3. Published by G. Bell & Sons.], Folio, pp. 92-94. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

14b. (1971). 'Reviews: The Diary of Samuel Pepys, A new and complete transcription edited by Robert Latham and William Matthews. Published by G. Bell & Sons', Folio, p. 20. [Article on the upcoming publication of Volumes 4 and 5].
(Relates to PL 1836-41).

14c. (1972). 'Reviews: The Diary of Samuel Pepys, A new and complete transcription edited by Robert Latham and William Matthews. Published by G. Bell & Sons', Folio, p. 20. [Article on the upcoming publication of Volumes 6 and 7].(Relates to PL 1836-41).

14d. Graf, S. (1972). 'A Massive and Brilliant Piece of Scholarship on Samuel Pepys' Diary, in 5 Volumes', The Houston Chronicle, 20 February, p. 10. [Photocopy for review of The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Vols. I-V, translated and edited by R. Latham and W. Matthews, University of California].

14e. Brady, F. (1971). 'A New Edition of Pepys', The Yale Review, pp. 269-274. [Photocopy for review of The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Vols. I-III, edited by R. Latham and W. Matthews, University of California Press].

14f. Thompson, R.H. (1976). 'A Minor Amendment to the New Edition of Pepys' Diary', Spink's Numismatic Circular, p. 464.

14g. Hyam, R. (1983). 'Pepys' Diary: uncut and completed. Robin Hyman of Bell & Hyman on the publication of the final volumes of the complete Pepys', The Bookseller, 22, p. 224. [Photocopy].

  1. Hughes, J.T. (1999). ‘William Petty: Oxford anatomist and physician’, Journal of Medical Biography, 7(1), pp. 11-16.

  2. Loomie, A.J. (ed.) (1978). ‘Appendix III: The “Directions” of James I for Anglican Services in Spain. Newmarket, 10 March 1623 o.s.’, in Spain and the Jacobean Catholics. Vol 2, 1613-1624. London: Catholic Record Society, pp. 185-186. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 1734).

  3. J.P. Morgan & Co. Invitation to the International Council Dinner at Banqueting House in Whitehall. [Features print from London and Westminster reproduced on the front cover]. (Relates to PL 2972(98a)).

18a. Somerset, A. (1998). 'An unlikely couple' [Review of Particular Friends: The Correspondence of Pepys and Evelyn ed. by G. de la Bédoyère, The Spectator, 21 February.

18b. (1998). Paperbacks: Particular Friends: The Correspondence of Pepys and Evelyn ed. by G. de la Bédoyère, The Spectator, 15 November. [Promoting the book's publication].

  1. Ellis, H. (ed.) (1843). 'Humphrey Wanley to Samuel Pepys, Esq. Comparison of two Greek manuscript Book of Anthems. His opinion on the age of certain fragments of Manuscripts which Mr. Pepys had sent to him.', in Original Letters of Eminent Literary Men of the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries. London: Camden Society, pp. 272-282. [Photocopy].

  2. [Restricted Access]

  3. Wilson, T. (1979). 'Some Manuscripts of Flag Interest in the Pepys Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge', 8th International Congress of Vexillology, Vienna, Austria, 25-29 June, pp. 148-156. [Photocopy].

  4. Knighton, C.S. (2000). 'Some Pepysian Addenda at Magdalene College, Cambridge', The Mariner’s Mirror, 86(2), pp. 148-156. (Relates to MCCA/MCAD/11/2/2/1/1; MCPSL/3/7/3; MCPSL/3/7/5; MCPSL/3/7/7; MCPSL/3/7/8; MCPSL/3/7/13). [Two copies].

  5. [Missing].

  6. Evans, J. (1999). 'The Material Culture of Greek Astronomy', Journal for the History of Astronomy, 30(3), pp. 238-307. (Relates to PL 2329/56v).

  7. Updike, J. (1999). ‘Groaning Shelves: The evolution of books and their housing’, The New Yorker, October 4, pp. 106-110.

  8. Luckett, R. (1998-99). ‘A Sea-Change: Samuel Pepys and the Evacuation of Tangier', Magdalene College Magazine, 43. [Typescript].

  9. Burmester, J. (1984). Unrecorded edition of Marcellus Laroon's very rare art of defence. [Auction catalogue entry]. (Relates to PL 2973/456-64).

  10. McKearin, H. (1982). ‘Possets, Syllabubs and their Vessels’, The Glass Circle, 5, pp. 57-67. (Relates to PL 1836-41; Diary, 6 January 1668).

  11. Bloomsbury Book Auctions. (1999). Catalogue of Historical Documents: Autograph Letters and Printed Books. (Entry for letter from Samuel Pepys to Lord Yarmouth, 27th April 1678). [Photocopy].

  12. Rushton, G. (2000). Older than England: Hampshire then and now, 2000. Hampshire: Hampshire County Council. (Relates to PL 2991).

  13. Wiche, G. (1998). 'Book-Hunting in the Arctic - The Faroe Islands', Caxtonian, November 1998, pp. 3-5, continues in December 1998 and January 1999. (Relates to PL 392).

  14. Nicholas Roberts Publications (2000). Exploration and Seafaring: The Return of the Dutch East India Fleet on 1st May 1599 painted by Andries van Eertvleld. Oakham: Nicholas Roberts Publications Ltd. (Relates to PL 2991).

  15. Dawson, M.S. (2000). 'Histories and Texts: Refiguring the Diary of Samuel Pepys', The Historical Journal, 43(2), pp. 407-431. [Two copies - one is a photocopy].

  16. Knight, J. (1681). 'Appendix A: The will of John Knight, in E.M. Calvert and R.T.C Calvert (1939) Sergeant Surgeon John Knight, Surgeon General 1664-1680*. London: W. Heinemann Ltd, pp. 95-99. (Relates to PL 2661-3).

  17. Hobbs, D. (1994). ‘Royal Ships and their Flags in the Late Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries’, The Mariner’s Mirror, 80(4), pp. 388-394. [Photocopy].

  18. Wright, D. (2000). ‘The astronomy in Pepys’ Diary’, Astronomy & Geophysics, 41(4), pp. 4.23-4.27.

  19. Wright, D. (2000). ‘The scotoscope’, Astronomy & Geophysics, 41(5), p. 5.9. [Photocopy].

  20. Groffman, S. (1985). ‘The sore eyes of Samuel Pepys’, Journal of the American Optometric Association, 53(5), pp. 370-372. [Photocopy].

  21. Knighton, C. (2000-1). ‘A ‘pitiful sorry devotion’ in the Abbey - and assignations in the Cloisters’, The Westminster Abbey Chorister, 31, pp. 31-34.

  22. Mosser, D.W. (1999). ‘Corrective Notes on the Structures and Paper Stocks of Four Manuscripts Containing Extracts from Chaucer’s "Canterbury Tales"’, Studies in Bibliography, 52, pp. 97-114.

  23. George, W. (1981). ‘The bestiary: a handbook of the local fauna’, Archives of Natural History, 10(2), pp. 187-203. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 1916).

  24. Wilson, E.M. (1958). 'Tragic Themes in Spanish Ballads', The Fifth Canning House Annual Lecture, Canning House, 24 April 1958. London: Hispanic and Luso Brazilian Councils.

  25. Burningham, N. (2001). ‘Traditional Boat Evolution Through Selection and Rational Choice?’, Maritime Life and Traditions, 12(60), pp. 83-84. (Relates to PL 2001).

  26. Davies, J.D. (1987). ‘Wales and Mr. Pepys’s Navy’, Cymru a'r Môr/ Maritime Wales, 11, pp. 101-111. [Photocopy].

  27. Davies, J.D. (1993). ‘The Navy, Parliament and political crisis in the reign of Charles II’, The Historical Journal, 36(2), pp. 271-288. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2853; PL 2855; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  28. Anderson, J.L. (1988). ‘Prince William’s descent upon Devon, 1688: the environmental constraints’ in S. Fisher (ed.), Lisbon as a Port Town, the British Seaman and other Maritime Themes. Exeter: University of Exeter. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  29. Teviotdale, E.C. (1997). ‘Some classified catalogues of the Cottonian Library’ in C.J. Wright (ed.), Sir Robert Cotton as Collector: Essays on an Early Stuart Courtier and his Legacy. London: British Library, pp. 194-207. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2427; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  30. Franklin, J. (1989). ‘Appendix IV. Samuel Pepys and Models’, in J. Franklin, Navy Board Ship Models, 1650-1750. London: Conway, pp. 179-181. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  31. de. La Garanderie M-M. (1985). ‘Lazare de Baif d 1547’, in P.G. Betenholz (ed.), Contemporaries of Erasmus: A Biographical Register of the Renaissance and Reformation, vol.1. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 87-88. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 419(1,2,4); PL 716(1); PL 1763, PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  32. Huang, C-C. (1952). [Discussion of PL 1914(2) in Chinese], Tar-Iu tsa-chih, 15. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL1914(2), PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  33. Barker, R.A. (1988). "Many May Peruse us": Ribbands, Moulds and Models in the Dockyards, Lisbon: Centro de Estudos de História e Cartografia Antiga, Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical. [Revised and annotated photocopy of Box 9: 27]. (Relates to PL 2820; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  34. Taylor, G. (1978). ‘Chaplains of our ships of war’, in G. Taylor, The Sea Chaplains: A History of the Chaplains of the Royal Navy. Oxford: Oxford Illustrated Press, pp. 86-114. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  35. Barker, R.A. (1991). ‘Design in the Dockyards about 1600’, in P. Reinder Reinders and Kees P. (eds.), Carvel Construction Technique: Skeleton-First, Shell-First. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 62-69. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2501; PL 2910; PL 2820; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  36. Barker, R.A. (1998). ‘Portuguese Shipbuilding: from Genoa to Goa via Geometry’, in I.F. Earle and S. Parkinson (eds.), Studies in the Portuguese Discoveries I. Proceedings of the First Colloquium of the Centre for the Study of the Portuguese Discoveries. Warminster: Aris & Philips, pp. 53-69. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  37. Barker, R.A. (1998). ‘Cradles of Navigation: Launching ships in the age of discoveries’, Limites do mar e da terra, Ars Nautica, Patrimonia, Cascais. pp. 67-87. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  38. Barker, R.A. (1998). ‘English shipbuilding in the sixteenth century: evidence for the processes of conception and construction’, in E. Rieth (ed.), Concevoir et construire les navires: de la trière au picoteux, vol. 13. Ramonville-Saint-Agne. pp. 107-26. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2820; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  39. Pickering & Chatto (1982). 'Pepy's [sic.] copy, Blackmore, (Sir Richard). A satire against wit', Catalogue 650, p. 3. [Auction catalogue entry - not in Pepys Library].

Reference Materials Box 11

Offprints and articles concerning Pepys and the Pepys Library. Known formerly as the "Pepys Library Files".

List of contents:

  1. Hunter, M. (1994). 'Transmitting to posterity: the miraculous intactness of Samuel Pepys’s library', The Times Literary Supplement, 30 December, p. 13. [Photocopy].

  2. Paffard, M. and Harrison, D. (1995). 'Pepys's Library', The Times Literary Supplement, 13 January. [Photocopy]. [Letters to the editor in response to Michael Hunter’s article].

  3. McCue, J. (1998). 'Pepys’s books balanced', The Times, 12 January, p. 38. [Photocopy].

  4. Chappell, E. (1931). Catalogue of Pepysiana belonging to Mr. Edwin Chappell, exhibited at the Annual General Meeting of the Society for Nautical Research, held at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, 8th July 1931. [Typescript programme].

  5. Davies, R. (c.1979). 'Keeper of the Secret Pepys', The Daily Telegraph. [Photocopy].

  6. Swan Galleries (2017). Lot 167: Pepys, Samuel. Memoires relating to the state of the Royal Navy of England. [Printed information for the bid].

  7. Hunt, G. (2010). “The Mary Rose: An Artist’s View', Shipwright, pp. 49-57. [Photocopy].

  8. Vale, B. (ed.) (2017). 'More Documents for the Last Campaign of the Mary Rose', in The Naval Miscellany, Vol. 8. London: Routledge for the Navy Records Society, pp. 49-84. [Photocopy].

  9. [Restricted access].

  10. Hunt, A. (2016). 'Eye on posterity: How the ambitious young man of Samuel Pepys’ diary presented himself to the future through his book collection',The Times Literary Supplement, 18 March, pp. 3-4.

  11. Samuel Pepys: Plague, Fire, Revolution. The National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. 20 November 2015-28 March 2016. [Exhibition plan].

  12. Bailey, J.E. (1876). 'On the Cipher of Pepys’s Diary', Papers of the Manchester Literary Club, 2.

  13. An Address on the Medical History of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pepys. Read before the Abernethian Society on March 6th, 1895.

  14. Smith, J. (n.d.). Some Correspondence (1831-1832) of the Reverend John Smith, Decipherer of the Pepys Diary.

  15. Barker, R. (2006). 'Two architectures – a view of sources and issues', Max Planck Institut, Berlin Workshop. [Preprint 338, H. Nowacki and W. Lefèvre (eds.) Creating Shapes in Civil and Naval Architecture: A Cross-Disciplinary Comparison, Vol. 1, pp. 41-133].

  16. Bonhams. (2009). 'Lot 101: Pepys and the Royal Navy. A Manual of Instructions, largely in shorthand', Printed Books, Maps and Manuscripts, New Bond Street, London, 10 November. [Photocopy of auction catalogue].

  17. Manning, P. (1913). 'William Stokes, Vaulting-Master', The Oxford Magazine, 31, pp. 229-230. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 1434 (6)).

  18. Stogdon, N.G. (1998). 'Albrecht Dürer, The Prodigal Son', Catalogue XI, Early Northern Engravings, (Description of PL 2984/ii(155a)).

  19. Voewood Rare Books (2018). 'Lot 34: From the library of Mary Skinner and latterly John Sparrow', Catalogue One. [Auction catalogue]. (Purchased by the Friends of the Pepys Library, June 2018).

  20. Skeaping, L. (ed.) (2018). The Samuel Pepys Club Newsletter, 74 .

  21. Skeaping, L. (ed.) (2018). The Samuel Pepys Club Newsletter, 75.

  22. Christie’s (1993). 'Lot 113: Loggan, David. Oxonia Illustrata. 1675', Valuable Natural History and Travel Books, Atlases and Globes, London, 12 May.

  23. The Grolier Club (2019). Visit to Cambridge 2nd-5th June 2019. [Programme and catalogue].

  24. Sutherland, C. (trans.) (n.d.). Pepys in the Sloane Correspondence, British Library. [Typescript].

  25. Knighton, C.S. and Hildred, A. (2017). 'Overgunning the Mary Rose: the King was warned', Journal of the Ordnance Society, 24, pp. 5-13. [Photocopy].

  26. Robertson, R.(2005). 'Censors of the Mind: Samuel Pepys and the Restoration Licensers', Dalhousie Review, 85(2), pp.181-194. [Photocopy].

  27. Ford, R.M. (2019). 31 items of Pepysiana from the papers of Edwin Chappell, comprising rare printed pamphlets, booklets and offprints by him and other Pepys scholars including Sir Arthur Bryant and J. R. Tanner. Richard M. Ford Ltd. [Online catalogue entry].

  28. Print of PL 2820, p. 24.

  29. Print of PL 2991, p. 2-3.

  30. Print of PL 2973, p. 447d.

  31. Print of PL 2972, p. 77.

  32. Print of PL 2972, p. 271.

  33. Print of Pepys bookplate, with portrait engraving and motto.

  34. Print of Pepys portrait by Kneller.

  35. Print of PL 2972, p. 78.

36a. Print of PL 2983, p. 262.

36b. Bene’t College. [Print of the Pepys Building].

  1. Munby, A.N.L. (1977). 'The case of the "Caxton" manuscript of Ovid', in A.N.L. Munby and N. Barker (ed.) Essays and Papers. London: Scolar Press, pp. 151-173. [Photocopy].

  2. Hughes, M.E.J. (2020). Samuel Pepys: birthdays domestic and royal, The Friends of the Pepys Library and the Historic Collections of Magdalene College. Magdalene College, Cambridge, 23 February.

  3. Tomlinson, J. (trans.) Levens Deed Room: Letters by Mary Skynner. [Transcription of letters held in Levens Hall, Cumbria].

  4. Scala (2020). Word, Image, Music: Essays on the Treasures of the Pepys Library, Cambridge: In Honour of Richard
    Luckett. Edited by M.E.J. Hughes
    , London: Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers Ltd, p. 30. [Catalogue entry].

  5. The Samuel Pepys Club (1936). Fifty-Eighth Meeting: Ladies' Night, Clothworkers' Hall, London, 14 May. [Menu and programme]. (Donated by Tim Underhill).

  6. Handelsman, J.B. (n.d.). Seizure of the Pepys Diaries. [Printed cartoon].

  7. The Vinters' Company (1979). Some Notes on the History of the Vintners’ Company. [Booklet].

  8. Dale, J. (2020). 'Peterborough’s Oswald Chant Cycle: English & Continental Connections', The Friends of Peterborough Cathedral Journal, pp. 35-40. (Relates to MS F.4.10).

  9. Howe, D. (1975). Francis Place at Greenwich. [Typescript draft].

  10. Sidgwick, F. (1907). Letters to E. Gordon Duff concerning the Pepys Library Catalogue 1907. E. Gordon Duff Papers, 1882-1924, The Huntingdon Library, San Marino, California. [Photocopies].

  11. Morshead, O. and Gaselee, S. (1921). Letters concerning the Pepys Library Catalogue. William J. Carlton Shorthand Collection, Senate House Library, London. [Photocopies].

  12. Duval, G. Littérature de colportage et imaginaire collectif en Angleterre à l'époque des Dicey (1720-1800). [Microfiche images of English 18th century chapbooks].

  13. Brooke-Little, J. (1980). The Guilds and Livery Companies of the City of London. London: Heraldic Heritage Ltd. [Poster].

  14. The Office of High Sheriff (c. 2010). High Sheriff of Cambridgeshire: List of Sheriffs from the year 1155 A.D.

  15. (n.d.). London Historian H. B. Wheatley's Work for Archaeology. [Photocopy of newspaper obituary of H. B. Wheatley].

  16. Flight, C. (2012). Thomas Southouse, not Thomas Southland, the author of "Love à la mode" (1663). [Typescript].

Bound Volume 2

Offprints and articles concerning Pepys and the Pepys Library bound into albums. Formerly known as the 'Miscellaneous Pamphlets' volumes.

List of contents:

  1. Matthews, A.G. (1930). 'Mr Pepys and Nonconformity', Congregational Historical Society Transactions, 11(2), pp. 67-78.

  2. Foster, J. (1951). 'John Birchensha, Fifth Monarchy Man', The London Quarterly and Holborn Review, pp. 311-318.

  3. Wilson, E.M. (1954). 'Félix Persio Bertiso's "La Harpa de Belén"', Atlante, 2(3), pp. 126-136. [With letter from the author to "dick"].

  4. Heal, A. (1955). 'Old London Bridge Tradesman's Cards and Tokens', in G. Home, Old London Bridge, London: John Lane, pp. 308-331.

  5. Wilson, E.M. (1955). 'Quevedo for the Masses', Atlante, 3(4), pp. 126-136.

  6. Heawood, E. (1924). 'Use of Watermarks in Dating Old Maps and Documents', The Geographical Journal, pp. 392-412.

  7. Chappel, E. (1931). Catalogue of Pepysiana belonging to Mr. Edwin Chappell, exhibited at the Annual General Meeting of the Society for Nautical Research, held at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, 8th July 1931. [Includes MS addenda].

  8. Lightbown, J. (1952). 'A Shorter Metrical Version of "The Gast of Gy"', The Modern Language Review, 47(3), pp. 323-329. [Includes MS note from the author to "Dr. Ladborough"].

  9. Dummer, E. (1890). 'A Brief Journall of the Western Rebellion', Proceedings, Royal Artillery Institution, 4(18). [Includes letters to "Sir" from Maurice Page, dated June 1925].

  10. Richards, R.D. (1933). 'Mr. Pepys and the Goldsmith Bankers', Economic History, 2(8), pp. 500-520. [Includes letter to "Mr Turner" from the author].

  11. Wilson, E.M. (1954). '"La Harpa de Belén", de Félix Persio Bertiso', Archivo Hispalense, 67-68.

  12. (1952). The Caxtonian: The House Journal of Mardon, Son & Hall, Ltd., 2(9).

  13. Powell, L.C. (1950). 'From Private Institution to Public Institution: The William Andrews Clark Memorial Library', The Library Quarterly, 20(2), pp. 101-108.

  14. Ranft, B. McL. (1952). 'The Significance of the Political Career of Samuel Pepys', 14(4), The Journal of Modern History, pp. 368-375.

  15. Jackson, W.A. (1951). 'Tunc et Nunc: or the Pepys and Taylor Collections of Early Books on Navigation', pp. 195-201.

  16. Ehrman, J.P.W. (1948). 'The Official Papers Transferred by Pepys to the Admiralty by 12 July 1689', The Mariner's Mirror, 34(4), pp. 255-270.

  17. Wilson, E.M. (1955). 'Some Poems from Samuel Pepys Spanish Chap-Books', Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 32(4), pp. 187-193.

  18. Rollins, H.E. (1921). 'Notes on Some English Accounts of Miraculous Fasts', The Journal of American Folk-Lore, 34(134), pp. 361-376.

  19. Blagden, C. (1953-5). 'Notes on the Ballad Market in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century', Studies in Bibliography, 6, pp. 161-80.

  20. Baldridge, H.A. (1938). 'Ship Models - The Collections of Rogers, Sergison and Pepys', United States Naval Institute Proceedings, 64(11), pp. 1553-1566.

  21. Munby, A.N.L. (1952). 'The Distribution of he First Edition of Newton's Principia', Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 10, pp. 28-39.

Bound Volume 1

Offprints and articles concerning Pepys and the Pepys Library bound into albums. Formerly known as the 'Miscellaneous Pamphlets' volumes.

List of contents:

  1. Bailey, J.E. (1876). 'On the Cipher of Pepys’s Diary', Papers of the Manchester Literary Club, 2.

  2. Tanner, J.R. (1892). 'Pepys and the Popish Plot', English Historical Review, pp. 281-290.

  3. Power, D.A. (1895). 'An Address on the Medical History of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pepys', The Lancet.

  4. Power, D.A. (1904). Who performed lithotomy on Mr. Samuel Pepys? London: Printed at The Lancet Office. [Paper read at the second meeting of the Samuel Pepys Club, 26 March 1904].

  5. Lee, S. (1906). 'Pepys and Shakespeare'. Privately Printed for Presentation to the Members of the Samuel Pepys Club.

  6. Power, D.A. (1911). 'Why Samuel Pepys Discontinued his Diary', The Lancet, 177(4582).

  7. Hodges. G. (1913). 'Pepys at Church', Atlantic Monthly, pp. 74-81.

  8. Abbott, W.C. (1914). 'The Serious Pepys', Yale Review, pp. 551-575.

  9. Stevenson, R.L. (n.d.). Samuel Pepys, in R.L. Stevenson (ed.) Familiar studies of men and books, pp. 202-228.

  10. Jones, E.A. (1920). 'Pepys as an Art Collector and Critic', National Review, 453, pp. 365-376.

  11. Whitear, W.H. (1923). 'Samuel Pepys and his Birthplace', Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society.

  12. Gaselee, S. (1923). 'Pepys' Library: Its Mysteries and Fascination', The Empire Review, pp. 132-140.

  13. MacLaurin, C. (1923). 'Mr. and Mrs. Pepys', in C. MacLaurin, Post mortem: essays, historical and medical, London: J. Cape, pp. 157-179.

  14. Shipley, A.E. (1925). 'Mr Pepys as a Man of Science and President of the Royal Society', The Quarterly Review, 486, pp. 219-237.

  15. Morshead, O.F. (1926). 'Introduction', in O.F. Morshead (ed.) Everybody's Pepys: the Diary of Samuel Pepys 1660-1669, London: G. Bell and Sons, pp. ix-xx.

Bound Volume 3

Offprints and articles concerning Pepys and the Pepys Library bound into albums. Formerly known as the 'Miscellaneous Pamphlets' volumes.

List of contents:

  1. Radcliffe-Cooke, C.W. (1866). The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Esq. While an Undergraduate at Cambridge, Cambridge: Johnathan Palmer.

  2. Deane, A.C. (n.d.). 'Sir Anthony Deane', The National Review.

  3. [Unused number].

  4. Pepys, S. (1945). A Pepysian Pastoral, Los Angeles: Richard Hoffman.

  5. Chappell, E. (1933). Bibliographia Pepysiana, London: Edwin Chappell.

  6. Sayle, C. (1913). Cambridge Fragments. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  7. A.B.F. (1955). 'Pepys Hebraeus', Desiderata, 8(42), pp. 3-4.

  8. The Society for Theatre Research. [Booklet]

  9. Speaight, G. (1954). 'Notes and Queries', Theatre Notebook, 9(1), p. 26.

  10. (1954). Theatre Notebook, 8(4).

  11. Farquhar, H. (1925). 'Additional Notes of Silver Counters of the Seventeenth Century', Numismatic Chronicle, 5, pp. 78-120. [With letter to Mr Morshead from the author].

  12. Fitzwilliam Museum (1933). Tercentenary exhibition of Books from the Library of Samuel Pepys lent by the Master and Fellows of Magdalene College Cambridge.

  13. Herford, C.H. (1925). 'Appendix IV: Books in Jonson's Library', in C.H. Herford and P. Simpson, Ben Jonson. Oxford, pp. 250-271.

  14. Crosby Brown, A. (1939). Twin Ships: Notes on the Chronological History of the Use of Multiple Hulled Vessels. Virginia: The Mariners' Museum Newport News.

  15. Sturdy, P. (1939). Monmouth Rebellion 1685: Extracts from Weston Zoyland Church Registers and Notes Thereon, 10th ed. Sherborne: Sawtells of Sherborne, Ltd.

  16. Keller, W. (1932). Shakespeare-Jahrburch. Band 68. Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz.

  17. Ottewill, W.T. (1932). 'Introduction', in E.B. Sainsbury, A Calendar of the Court Minutes etc. of the East India Company 1671-1673. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

  18. Rollins, H.E. (1923). 'Ballads from Additional MS. 38, 599', The Modern Language Association of America, 38(1), pp. 133-52.

  19. Rollins, H.E. (1923). 'The Commonwealth Drama: Miscellaneous Notes', Studies in Philology, 20(1), pp. 52-69.

  20. Rollins, H.E. (1921). 'A Contribution To The History Of The English Commonwealth Drama', Studies in Philology, 18(3), pp. 52-69.

  21. Rollins, H.E. (1924). 'The Drinking Academy or The Cheater's Holiday', Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 49(4), pp. 837-71.

Reference Materials Box 2

Offprints and articles concerning Pepys and the Pepys Library. Known formerly as the "Pepys Library Files".

List of contents:

  1. Thompson, R. (1975). ‘Popular Reading and Humour in Restoration England’, Journal of Popular Culture, 9(33), pp. 653–71. (Relates to PL 362-4).

  2. [Missing].

  3. Pepys, S. (1686) Letter to Sir Robert Southwell, 8 December. [Photocopy]. [Sold at Sotheby’s 2 November 1965].

  4. Blake, N.F. (1964). ‘The Epilogue in William Caxton’s Second Edition of Reynard the Fox’, Notes and Queries, 11(2), pp. 50-51. (Relates to PL 1796).

  5. Stein, M.H. (1977). ‘A Psychoanalytical View of Mental Health: Samuel Pepys and his Diary’, The Psychoanalytical Quarterly ,46(1), pp. 82-115. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

  6. Thomson, R.B. (1976). ‘Jordanus de Nemore: Opera’, Medieval Studies, 38, pp. 97-144. [Offprint]. (Relates to PL 2329; With inserted photocopy of catalogue entries).

  7. Willy, N. (1963). English Diarists: Evelyn & Pepys. London: Published for The British Council and the National Book League by Longmans, Green & Co.

  8. Miller, A.P. (n.d.). A Short Guide to the Church of St. Olave Hart Street City of London s.l.: s.n.

  9. Vamos, M. (1968). ‘A note on Petty, Pepys & Pascal’, French Studies, 22(4), pp. 302-306.

  10. Illing, R. (1969). Est-Barley-Ravenscroft and the English Metrical Psalter. Adelaide: Libraries Board of South Australia.

  11. Moore, E.C. (n.d.). A Critical Edition of the Middle English Verse Life of St Francis from MSS of the South English Legendary. [Typescript dissertation abstract]. (Relates to PL 2344).

  12. Woodfield, I. (n.d.). The Manuscript [Monograph]. (Relates to PL 1760).

  13. Charles, S.R. (1962). ‘The Provenance and Date of the Pepys MS 1236’, Musica Disciplina, 16, pp. 57-71.

  14. Drennan, J.F. (1980). A Short Middle English Prose Translation of the Gospel of Nicodemus. PhD Thesis, University of Michigan. (Relates to PL 2498).

  15. Bax, C. and Shaw, M. (1926). Mr Pepys. A Ballad Opera in Three Acts. London: J. B. Cramer & Co. Ltd.

  16. Erzgräber, W. (1981). ‘Langland-Chaucer-Gower’, in W. Erzgräber (ed.) Neues Handbuch der Literaturwissenschaft. Wiesbaden: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion, pp. 221-274. (Relates to PL 1916).

  17. Laird Clowes, G.S. (1927). ‘Ships from Pepys’s Manuscripts’, Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects, 69. (Relates to PL 2820; PL 2910).

  18. Noyes, R.G. and Lamson, R. Jr. (1937). ‘Broadside-Ballad Versions of the Songs in Restoration Drama’, Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature, 19, pp. 199-218. (Relates to PL 2505-9).

  19. Lauber, J.K. (1978). ‘An Owl Hunt’, Natural History, 87, pp. 101-107. (Relates to PL 1916).

  20. (1978). Hollar's England: An Exhibition of the etchings of Wenceslaus Hollar Selected from the Sidney T. Fisher Collection on the Occasion of the Meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America at the University of Toronto, April, 1978. Toronto. [Exhibition catalogue].

  21. Alexander, J.J.G. (1978). A Survey of Manuscripts Illuminated in the British Isles: Volume 1 Insular Manuscripts, 6th to the 9th Century. London: Harvey Miller, pp. 40-41. [Offprint]. (Relates to Durham Cathedral MS A.II.17.ff.2-102 and PL 2981(19)).

  22. Wilson, E.M. (1959) ‘The Two Editions of Calderón’s Primera Parte of 1640', Transactions of the Bibliographical Society, September, pp. 175-191. (Relates to PL 1552(2)).

  23. Joyne, J. (1959). A Journal: (1769 [i.e. 1679]). Los Angeles : William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California.
    (Relates to PL 2881).

  24. Heawood, E. (1924). ‘The Use of Watermarks in Dating Old Maps and Documents’, The Geographical Journal, 63(5), pp. 391-410. (With inserted letter from Heawood to Morshead).

  25. Ladborough, R.W. (1966). ‘The sanctum of Sam Pepys’, The Author, 77(3), pp. 13-16.

  26. Allibone, T.E. (1965). 'The diaries of John Byrom, M.A., F.R.S., and their relation to the pre-history of the Royal Society Club', Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 20(2), pp. 162-183.

  27. (1885). The Samuel Pepys Memorial, erected in the Church of St. Olave’s Hart Street, and Unveiled on Tuesday, March 18th, 1884. London: Privately printed for the subscribers.

27a. (1885). The Samuel Pepys Memorial, erected in the Church of St. Olave’s Hart Street, and Unveiled on Tuesday, March 18th, 1884. London: Privately printed for the subscribers.

  1. The Pepys Library (197?). The Pepys Library [Guidebook]. Cambridge: Magdalene College.

28a. The Pepys Library (197?). The Pepys Library [Guidebook]. Cambridge: Magdalene College.

  1. Deane, Canon A. (1928). ‘Sir Anthony Deane’, The National Review, 550, pp. 566-580. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

  2. Murray, H. (1936). ‘A New Pepys Letter’, The Dalehouse Review, 16(2), pp. 212-215.

  3. British Library (1977). Sir Francis Drake: An Exhibition to Commemorate Francis Drake’s Voyage around the World 1577-1580. London: British Museum Publications Ltd.

  4. Butz, H.S. (1979). 'The Authorship of "The Portugal History" Made Plain', The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 73(4), pp. 459-462.

  5. Göller, K.H. (1979). ‘Die Bedeutung der Vulgaria-Sammlung von Samuel Pepys’, Archiv für Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 216(131), pp. 109-116. (Relates to PL 1190-93).

  6. Yapp, W.B. (1979). ‘The birds of English medieval manuscripts’, Journal of Medieval History, 5(4), pp. 315-348. (Relates to PL 1916).

35a. Holmes, M. ‘The London that was Burned’, History Today, 16(9), pp. 610-617. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

35b. Boxer, C.R. (1966). ‘Public Opinion and the Second Anglo-Dutch War 1664-67’, History Today, 16(9), pp. 618-626. (Relates to PL1836-41).

35c. Gourgey, B. (1966). ‘Cosmetics and Perfumes in Stuart Times’, History Today, 16(9), pp. 633-639. (Relates to PL 2973(410)).

  1. Wright M. (1980). ‘The cat in human society 2’, Postscript, p. 240. (Relates to PL 1916).

  2. Sills, D.L. (2001). 'The Strange Story of the Fouled Anchor: An inquiry into the history of a naval symbol', Sea History, 96, pp. 29-30.

  3. Samuel Pepys House Trust. (n.d.). Pepys House in Brampton: A short history. [Pamphlet].

  4. Robinson, W. (1934). Arms of Samuel Pepys, Esq., Magdalene College, Cambridge.

Reference Materials Box 3

Offprints and articles concerning Pepys and the Pepys Library. Known formerly as the "Pepys Library Files".

List of contents:
1a. Power, D.A. (1927). Mr Samuel Pepys. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 27 May].

1b. Ponsonby, A. (1929). Samuel Pepys. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 4 June].

1c. Tanner, J.R. (1930). Samuel Pepys as a Friend. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 20 May].

1d. Ramsay, A.B. (1932). Samuel Pepys: The childlike diarist. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 2 June].

1e. Flecker, H.L.O. (1939). Samuel Pepys and Christ's Hospital. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 12 June].

1f. Nichols, J.F. (1950). Samuel Pepys. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, the Temporary Church of St. Olave's, Mark Lane, London, 25 May].

1g. Latham, R.C. (1951). Samuel Pepys - Diarist. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, the Temporary Church of St. Olave's, Hart Street, London, 31 May].

1e. Parsloe, C.G. (1952). Samuel Pepys, Londoner. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, the Temporary Church of St. Olave's, Mark Lane, London, 29 May].

1f. Ladborough, R.W. (1953). Samuel Pepys, Librarian. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, the Temporary Church of St. Olave's, Mark Lane, London, 29 May].

  1. Wellard, P.T. (1928). Samuel Pepys. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Mark Lane, London, 23 May].

  2. [No item for this number].

  3. Williams, C.R. (1954). Samuel Pepys and Wine. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 3 June].

  4. [No item for this number].

  5. Wellard, P.T. (1933). Samuel Pepys. [Address given at the Tercentenary Celebration of the Birth of Samuel Pepys, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 23 February].

  6. Chappell, E. (1934). Samuel Pepys: Naval Administrator. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 7 June].

7a. Chappell, E. (1934). Samuel Pepys: Naval Administrator. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 7 June].

8a. (1934). Pepys Commemoration Service, The Church of St Olave's, Hart Street, London, 31 May. [Order of service].

  1. Powley, E.B. (1937). Samuel Pepys - A Perspective. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 31 May].

  2. [Missing].

  3. [Missing].

  4. [Missing].

  5. [Missing].

  6. [Missing].

  7. [Missing].

  8. Powell Millar, A. (1956). Pepys’ Own Church. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 30 May].

  9. Braithwaite, J. (1957). Samuel Pepys: Amateur Musician. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 29 May].

  10. Ketton-Cremer, R.W. (1958). Samuel Pepys as a Countryman. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 28 May].

  11. Ackroyd, C. (1959). The Legacy of Samuel Pepys. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 27 May].

  12. Armstrong, J. (1960). Samuel Pepys: a Christian Gentleman. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 25 May].

19a. Armstrong, J. (1960). Samuel Pepys: a Christian Gentleman. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 25 May].

  1. [Missing].

  2. Cleary, F.E. (1965). Diary to Diary and the Years Between. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 26 May].

  3. Ranft, B.McL. (1966). Samuel Pepys and the Navy of 1688. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 18 May].

  4. Lloyd (1967). Pepys and His Seamen. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 31 May].

  5. Oman, C. (1968). Pepys and the Arts. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 16 May].

  6. Flett, M. (1970). Samuel Pepys as a Civil Servant. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 13 May].

  7. Wedgewood, V. (1971). Samuel Pepys and the Old Cavaliers. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 9 June].

  8. Rowse, A.L. (1972). Samuel Pepys and his Oxford Friends. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 14 June].

  9. Latham, R.C. (1973). Pepys and Cambridge. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 23 May].

  10. [Missing].

  11. Leaver, C. (1982). Pepys and Wine. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London].

  12. Weekes, A.W.M. (1984). Samuel Pepys, Parishioner. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 8 June].

  13. Luckett, R. (1985). Pepys and Children. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 4 June].

  14. Morris, C. (1986). Pepys and the Plague. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 4 June].

  15. Dias, M. (1987). Pepys and the Law. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 3 June].

  16. Powell, E. (1988). 1 Cor. 4.2: ‘Moreover, it is required in Stewards that a man be found faithful’. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 25 May].

  17. Claxton, L.E.M. (1989). Pepys and St Olave’s. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 6 June].

  18. Wickham, D.E. (1990). Samuel Pepys and Hewer. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 30 May].

  19. Edge, M. (1991). Pepys and Trinity House. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 29 May].

  20. Duffy, E. (1992). Pepys and Magdalene College. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 29 May].

  21. Cole, C. (1993). The Pepys Family Crest. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 4 June].

  22. Luckett, R. (1994). Music in the Later Life of Samuel Pepys. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 25 May].

  23. Rawson, C. (1995). Pepys and the River Thames. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 1 June].

  24. Wickham, D.E. (1996). Mr Pepys, Clothworker. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 29 May].

  25. Mead, H.A. (1997). Samuel Pepys and St Paul’s School. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 30 May].

  26. Weinstein, R. (1998). The Pepysian Daily Round. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 27 May].

  27. Butler, P. (1999). Pepys and the Prayer Book. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 27 May].

  28. Myers, R. (2000). Pepys and the Book Trade. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 23 May].

  29. Glover, K. (2001). Samuel Pepys and William Penn: Protagonists of the establishment in Stuart England. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, May].

  30. Cowling, J. (2002). Living with Samuel Pepys. [Address given at the Samuel Pepys Commemoration, St. Olave's Church, Hart Street, London, 28 May].

  31. Skipp, M. (2005). Pepys and the theatre. [Typescript address given at the Pepys Commemoration Service, 26 May].

  32. Walker, A.S. (2006). Pepys, Hooke and the Renaissance spirit. [Typescript address given at the Pepys Commemoration Service, 25 May].

  33. (1934). Pepys Commemoration Service, The Church of St Olave's, Hart Street, London, 7 June. [Order of service].

52.1. (1935). Pepys Commemoration Service, The Church of St Olave's, Hart Street, London, 25 June. [Order of service].

53.1. Cowling, J. (2005). The Pepys Commemoration Service, The Parish Church of St Olave, Hart Street, London, 26 May. [Order of service].

53.2. [Restricted access].

53.3. [Restricted access].

53.4. [Restricted access].

53.5. [Restricted access].

  1. [Restricted access].

  2. [Restricted access].

  3. [Restricted access].

  4. Smith, J. Some correspondence (1831-1832) of the Reverend John Smith, Decipherer of the Pepys Diary, originals presented to the Master and Fellows of Magdalene College by Mr. K.G. Russell-Vaizey, January, 1929.

57a. Smith, J. Some correspondence (1831-1832) of the Reverend John Smith, Decipherer of the Pepys Diary, originals presented to the Master and Fellows of Magdalene College by Mr. K.G. Russell-Vaizey, January, 1929.

57b. Smith, J. Some correspondence (1831-1832) of the Reverend John Smith, Decipherer of the Pepys Diary, originals presented to the Master and Fellows of Magdalene College by Mr. K.G. Russell-Vaizey, January, 1929.

57c. Smith, J. Some correspondence (1831-1832) of the Reverend John Smith, Decipherer of the Pepys Diary, originals presented to the Master and Fellows of Magdalene College by Mr. K.G. Russell-Vaizey, January, 1929.

  1. [Moved to Pepys Scholars Library].

  2. The British Museum (1980). The ivory medallion portrait of Samuel Pepys by J. Cavalier. [Typescript note].

  3. Macrae-Gibson, O.D. (1980). 'Wynkyn de Worde’s Marlyn', The Library, 2(1), pp. 73-76.

  4. Jones, J.R. (1956). 'The Green Club’, Durham University Journal, pp. 17-20. (Relates to PL 2875).

  5. Kenyon, W.A. (1980/81). 'The Canadian Arctic Journal of Capt. Edward Fenton, 1578', Archivaria, 11, pp. 171-203. (Relates to PL 2133). [Includes letter to R.C. Latham from the author.]

  6. Steel, D. (1981). [‘Plague Writing: From Boccaccio to Camus’](Plague Writing: From Boccaccio to Camus), Journal of European Studies 11(2), pp. 88-110. (Relates to PL 1838).

  7. Farnham Burke, H. and Barron, O. (1904). 'The Builders of the Navy: A Genealogy of the Family of Pett’, The Ancestor, 10, pp. 147-178.

  8. Poesch, J. (1981). ‘Revelation 11:7 and Revelation 13: I-10, Interrelated Antichrist Imagery in Some English Apocalypse Manuscripts’, in M. Barasch, L. Freeman Sandler and P. Egan (eds.) Art The Ape of Nature: studies in honor of H.W. Janson, New York: H.N. Abramspp, pp. 15-33. (Relates to PL 1803(26)).

  9. Mellenby, R. (1978). Cambridge en un Día. Cambridge: Heffers Printers Ltd.

  10. Mellenby, R. (1978). Cambridge in Brief. Cambridge: Heffers Printers Ltd.

68a. Howard, F. (1981). ‘Puzzle from the Past’, Model Shipwright, 32, pp. 42-43. (Relates to PL 2991; PL 2820).

68b. Barker, R. (1981). ‘A Galleon in Fragments’, Model Shipwright, 37, pp. 44-52. (Relates to PL 2991; PL 2820).

  1. Gollin, J.G. (1981). ‘The Beckford Family and Ashtead’, Proceedings of the Leatherhead and District Local History Society, 4(5), pp. 134-140.

  2. Gollin, G.J. (1968). London through Four Centuries, 1-6 July, Ashtead, Surrey. [Exhibition catalogue]. (Includes Hollar's engraving of Old St Paul's).

  3. Nicholls, J. (1982). ‘A Courtesy Poem from Magdalene College Cambridge PL 1236’, Notes and Queries, 29(1).

  4. Sams, E. (1979). ‘Sir William Clarke’s Shorthand’, in G.E. Aylmer (ed.) Sir William Clarke Manuscripts 1640-1664. Brighton: Harvester Microform, pp. 29-45.

73a. English, W. (1949). ‘A Survey of the Principle References to Fashion Fabrics in the Diary of Samuel Pepys’, Journal of the Textile Institute, 40(1). (Relates to PL 1836-41).

73b. English, W. (1949). ‘A Survey of the Principle Technical References to Textile Materials in the Diary of Samuel Pepys’, Journal of the Textile Institute, 40(1). (Relates to PL 1836-41).

  1. Richards, P.W. (1981). ‘Robert Hooke on Mosses’, Occasional papers of the Farlow Herbarium of Cryptogamic Botany, 16, pp. 137-145. (Relates to PL 1836-41(1665)).

  2. de Beer, E.S. (1938). ‘King Charles II’s own Fashion: An Episode in Anglo-French Relations 1666-1670’, Journal of the Warburg Institute, 2(2), pp. 105-115. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

  3. McBride, P. (1977). Coronation - 1691: Search Expedition and Discovery. [Photocopy of typescript report].

  4. Dale, D. (1939). ‘Mr Pepys and Gardens (from the Papers of the Late Edwin Chappell)', Notes and Queries. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

  5. Heal, A. (1933). ‘Samuel Pepys His Trade-Cards’, The Connoisseur. (Relates to PL 2973).

Reference Materials Box 5

Offprints and articles concerning Pepys and the Pepys Library. Known formerly as the "Pepys Library Files".

List of contents:

  1. Rule, M. (1982). ‘The Sinking of the Mary Rose’ and ‘The Raising of the Mary Rose’, History Today, 32(9), pp. 27-34. (Relates to PL 2991).

  2. Palmer, F. (1983). ‘Musical Instruments from the Mary Rose: A report on work in progress’, Early Music, 11(1), pp. 53-59.

3a. Rule, M. (1978). The Mary Rose. Mary Rose Committee. [Booklet]

3b. Rule, M. (1981). The Mary Rose. Mary Rose Trust. [Booklet]

  1. Smith, D.A. (1980). Pepys into some Early Hives. Essex: The Central Association of Bee-Keepers. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

  2. Bell, V. (1976). Samuel Pepys and King Charles II watching the Great Fire of London from the window of Whitehall Palace. [Printed reproduction of painting]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Wall picture to accompany History First unit on Samuel Pepys).

  3. Howse, H.D. and Thrower, N.J.W , (eds) (1983). A Buccaneer's Atlas: Basil Ringrose's South Sea waggoner: a sea atlas and sailing directions of the Pacific coast of the Americas, 1682. [Typescript list of documents from H.D. Howse to Robert Latham]. (Relates to PL 2349; PL 2610; PL 2862; PL 2874(271-356)).

  4. Barker, R. (1983). 'Fragments from the Pepysian Library'. IV International Reunion for Nautical Science and Hydrography. Sagres. June. (Relates to PL 2820).

  5. Gatch, M. McC. (1985). ‘John Bagford as a Collector and Disseminator of Manuscript Fragments’, The Library, 7(2), pp. 95-114. (Relates to PL 2030).

  6. Forster, L. and Forster J. (1981). ‘Review of Samuel Pepys: Tagebuch aus dem London des 17. Jahrhunderts, Ausgewählt, übersetzt und herausgegeben von Helmut Winter', Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 218(133), pp. 383-390. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

  7. MacGregor, A. (1983).Ark to Ashmolean: The story of the Tradescants, Ashmole and the Ashmolean Museum. Oxford : Ashmolean Museum. (Illustration on p. 23 Relates to PL 2972/266 a & b.)

  8. Fitzwilliam Museum (1977). Tercentenary Exhibition of Etchings by Wencelaus Hollar (1607 - 1677), The Print Room, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 9 July-2 October. Cambridge: Fitzwilliam Museum. [Typescript for exhibition catalogue].

  9. Nevinson, J.L. (1979). The Four Seasons of Wenceslaus Hollar. London: The Costume Society. (Relates to PL 2973/496).

  10. van der Loon, P. Pepys Library 1914. [Typescript notes on Chinese Alamanacs]. (Relates to PL 1914(1)(2)).

14a. Wormald, J. (1984). ‘The Neighbour to the North’, History Today Special: Queen Elizabeth I, pp. 33-37. (Relates to PL 2973/330b).

14b. Martin, C. (1984). ‘The Atlantic Adventure’, History Today Special: Queen Elizabeth I, pp. 44-47. (Relates to PL 2991; PL 2820).

  1. David, F.N. (1957). 'Mr. Newton, Mr Pepys & Dyse: A Historical Note', Annals of Science, 13(3), pp. 137-157.

  2. Schell, E.D. (1960). 'Samuel Pepys, Isaac Newton, and Probability', American Statistician, 14(4), pp.27-30.

  3. Sainsbury, A.B. (1986). Correspondence concerning proposed alterations to 12 Buckingham Street.

18a. Shell, R.J. (1986). ‘The Chamorro Flying Proa’, The Mariner’s Mirror, 72(2), pp. 135-143. (Relates to PL 2934).

18b. Shell, R.J. (1987). ‘Early Accounts of the Chamorro Flying Proa’, The Mariner’s Mirror, 73(1), pp. 33-48. (Relates to PL 1943).

  1. Rolleston, M.D. (1943). ‘Venereal Disease in Pepys’s Diary’, British Journal of Venereal Diseases,19(4), pp. 168-173. (Relates to PL1836-41).

  2. Keynes, M (1986). ‘Samuel Pepys’. [Typescript draft for J.T. Hughes Essays in Medical Biography].

  3. Riches, E. (1977). ‘Samuel Pepys and his stones’, Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 59, pp. 11-16. [Photocopy].

  4. van der Waals, J. (1984). ‘The Print Collection of Samuel Pepys’, Print Quarterly, 1(4), pp. 236-242, 247-257.

  5. Lough, J. and Crane, D.E.L. (1986). ‘Thomas Killigrew and the Possessed Nuns of Loudun: The Text of a Letter of 1635', *Durham University Journal, 78(2), pp. 259-268. (Relates to PL 2099(3)).

  6. Huygens, R.B.C., Mayer, H.E. and Rösch, G. (1986). Guillaume de Tyr Chronique, Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis. Turnhout: Brepols. (p. 21).

  7. Huygens, R.B.C. (1964). ‘La Tradition Manuscrite de Guillaume de Tyr’, Studi Medievali, 3(5), pp. 281–373.

  8. Barker, R. (1985) 'Consrução Naval: Que Aliança', Os Portu-Gueses e o Mundo. Porto, June. (Relates to PL 2820; PL 1731).

  9. Barker, R. (1986). "Many may peruse us". [Typescript essay]. (Relates to PL 2820).

  10. Cleary, F. (1981). Pepys House, Brampton. The Samuel Pepys Club.

  11. Edwards, A.S.G. (1984). 'Lawson’s "Orchet"', Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 8(4), pp. 477-488. (Relates to PL 2163).

  12. Craig, M. (1976). Irish Bookbindings. Dublin: National Library of Ireland.

  13. Börjesons Antikariat (n.d.). Catalogue 4: Rare and Valuable Books. [Entry for Francis Willughby's ornithology, allegedly signed by Samuel Pepys]. (Relates to PL 2607).

  14. [Restricted access].

  15. Barker, R.A. (1984). 'The English Galleon?', Symposium on Tudor Warship Design, Society of Nautical Research and History Group of RINA. 7 July. [Typescript]. (Relates to PL 2991).

  16. Pächt, O., Ulrike, J. and Dagmar, T. (1983). Flämische Schule I, Wein: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. (Relates to PL 1916).

  17. Willmoth, F. (1994). ‘Sir Jonas (‘Mathematical’) Moore and the founding of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich’, Endeavour, 18(1), pp. 9-16. (Relates to PL 2972).

  18. Philip, J.R. (1994). ‘An Innumerate President of the Royal Society?’, Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science, 48(1), pp. 1-10, (Relates to PL 1836-41).

  19. Craddock, K. (1995). ‘Samuel Pepys and the British Diary Tradition: The Stuart Sayers Collection', Kay Craddock Antiquarian Bookseller Catalogue 171.

  20. Turner, C.H. Pepys and Gravely Manor [Typescript]. (Includes letter from Freda Jones and photocopies of four entries in the Graveley Court Rolls 8, 1660-64). (Relates to PL 1836-41).

39a. Boydell & Brewer (1987). The Pepys Ballads edited by W. G. Day, Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College Cambridge, Facsimile volumes I-V. [Brochure]. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.

39b. Boydell & Brewer (1987). The Pepys Ballads edited by W. G. Day, Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College Cambridge, Facsimile volumes I-V. [Brochure]. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.

  1. Wingood, A.J., Wingood, P. and Adams, J (1986). Sea Venture: The Tempest Wreck. [Booklet]. Sea Venture Trust. (Relates to PL 2991; PL 2820).

  2. Muret, P. Rites of Funeral [Photocopy]. (Possibly Hewer’s copy, containing dedicatory anagram apparently removed from Pepys' copy. Includes photocopy of Bernard Quaritch catalogue entry for the item.) (Relates to PL 582).

  3. Adams, S. (1988). The Armada Campaign of 1588. London: The Historical Association. (Relates to PL 2820).

  4. Haynes, B. (1988). 'Lully and the rise of the oboe as seen in works of art', Early Music, 6(3), pp. 324-338. (Relates to PL 2973).

  5. Davies, J.D. (1989). ‘Pepys and the Admiralty Commission of 1679-84’, Historical Research, 62(147), pp. 34-53. (Relates to PL 2879; PL 1490; PL 1534; PL 2858; PL 2581; PL 2853; PL 2856; PL 2857).

  6. Blatcher, M. (1989). ‘Chatham Dockyard and a little-known shipwright, Matthew Baker (1530-1613)’, Archaeologia Cantiana, 107, pp. 155-172. (Relates to PL 2820). [Offprint].

  7. Warburg, A. (1990). ‘Seats of Learning: The tranquil libraries of Oxford and Cambridge conceal exquisite literary architectural treatures’, The Antique Collector, pp. 112-117. (Relates to PL 1608; PL 1916).

  8. Martin, G. (1989) ‘Successful Drainage of an Extradural Abscess in 1667: Prince Rupert’s trephination’, British Journal of Neurosurgery, 3(2), pp. 211-216. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

  9. Martin, G. (1990). ‘Prince Rupert and the Surgeons’, History Today, 40(12), pp. 38-43. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

  10. Garrrett, A. (n.d.). ‘A Machine for All Seasons?’, Court Circular, pp. 8-9. [Photocopy]. (Includes typescript definition of 'Arca Musarithmica').

  11. Shesgreen, S. (1982). ‘The Editions, Imitations, and the Influence of Marcellus Laroon’s Cryes of the City of London’, Studies in Bibliography, 35, pp. 258-271. (Relates to PL 2973).

Reference Materials Box 8

Offprints and articles concerning Pepys and the Pepys Library. Known formerly as the "Pepys Library Files".

List of contents:

  1. Barker, R.A. (n.d.). 'Baker, Matthew (1530-1613)', Missing Persons from the Dictionary of National Biography. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2820; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  2. [Missing].

  3. Barker, R.A. (2001). 'Review of The Anthony Roll of Henry VIII’s Navy, ed. C.S. Knighton and D.M. Loades', Cruising, p. 54. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  4. Davies, C.S.L. (2002). 'Review of The Anthony Roll of Henry VIII’s Navy, ed. C.S. Knighton and D.M. Loades', English Historical Review, 117(471), p. 467. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  5. Fudge, J.D. (2001). 'Review of The Anthony Roll of Henry VIII’s Navy, ed. C.S. Knighton and D.M. Loades', International Journal of Maritime History, 13(1), pp. 332-333. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  6. Anon. (2001). [Advertisement for The Anthony Roll of Henry VIII’s Navy, ed. C.S. Knighton and D.M. Loades], Sea History, 97. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  7. Runyan, T.J. (2002). 'Review of The Anthony Roll of Henry VIII’s Navy, ed. C.S. Knighton and D.M. Loades', Albion, 34(2), pp. 300-301. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  8. Hutchinson, G. (2001). 'Review of The Anthony Roll of Henry VIII’s Navy, ed. C.S. Knighton and D.M. Loades', Mariner's Mirror, 87(4), p. 490. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  9. Sicking, L. (2003). 'Review of The Anthony Roll of Henry VIII’s Navy, ed. C.S. Knighton and D.M. Loades', Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis, 22, p. 90. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  10. Knighton, C.S. and Wilson, T. (2001). ‘Serjeant Knight’s Discourse on the Cross and Flags of St. George (1678)’, The Antiquaries Journal, 81, pp. 351-390. (Relates to PL 2877; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  11. Knighton, C.S. (n.d.). 'The Anthony Roll', Mary Rose Trust Report, vol. 3. [Typescript]. (Relates to PL 2991; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  12. Chappell, E. (1933). 'Samuel Pepys as a Naval Administrator: a lecture delivered to the Hull Historical Association on 29th September'. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  13. Marsden, P. (comp.) (1999). The Mary Rose Historical Sourcebook. [Typescript draft]. (Relates to PL 2991; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  14. Swain, R.L. (2002). ‘Henry VIII’s unlikely Naval Hero’, MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History, 14(2), pp. 38-47. (Relates to PL 2991, PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  15. Brioist, P. (2002). 'Des mathematiciens au service des princes: La Renaissance, periode faste pour la geometrie et l'arithmetique', La Recherche, 7, pp. 32-36. (Relates to PL 2820; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  16. Martin, C. (2002). ‘Gun ships and sea dogs: a Tudor sea change in naval tactics set the course of English supremacy afloat’, British Heritage, 23(4), pp. 34-41. (Relates to PL 2991; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  17. Rennoldson, N. (n.d.). 'Review of The Anthony Roll of Henry VIII’s Navy, ed. C.S. Knighton and D.M. Loades', Arquebusier, 25/26, pp. 34-37. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2991; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  18. [Restricted access].

  19. [Restricted access].

  20. Sandford, F. (1687). The History and Coronation of James II. [Cross-section reproduction of illustration of the procession for the Coronation featuring Pepys]. (Relates to PL 2929; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  21. ‘The Restoration Navy’, in Hodges, H.W. and Hughes, E.A. (eds.) (1922) Select Naval Documents. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 71-89. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 1143; PL 2849; PL 2850; PL 2851; PL 2854; PL 2856; PL 2866; PL 2867
    PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  22. 'Reports of Pepys’s speech in the House of Commons, March 5th, 1668, Communicated by Mr E. S. de Beer', The Mariner’s Mirror (1928), 14(1), pp. 55-57. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  23. Wilson, J. (2001). ‘The Great Fire of Wymondham 1615’, The Annual: the Bulletin of the Norfolk Archaeological and Historical Research Group, 10, pp. 29-42. [Illustrated with woodcuts from ‘The arraignement Of John Flodder and his wife’ (Ballads 1: 130-1)]. (Relates to PL 2505; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  24. [Correspondence relating to MS corrections of 'In Rei Memoria'(1889)], Notes and Queries, 7. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 1143; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  25. Tanner, J.R. (1923). 'Notes on Pepys's "Admiralty Journal" of 1674-9', Mariner's Mirror, 9(4), pp. 110-114. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  26. Wilson, G.A., Field, A.P. and Fullerton, S. (2002). 'The Big Brown Eyes of Samuel Pepys', Arch Ophthalmol, 120(7), pp. 969-975. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 1836-41; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  27. Pool, B. (1970). 'Pepys and the Thirty Ships', History Today, 20(7), pp. 489-495. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  28. Probst, N. (1993). 'Nordeuropæisk spanteopslagning i 1500- og 1600-tallet: Belyst ud fra danske kilder', in E. Gøbel and J. Lorentzen (eds.) Maritim Kontakt XVI. Copenhagen: Kontaktudvalget for Dansk Maritim Historie- og Samfundsforskning, pp. 7-42. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2820, PL 2910; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  29. 'Reynart the Foxe', in W.J.B. Crotch (1928) The Prologues and Epilogues of William Caxton. London: Pub. for the Early English Text Society by H Milford, Oxford University Press, pp. 62-63. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 1796; PL 2856; PL 2858; PL 2879).

  30. Scott, K.L. (2002). 'Four early fifteenth-century English manuscripts of the Speculum humanae salvationis and a fourteenth-century exemplar', English Manuscript Studies: 1100-1700, 10, pp. 177-203. (Relates to PL 2359).

  31. Kirk, R. (1934). ‘Pepys and Camden’s "Britannia"’, Times Literary Supplement, May 3, p. 322. [Photocopy].

  32. The Friend's of Thomas Plume’s Library (2001). Events in 2001. [Leaflet].

  33. Luckett, R. (1999). The Pepys Library Project. [Typescript proposal].

33a. Hobson, A. (1970). ‘Pepys Library Magdalene College Cambridge’, in Great Libraries. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, pp. 213-222. [Photocopy]. [Appendix A in The Pepys Library Project].

  1. [Restricted access].

  2. Heal, A. (1948). ‘17th-century booksellers’ & stationers’ tradecards’, Alphabet and Image, 8, pp. 51-62. (Relates to PL 2973.500 (b, e, a)).

  3. van der Waals, J. (1984). 'Review of Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, volume 3, part 1: Prints and drawings (general). Comp. by A.W. Aspital', Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art, 14(2), pp. 143-147.

  4. [Restricted access].

  5. Lockwood, W.A. (n.d.). 'Missing prints in red'. [Hand list]. (Relates to PL 2972; PL 2973; PL 2974; PL 2975; PL 2976; PL 2977; PL 2978; PL 2979; PL 2980; PL 2981; PL 2982; PL 2983).

  6. Matthews, W. (1935). ‘Samuel Pepys and Spain’, Neophilologus, 20, pp. 120-129. [Photocopy].

39a. Matthews, H. (2003). Letter to Charles Knighton, 30 June. [Suggests that W. Matthews’ transcription of Pepys’ Tangier Diary, which he refers to in 'Samuel Pepys and Spain', was destroyed during the Blitz].

  1. Silva, G.C. (1998). O Diário Nautico do Iate “Saudades”. Uma descrição de Portugal na Segunda metade do Séc. XVII. Lisbon: Academia da Marinha, pp. 5-31. [Photocopy]. (Refers to PL 2894).

  2. Huntingdon District Council (2003). ‘Long lost Samuel Pepys documents discovered in Huntingdon’. [Two copies of printout from website accessed 17/04/2003].

  3. Barrington-Ward, S. (2003). Sermon for the Tri-centenary of the death of Samuel Pepys. 25 May, Magdalene College Chapel, Cambridge.

  4. Gaimster, D. (2003). ‘The Mary Rose’, British Archaeology, 7, pp. 13-19. (Relates to PL 2991).

  5. Mount, F. (2003). ‘Periwigs and posterity’, The Times Literary Supplement, May 21.

  6. Greenwich Tour Guides Association (2003). Pepys hereabouts: Monday 26th May 2003. [Flyer].

  7. Samuel Pepys Club (2003). The Tercentenary of the death of Samuel Pepys. [Brochure].

  8. Luckett, R. (2003). ‘Pepys and the Scots’. [Typescript for newspaper article].

  9. Groome, S. (2002-3). ‘The progression of statuary in the Privy Garden at Hampton Court Palace’, The London Gardener, 8, pp. 36-51. (Relates to PL 2972(213)).

  10. Wiche, G. (2003). Pepys Tercentenary 2003. [Pamphlet].

  11. Loverci, F. (1997). ‘Homo Californianus: vicende storiche e letterarie’, Clio, 33(1), pp. 5-40. [Includes letter to Richard Luckett from the author].

  12. McShane Jones, A. (2004). ‘Revealing Mary', History Today, 54(3), pp. 40-46. (Relates to PL 2505-9).

  13. Kjegleklubben ‘Pepys’ [Bowling Club]. (2001). Kongeaften 2001. 24 November, Bergen, Norway. [Programme in Norwegian. With quotations from the Diary and illustrated with Per Schwab’s murals at the bowling alley].

  14. Gaskell, R. (2004). 'Printing House and Engraving Shop, a Mysterious Collaboration', The Book Collector, 53(2). (Relates to PL 506(a)).

  15. Carey, H.M. (2003). 'What Is the Folded Almanac? The Form and Function of a Key Manuscript Source for Astro-Medical Practice in Later Medieval England', Social History of Medicine, 16(3), pp. 481-509. (Relates to PL 1662).

  16. Anon. (1961). 'Samuel Cooper as Prince of Limners' [Review of Royal Academy Exhibition “The Age of Charles II”], The Times, 3 January.

  17. Kirkby, B, Nye-Browne, M. and Zafrana, V. (1997). Wicca: "I Don't Believe in Witches But They Exist!" [Exhibition catalogue]. The Gallery, University of Essex 27 May-27 June. (Relates to PL 2973(447a)).

  18. Cunningham, G. (ed.) (1991). Henry VIII, 500th anniversary of his birth. London: British Tourist Authority. [Leaflet]. (Relates to PL 2991).

  19. Bonhams (n.d.). 'Pepys (Samuel)', Catalogue of Printed Books, Maps & Manuscripts, p. 176. [Features letter signed by Samuel Pepys, Navy Office, 15 July 1668].

  20. Sheppard, J.M. (ed.) (1997). A guide to the census of Western medieval bookbinding structures to 1500 in British Libraries. s.l.: s.n.

  21. McCusker, J.J. (2005). 'The demise of distance: the business press and the origins of the information revolution in the Early Modern Atlantic world', The American Historical Review, 110(2), pp. 294-321. (Relates to PL 2972-3).

  22. Jill Flintham in front of open book press in Pepys Library during inspection June 2005. [Photograph].

  23. Moor, D. and McLeod, W.H.H (trans.) (2005). “Worshipful Company of Shipwrights”. An account of all the proceedings had in the years 1683 and 1684 between the Free Shipwrights of London And the Corporation of Shipwrights of Redrith... a transcription from The Company’s Book of Ordinances to 1792. (Guildhall ms 4600) and Checked against Pepys mss at Magdalene. [Typescript]. (Relates to PL 2875/421-463).

  24. Dumenda Productions (2005). Samuel Pepys: a life worth living. San Francisco, 8-18 September. [Multiple flyers and posters].

  25. Cambridge Illuminations Conference (2005). Cambridge Illuminations Conference: Pepysian MSS on display 10 Dec 2005. [Typescript list].

  26. Cockerill, T. (2005). 'The Cockerills, heirs of Samuel Pepys', Genealogists’ Magazine, 28(7), pp. 305-309. [Photocopy].

  27. Woolfolk, M. (2006). 'Searching for Samuel Pepys', British Heritage, pp. 42-48.

  28. Edwards, H.G.M et al. (2004). 'Raman spectroscopy of archaeological samples from the Barber-Surgeon's medicine chest on the Mary Rose', Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 35(8-9), pp. 746-753.

  29. Gibson-Wood, C. (2003). 'Marcellus, Laroon, John Baptist Gaspars and the portraits of Charles II for Christ’s Hospital’, The Burlington Magazine, 145(1204), pp. 505-509. [Photocopy].

Reference Materials Box 9

Offprints and articles concerning Pepys and the Pepys Library. Known formerly as the "Pepys Library Files".

List of contents:

  1. Morris, G.C.R. (1979). 'A portrait of Thomas Hollier, Pepys’s surgeon', Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 61(3) May 1979, pp. 224-229.

  2. Unknown (1978). Painting of Thomas Hollier [Photograph]. Dated 'G.C.R. Morris 20.4.78'.

  3. 'An Interesting Example of Pepysian Memorabilia'. [Auction catalogue entry for a portrait of Thomas Hollier, c. 1661, from the collection of Sir Lance V. H. Crawley-Boevey Bart, of Flaxley Abbey].

  4. Morris, G.C.R. (1977). Letter to Robert Latham, 29 June. [Concerns portraits of Thomas Hollier and his wife Lucy Knowles].

  5. Lanoix, L. (1985). 'Samuel Pepys: le serviteur et le maître', Revue de la Société d'études anglo-américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, 113, pp. 165-179.

  6. R.W. Symonds (1930). 'The Pepys, Dyrham Park and Sergisson Bookcases', The Connoisseur, 86(343), pp. 275-282. [Photocopy].

  7. Anon. (1960). 'Evolution of the bookcase: Pepys’s solution of a problem', The Times,1 October.

  8. Millar, O. (1978). Pepys and the arts, 31 May, St Olave's Church, London. [Typescript of lecture given for Pepys Commemoration].

  9. Jian-Zhong, H. (1957). 'On the TA-Ming Yung-li erh-shih wu nien sui-tzu hsin-hai ta-ting li of Magdalene College Library', The Continent Magazine, 15(10). [Photocopy].

  10. Ladborough, R.W. (1962). A lost Pepys-Library book recovered, Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 3(4), pp. 292-294.

  11. McCue, J. (1998). 'And so back to Cambridge', The Times, 12 February. [Concerns the newly identified 'Harwich portrait' of Pepys]. [Photocopy].

  12. Almond, A. (n.d.). Maps of the Spanish Armada by Robert Adams and John Pine. [Typescript essay].

  13. [Restricted access].

  14. de Hoop Scheffer, D. (1973). Letter to A.W. Aspital, 7 May. [Concerns the translation of a Dutch C17th broadsheet]. (Relates to PL 2977(85)).

  15. Domaine Clarence Dillon (2012). Chateau Haut-Brion, Premier Cru Classe en 1855. Canejan: l'imprimerie BM.

  16. Biggs, B. (1996). 'The style of the first English translation of the Imitatio Christi', in The Medieval Translator/Traduire au Moyen Age, 5, pp. 187-211.

  17. Hillier Parker. Superb refurbished Office building, 8,200 sq ft to let, 12 Buckingham Street, London WC2. [Brochure].

  18. Alan G. Thomas (1980). Pepys (Samuel) Autograph letter, signed, written at ten o'clock at night on the day of James II's flight, Catalogue 41. [Auction catalogue entry].

  19. Hall, A.R. (1979). 'Architectura Navalis', Transactions of the Newcomen Society, 51(1), pp. 157-174.

  20. [Restricted access].

  21. Peikola, M. (2005-2006). '"First is written a clause of the bigynnynge therof": The table of lections in manuscripts of the Wycliffite Bible', Boletín Millares Carlo, 24-25, pp. 343-378. (Relates to PL 15; PL 2073).

  22. Allegra, I. (2012). 'The Workshop of Fortune: St Albans and the sortes manuscripts', Scriptorium, 66(1), pp. 55-87. (Relates to PL 911).

  23. Meuwese, M. (2005). King Arthur in the Netherlands. Amsterdam: In de Pelikaan.

  24. Kent Clark, J. (1994). 'Protestants in masquerade', Humanities working paper. Pasadena: California Institute of Technology.

  25. Jones, N. (2011). 'Blood, Theft and Arrears: Stealing the Crown Jewels', History Today, 61(10), pp. 10-16.

  26. Pritchard, M. (2011). 'Samuel Pepys: Portraits and picture frames', The Burlington Magazine, 153(1297), pp. 220-223.

  27. [Missing].

  28. [Missing].

  29. Skeaping, L. (2020). The Samuel Pepys Club Newsletter, 77.

  30. Skeaping, L. (2022). The Samuel Pepys Club Newsletter, 79.

  31. Skeaping, L. (2023). The Samuel Pepys Club Magazine, 80.

  32. Samuel Pepys Club (2007). Newsletter, 53.

  33. [Restricted access].

  34. Samuel Pepys Club (2005). Annual Dinner Thursday 26 October 2005. [Invitation].

  35. Samuel Pepys Club (2008). Annual Dinner Wednesday September 10th 2008. [Invitation].

  36. Samuel Pepys Club (n.d.). Visit to Geffrye Museum on Thursday October 9th. [Form].

  37. Samuel Pepys Club (n.d.). Walks from Westminster to the City September 14 or 15. [Form].

  38. Samuel Pepys Club (n.d.). Comments from various members. [Results from survey].

  39. Naval Dockyards Society (2008). Conference held on Saturday October 18 2008 at the Royal Conference of Surgeons, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. [Invitation to members of the Samuel Pepys Club].

  40. Loveman, K. (2022). Deaf Londoners in the 1660s. London: Museum of London. [Educational comic].

  41. Knighton, C.S. (c. 2007). The Mary Rose: The written record*. [Lecture delivered to the Mary Rose 25th anniversary conference, Princes Royal Gallery, Royal Navy Museum, Portsmouth, 11 October 2007].

  42. Nicholas, S. (2003). Sam & I. [Typescript of play, commissioned for The City of London Tercentenary Celebrations of Samuel Pepys].

  43. Webber, S. (2005). 'Warmth of a gem of a show: Sam and I, Arundel Festival Fringe', Chichester Observer. [Photocopy of review].

  44. Take the Space (2005). Autumn 2005 Tour schedule for Sam and I.

Reference Materials Box 10

Offprints and articles concerning Pepys and the Pepys Library. Known formerly as the "Pepys Library Files".

List of contents:

  1. Ehrman, J.P.W. (1948). 'The Official Papers Transferred by Pepys to the Admiralty by 12 July 1689', The Mariner’s Mirror, 34(4), pp. 255-229. [Photocopy].

  2. West, F.H. (1983). Samuel Pepys commemorative service 23rd February on the 350th Anniversary of his Baptism at St. Brides. Fleet Street. [Typescript]

  3. [Restricted access].

  4. The Thick House (2005). Samuel Pepys: A life worth living, written and directed by S.D. Scannon. [Flyer].

  5. Scannon, S.D. (2005). Samuel Pepys 'A life worth living'. From the diaries of Samuel Pepys, 1660-1670. [Typescript play].

  6. Scannon, S.D. (2003). Samuel Pepys: A life from the diaries. A play in nine acts. [Typescript play].

  7. Ebay (2004). 'Fine 17thC English Portrait of Samuel Pepys'. [Printed information about the bid].

  8. [Restricted access].

  9. Knighton, C.S. (2008/9). 'Remember, remember the seventeenth of November', The Westminster Abbey Chorister, pp. 2-5. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 1182(10).

  10. Knighton, C. S. (2014/15). 'Murder by design', The Westminster Abbey Chorister, pp. 51-54. [Photocopy]. (Relates to PL 2252(29-30).

  11. Keynes, M. (1989). Samuel Pepys. [Typescript discussing 'the renal stones', 'eyesight', and 'the wind colic and last years'].

  12. Appleby, J.C. (2014). 'Review of Elizabethan Naval Administration. Eds. C.S. Knighton and D. Loades', The International Journal of Maritime History, 26(2), pp. 28-31. [Photocopy].

  13. Nevinson, J.L. (1955). 'The "Mercury Gallant" or European Fashions in the 1670’s', Connoisseur, 136, pp. 87-92.

  14. [Unknown] (n.d.). Dress in the time of Samuel Pepys. [Typescript].

  15. [Unknown] (n.d.). No.11 Buckingham Street. [Typescript].

  16. Garrett, A. (n.d.). A Machine for All Seasons?, Court Circular, 9. [Photocopy of typescript].

  17. Taylor, W.R.deC.M. (1975). Samuel Pepys and the Royal Navy. [Typescript for Naval History Prize].

  18. Horobin, S. and Mooney, L. (eds.) (2014). Middle English Texts in Transition: A Festschrift dedicated to Toshiyuki Takamiya on his 70th birthday. York: York Medieval Press, pp. xiv, 177-198.

  19. Dolezalek, G.R. (2010). Scotland under Jus Commune: Volumes 1-3, The Stair Society, 55-57, pp. 31-34. [Galley proofs]. (Relates to PL 2208; PL 2328).

  20. Pierguidi, S. (2009). 'Salviati as Book Illustrator: A New Attribution', Print Quarterly, 26(3), pp. 254-257.

  21. Paisey, D. and Bartrum, G. (2009). 'Hans Holbein and Miles Coverdale: A New Woodcut', Print Quarterly, 26(3), pp.227-253.

  22. Haslop, W.F. (1950). The bookcases in the Pepysian Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge. [Photocopies of notes, diagrams and drawings].

23a. McLeod, R. (2005). The peaceable and prosperous regiment of blessed Queene Elisabeth, A facsimile from Holinshed’s Chronicles (1587). San Marino: Huntington Library. [Typescript].

23b. McLeod, R. Originals and Cancels. Photographed from the Huntington Library Melton copy. Pages 1170-1550, 1575-1592. [Photocopy].

23c. Brooke, O.F. [pseudonym for Randall McLeod] (1999). 'Imagic: a long discourse'. Studies in the Literary Imagination, 32(1), pp. 190-215. [Photocopy].

23d. McLeod, R. Diagrams of page foldings. (Relates to PL 1256).

23e. [Restricted access].

  1. Flood, D.T. (1977). 'William Petty and "The Double Bottom"', Dublin Historical Record, 30(3), pp. 96-110.

  2. Nichols, A.E.. (2006). 'Pepys Library MS 2125: The Arma Christi Stubs'. Journal of the Early Book Society, 9, pp. 117-124.

  3. Wilson, E.M. (1957). 'Samuel Pepys’s Spanish Chap-books, Part III', Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 2(4), pp. 305-322.

  4. Riches, E. (1977). 'Samuel Pepys and his stones', Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 59, pp. 3-8.

  5. Latham, R. (1971). 'And so to bed', Books and Bookmen,16(4), pp. 5-7.

  6. Biggs, B. (1955). 'The Language of the Scribes of the First English Translation of the Imitatio Christi', Leeds Studies in English, 26, pp. 79-111.

  7. (1978). The Indexer, 11(2), pp. 57-124. [Includes a section on the Wheatley Medal - named after Henry Benjamin Wheatley].

  8. [Restricted access].

  9. Iafrate, A. (2013). 'Of stars and men: Matthew Paris and the illustrations of MS Ashmole 304', Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 76(1), pp. 139-177. (Relates to PL 911).

  10. Trise, R.J. (1997). '"For the love of the binding"', Bookbinder, 11, pp. 41-49.

  11. [Restricted access].

  12. Loveman, K. (2009). 'Books and sociability: the case of Samuel Pepys’s Library', The Review of English Studies, 61(249), pp. 214–233.

  13. McGrail, S. (2004). 'La construction navale celtique', Chasse-marée, 167, pp. 40-53. (Relates to PL 2934).

  14. Philippe, M. and Rieth, E. (2008). 'Naviguer au Norde de L'Europe', Archéologia, 458, pp. 30-39. (Relates to PL 2934).

  15. Jigourel, T. (2007). 'Les curraghs: Navires de cuir Irlandais', ArMen, 158, pp. 30-39. (Relates to PL 2934).

  16. Paisey, D. and Bartrum, G. (2009). 'Hans Holbein and Miles Coverdale: A New Woodcut, Print Quarterly, 26(3), pp. 227-253.

  17. Taguchi, M. (2005). 'A Middle English penitential treatise on Job 10:20-22, Dimitte me, Domine', Mediaeval Studies, 67, pp. 157–217.

  18. Pepys, S. (1703). 'From Samuel Pepys Esqr: to Governor Pitt', in H. Yule (ed.) (1887) Diary of William Hedges, Esq. (Afterwards Sir William Hedges), During his Agency in Bengal, as well as on His Voyage Out and Return Overland (1681–1687). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. lxxx-ciii. [Photocopy]. [The last known letter of Samuel Pepys].

  19. Bernet, C. (2015). Miniaturen des Mittelalters, 28th edn. Graugans Wissenschaft: Berlin, p. 20. (Relates to PL 1803).

  20. E.G. Forbes (ed.) (1997).The Correspondence of John Flamsteed, the First Astronomer Royal, Volume 2: 1682-170. Bristol: Institute of Physics, pp. 8-9, 628-653. [Photocopy]. [Correspondence between Pepys and Flamsteed].

Reference Materials Box 1

Offprints and articles concerning Pepys and the Pepys Library. Known formerly as the "Pepys Library Files".

List of contents:

  1. Dujardin-Troadec, L. (1966). Les Cartographes Bretons du Conquet: La Navigation en Images 1543-1650. Brest: Commerciale et Administrative. (Relates to PL 1).

  2. Dujardin-Troadec, L. (1963). ‘Guides nautiques et traités de navigation illustrés des faiseurs et faiseuses de cartes marines du Conquet en Basse-Bretagne au XVIe siècle’, Actes des Societés Savantes du Quatre-Vingt-Septième Congrès National, Poitiers, 1962. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, pp. 162-168. (Relates to PL 1).

  3. Ranft, B. Mcl. (1952). 'The Significance of the Political Career of Samuel Pepys’, Journal of Modern History, 24(4), pp. 368-375. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

  4. Brindley, H.H. (1926). ‘Early Pictures of Lateen Sails’, Mariner’s Mirror, 12(1), pp. 9-22. (Relates to PL 2934).

  5. Piper, D. (1972). ‘Pepys, Petty, and Faithorne Restor’d.’, Book Collector, 1, pp. 65-71.

  6. Holmes, M.R. (1963). Moorfields in 1559: An Engraved Copper Plate from the earliest known Map of London, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office. (Relates to PL 1972).

  7. [Missing].

  8. [Missing].

  9. [Missing].

  10. Wilson, E.M. (1955). 'Some Poems from Samuel Pepys’s Spanish Chap-Books’, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 32(4), pp. 187-193. (Relates to PL 1545).

  11. Wilson, C.H. (1957). ‘Who Captured New Amsterdam?’, English Historical Review, 72(184), pp. 469–474. (Relates to PL 2698; PL 1836-41).

  12. Middleton, B.C. (1962). ‘The Bookbinders Case Unfolded’, The Library, 5(17), pp. 66-76. (Relates to PL 1398(2)).

  13. Emslie, MacD. (1955). ‘Pepys’s Shakespeare Song’, Shakespeare Quarterly, 6(2), pp. 156-70. (Relates to PL 2591).

  14. Vincent, W.T. (1889). ‘Pepys at Woolwich’, in The Records of the Woolwich District, Woolwich: J.P. Jackson. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

  15. Gaselee, S. (1921). ‘The Spanish Books in the Library of Samuel Pepys’, Supplement to the Bibliographical Society’s Transactions, 2. (List of PL volumes at the end of article).

  16. Power, Sir D’Arcy (1921). ‘Notes on the Bibliography of Three Sixteenth-Century English Books Connected with London Hospitals’, The Library, 2(2), pp. 73-94. (Relates to PL 394).

  17. York City Art Gallery (1963). Catalogue of paintings. Volume II, English School 1500-1850, York: City Art Gallery. (Relates to PL 2979/127e).

  18. Latham, R.C. (1971). ‘And so to Bed’, Books and Bookmen, pp. 4-7. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

  19. Gaselee, S. (1911). ‘Pepys and St Mary Magdalene’ , Magdalene College Magazine, 7, pp. 187-189. (Relates to PL 2509).

  20. Gaselee, S. (1920). ‘Pepys’s Perquisites’, Magdalene College Magazine, 33, pp. 43-44.

  21. Gaselee, S. (1921). ‘A Letter from Samuel Pepys’, Magdalene College Magazine, 3, pp. 168-170.

  22. C., W.J. (1931). ‘Pepys’s Shorthand’, Magdalene College Magazine, 67, pp. 246-251.

  23. Latham, R.W. (1961-62). ‘A Lost Pepys Library Book recovered’, Magdalene College Magazine and Record, 6, pp. 19-24. (Relates to PL 2955).

23a. Latham, R.C. (1961-62). ‘The First Edition of Pepys’s Diary: A Note’, Magdalene College Magazine and Record, 6, pp. 16-19.

  1. Pepys-Whiteley, D. (1964-65). ‘"A Lost Pepys Library Book recovered": A Postscript', Magdalene College Magazine and Record, 9, pp. 20-21. (Relates to PL 1751b; PL 1684).

  2. Bennet, R.F. (1966-67). ‘Caxton Retained’, Magdalene College Magazine and Record, 11, pp. 19-23. (Relates to PL 2124).

25a. Bennet, R.F. (1966-67). ‘Caxton Retained’, Magdalene College Magazine and Record, 11, pp. 19-23. (Relates to PL 2124).

  1. Braziller, G. The Caxton Ovid: A complete facsimile in two volumes of William Caxton's translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses. (Two copies; Relates to PL 2124).

26a. (1967-68). 'Caxton Retained - II', Magdalene College Magazine and Record, 12, p. 14. (Relates to PL 2124).

  1. Chaplin, W.R. (1951). ‘The History of Harwich Lights and Their Owners’, The American Neptune, 11(1), pp. 5-34. (Relates to PL 2866).

  2. Taylor, A.B. (1961). ‘Some Additional Early Maps of Scotland’, The Scottish Geographical Magazine, 77(1), pp. 37-43. (Relates to PL 1431).

  3. Gillet, J.E. (1926). ‘The "Coplas del Perro de Alba"’, Modern Philology, 23(4), pp. 417-444. (Relates to PL 1545(55)).

  4. (1966) 'Report on a "lost" manuscript: No Government aid for Caxton, College appeal next week', The Times, 12 November. (Relates to PL 2124).

  5. Power, D. (1911). 'An Address on Why Samuel Pepys Discontinued his Diary’, The Lancet, 177(4582). (Relates to PL 1836-41).

  6. Vieth, D.M. (1956). 'The Text of Rochester and the Editions of 1680’, The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 50(3), pp. 243-263. (Relates to PL 810(1)).

  7. Hill, J.M. (1959). ‘Four Poesias Germanescas’, Hispanic Review, 27(1), pp. 42-48. (Relates to PL 1545(67)).

  8. (1972). Richard William Ladborough: Fellow, Dean and Pepys Librarian, 30 May, Little St Mary's Church, Cambridge. [Order of Memorial Service for R.W. Ladborough].

  9. Roth, L. (1961). ‘Hebraists and Non-Hebraists of the Seventeenth Century’, Journal of Semitic Studies, 6(2), pp. 204-221. (Relates to PL 858).

  10. Hufstader, A.A. (1968). ‘Samuel Pepys, Inquisitive Amateur’, The Musical Quarterly, 54(4), pp. 437-461. (Relates to PL 1836-41; PL 2803(2)).

  11. Fitzwilliam Museum (1933). Tercentenary exhibition of Books from the Library of Samuel Pepys lent by the Master and Fellows of Magdalene College Cambridge. (Six copies).

  12. Fenlon, I. (1982). Cambridge Music Manuscripts, 900-1700, Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge, Adeane Gallery, 13 July-30 August, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Typescript for exhibition catalogue].

  13. Pepys-Whiteley, D. (1971). ‘Pepys rides to Cambridge’, Country Life Magazine, 18 March, pp. 616-621. (Relates to PL 1493).

  14. Plumley, N.M. (1973). 'The Royal Mathematical School, Christ’s Hospital’, History Today, 23(8), pp. 581-587.

  15. Plumley, N.M. (1973). The Mathematical School within Christ’s Hospital 1673-1973: Tercentenary Exhibition to celebrate the foundation of the Royal Mathematical School within Christ's Hospital, Dominion's Library, Christ's Hospital, 17th to 25th November, Christ's Hospital. (With inserted typescript 'Catalogue of exhibits').

  16. Ollard, R. (1971). Pepys and the development of the British Navy, Jackdaw no. 99. London: Jackdaw Publications Ltd. (Relates to PL 2910).

42a. Tames, R. (n.d.) Henry VIII and his six wives, Jackdaw no. 120. London: Jackdaw Publications Ltd. (Relates to PL 2991).

42b. Lacey, R. (n.d.) Drake and the Golden Hinde, Jackdaw no. 132. London: Jackdaw Publications Ltd. (Relates to PL 2820).

  1. Blake, N.F. (1974). '500 years of printing', The Illustrated London News, 262(6906), pp. 31-34. (Relates to PL 2124; PL 1945).

  2. Caxton Celebrations Cambridge 1976 [Programme].

  3. Pool, B. (1974). ‘Sir William Coventry: Pepys’s mentor’, History Today, 24(2), pp. 104-111. (Relates to PL 1836-41).

  4. Ladborough, R.W. (1976). ‘The Library of Samuel Pepys’, History Today, 17(7), pp. 476-482.

  5. Hoppen, K.T. (1965). ‘Sir William Petty: Polymath 1623-1687’, History Today, 15(2), pp. 126-134.

  6. Corfe, T. (1976). 'Samuel Pepys', History First, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Teaching aid].