Showing 1143 results

Authority record

Cotton, Vere E. (1888-1970), British Army officer and Lord Mayor of Liverpool

  • Person
  • 5 May 1888 - 19 November 1970

Vere Cotton was born on 5 May 1888, son of Charles Calveley Cotton and Kate de la Rue. He was educated at Repton School and Magdalene College (matric. 1907).
He fought in the First World War, where he was mentioned in despatches three times. He was awarded the Croca de Guerra and the Croix de Guerre and gained the rank of Honrary Colonel in the 470 Heavy AA Regiment, Royal Artillery (Territorial Army).
In 1922 he married Elfreda Helen Moore.
He was appointed CBE in 1937.
Between 1942 and 1954 he was Pro-Chancellor of Liverpol University and was Lord Mayor of Liverpool between 1951 and 1952. In 1956 he was the High Sheriff of Lancashire.
He died on 19 November 1970.

Cornish, William (1937-2022), lawyer and President of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Person
  • 1937 - 8 January 2022

Educated at University of Adelaide (LLB), and Oxford (BCL). Professor of English Law, London School of Economics 1970–1990, Professor of Law, Cambridge 1990–1995, Herschel Smith Professor of Intellectual Property Law 1995–2004.
Fellow 1990 (Life Fellow 2004). President 1998–2001.
LLD 1996, Hon QC 1997; External Academic Member, Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition & Tax Law, Munich, 1989 (CMG 2013).

College Magazine
Article, College Magazine, vol. 42 (1997–98) p. 2

Cornish, Bill (1937-2022), Life Fellow and President of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Person
  • 9 August 1937 - 8 January 2022

William Rodolph Cornish (Bill) was born on 9 August 1937

Educated St Peter's College, Adelaide, University of Adelaide, and Wadham College, Oxford
Assistant Lecturer in Law, London School of Economics, 1962-68
Reader in Law, Queen Mary College, London, 1969-70
Professor of English Law, London School of Economics, 1970-90
Professor of Law (1973), Cambridge, 1990-95
Herchel Smith Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Cambridge, 1995-2004
Honorary Fellow, London School of Economics, 1997
Bencher of Gray's Inn, 1998
Hon LLD, University of Edinburgh, 2004
University of Adelaide 2018
Hon Dr. Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, 2018
Fellow 1990-2004
Life Fellow, 2004-2022
President 1998-2001

Married Lovedy Moule 1964. Two daughters, one son
Died 8 January 2022, aged 84

Obituary by Neil Jones College Magazine, No. 66 (2021-22), pp. 13-19

Cooper, Robert (active 1793-1836), engraver

  • Person
  • 1793-1836

Although a prolific portrait engraver over a number of decades, little is known of Robert Cooper. His first recorded work as an engraver was for the Biographical Magazine in 1795. He went on to contribute extensively to the periodical press, producing prints for, among others, La Belle Assemblée; or, Bell’s Court and Fashionable Magazine, the Gentleman's Magazine, European Magazine, Dramatic Magazine, and Evangelical Magazine. The most significant books to feature his work include Cawthorn's Modern British Theatre series, Edmond Lodge's series of Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, Tresham's and Ottley's British Gallery of Pictures (1808), Chamberlaine's edition of Holbein drawings (1812), the Culloden Papers (1815), Memoirs of the Kit-Cat Club (1821), and Colburn's edition of Pepys's Diary (1825). His last recorded engraving dates from 1826, but, according to Samuel Redgrave, he was still living in 1836. He is probably identical with the 'R. Cooper' who exhibited miniature portraits at the Royal Academy between 1793 and 1799.

Cohen, Arthur (1829-1914), lawyer, politician and Honorary Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Person
  • 1829-1914

Matriculated in 1849, as Fellow-Commoner: a graduate of University College, London, he was refused admission at Trinity, Christ’s and one other College, but after the intervention of the Prince Consort as Chancellor, he was admitted to Magdalene, with dispensations as to Chapel attendance. He was the first professing Jew to become a graduate of the University.

5th Wrangler (not being Senior Wrangler rankled for the rest of his life). President of the Union, 1853.

A commercial lawyer (Inner Temple), specialising in insurance cases, but also keenly interested in International Law, as well as Mathematics and Philosophy. Counsel to the University, 1879, and to the secretary of state for India, 1893; Liberal MP for Southwark, 1880-1887 (which precluded acceptance of a judgeship).

Honorary Fellow, 1885 (one of the first; not 1883 as usually stated). ‘A great lawyer… for the argument of a question of law before an appellate tribunal he had few equals’ (ODNB). Major player in the Alabama arbitration.

Silver candlesticks presented in his memory by his nephew.

Arms in Hall glass, E1.

Obituary, College Magazine No. 17 (1914), pp. 328-330

Results 931 to 960 of 1143