Showing 1144 results

Authority record

Hardy, Thomas (1840-1928), novelist, poet, Honorary Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Person
  • 2 June 1840 - 11 January 1928

Novelist and poet, the doyen of English letters by the time of his election as an Honorary Fellow in 1913, the first in a notable succession of leading figures in literature and the arts with no previous connection with the College, and into which it was recorded that he entered ‘cordially and sympathetically’ (College Magazine, No. 15, 1914, p. 245). Benson had long been acquainted with him.

Further Reading:
College Magazine
vol. III No.14 (December 1913) pp. 204-205
Obituary, College Magazine vol. VIII 57 (March 1928) pp. 146-148

Hamilton, Walter (1908-1988), classicist, Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Person
  • 10 February 1908 - 8 February 1988

Master of Magdalene College, 1967-1978

Educated at Trinity College, and Fellow of Trinity, 1931-1933, 1946-1950 (University Lecturer in Classics, 1947). Published an extremely successful translation of Plato’s Symposium (1951). Head Master of Westminster School (1950-1957) and of Rugby (1957-1966); chairman of the Headmasters’ Conference. Honorary Fellow , 1978.

‘Not so hearty as Willink, not so pedagogic as Ramsay, not so melancholy as Benson, and not so teetotal as Donaldson’ – Lord Ramsey, on Hamilton’s retirement (College Magazine 22 (1977-78) p 2). What most people remember is his baleful humour.

Further reading:
College Magazine
vol. 22 (1977-78) pp. 2-4 (D. W. Babbage)
College Magazine vol. 32 (1987-88) pp. 11-16 (R. Hyam)
College Magazine* vol. 36 (1991-92) pp. 59-61 (review by R. Luckett)

Gurdon, Sir John (1933 - present), cell biologist and Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Person
  • 2 October 1933 - present

Master of Magdalene College, 1995-2002

Educated at Christ Church Oxford. University of Cambridge, John Henry Plummer Professor of Cell Biology, 1983-2001; Fellow of Churchill College until taking up the Mastership; Honorary Fellow, 2002. Chairman of The Wellcome Trust & Cancer Research UK Institute of Cancer & Developmental Biology, 1991, which was renamed The Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute in 2003 in recognition of his inaugural directorship. Japanese Academy’s Emperor Hirohito Prize for Biology, 1987; Israel’s Wolf Prize for Medicine, 1989; Copley Medal, 2003; Hon ScD 2007; Nobel Prize for Medicine 2012.

Further Reading:
Article 'Appointment to the Mastership' by Peter Grubb, College Magazine vol. 38 (1993-94) pp. 8-9
Article, 'Hail and Farewell' by Eamon Duffy, College Magazine, vol. 46 (2001-02) pp. 9-11

Gunn, James (1893-1964), artist

  • Person
  • 30 June 1893– 30 December 1964

A Scottish landscape and portrait painter. Gunn's paintings are on show in a number of galleries and his 1953 portrait of Queen Elizabeth II is in the Royal Collection. He also painted notable portraits of King George V, Agnes Catherine Maitland (now in Somerville College's dining hall), and also of Harold Macmillan, in his role as Chancellor of Oxford University. He was elected President of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters in 1953, a post he held until his death.

Grubb, Peter (1935-present), plant ecologist and President of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Person
  • 1935-

Educated at Royal Liberty School Romford. Matric 1954 (Scholar); PhD 1962, ScD 1995; Bye-Fellow, 1958–1960; Fellow, 1960 (Emeritus 2002); Tutor, 1963–1974; joint Director of Studies in Natural Sciences (Biological), 1980–1996; President, 1991–1996 (Acting Master , Michaelmas Term 1994). University Lecturer in Botany, 1964-1992; Reader, 1992-2000; Professor of Investigative Plant Ecology, 2000 (Emeritus 2002). President of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1990-1991; Editor, Journal of Ecology, 1972-1977; President of the British Ecological Society, 1990-1991 (first Award for outstanding service to the Society, 2003).

Griffin, Elizabeth (bap. 1691 -1762), Visitor of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Person
  • c. 1691 - 1762

Daughter of James Griffin, 2nd Baron Griffin of Braybrooke, sister and co-heir of Edward, 3rd Baron Griffin of Braybrooke. She was a direct descendant of Lord Audley.
Her first marriage was to her cousin Henry Neville/Grey; her second in 1741 to John Wallop, MP (1690-1762), governor of the Isle of Wight, first Earl of Portsmouth (his second wife).
She secured the Mastership for her husband’s nephew, Barton Wallop – the worst Master the College ever had; and meanwhile placed George Sandby in office under bond to resign when Barton Wallop was of age – the resignation duly took place in 1774.
Died without issue; the visitorship then passed to her nephew, Sir John Griffin Whitwell, later 1st Baron Braybrooke.

Gretton, William (1736-1813), Anglican Clergyman and Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Person
  • 1736 - 29 September 1813

Master of Magdalene College, 1797 - 1813

Educated at Peterhouse. Successor Dr Peter Peckard as Master. He was 'a man of no particular distinction who, as vicar of Saffron Walden, archdeacon of essex and a justice of the peace, was known at Audley End' [ie. known to the Visitor who had the power to appoint the Master. At this time the position of Visitor was held jointly by the Revd Dr and Mrs Parker].
He was not greatly interested in academic distinction and had no time for Evangelicas [who dominated Magdalene at this time]. His Mastership marked the start of a downward spiral from which it took a century to emerge.

He served as Vice-Chancellor, 1800-1801.

Most exceptionally, he was buried in the College Ante-Chapel, under a diamond-shaped slab.

Results 691 to 720 of 1144