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Hooghe, Romeyn de (1645–1708), etcher

  • Pessoa singular
  • 1645–1708

Dutch anti-classicist and extravagant artist working at a time when classicism dominated Dutch art, he was the most ardent propagandist of the era of William and Mary, producing dozens of illustrated broadsheets on the main events of their reign. Besides these, De Hooghe illustrated some hundred books, including literary texts and historical and topographical works.

Tagore, Dwarkanath (1794–1846), businessman and philanthropist

  • Pessoa singular
  • 1794 - 1 August 1846

Businessman and philanthropist, born in Calcutta, Bengal, India, the second son of Rammani Tagore (1759–1833), police officer, and his first wife, Menaka, daughter of Ramakanta Roy of Jessore.

Sigourney, Lydia Howard (1791-1865), poet

  • Pessoa singular
  • 1791-1865

Lydia Huntley Sigourney published over dozens of volumes of poetry and essays. Her poetry frequently engages native American and anti-slavery concerns within a religious context, and often takes the form of elegy.

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