Showing 1144 results

Authority record

Jekyll, Gertrude (1843-1932), artist and garden designer

  • Person
  • 29 November 1843 - 8 December 1932

Hugh Thackery Turner (Ruth Mallory's father) worked with Gertrude Jekyll to design the Philips Memorial Cloister on the riverside in Godalming, commemorating the bravery of Jack Philips, a hero on board the Titanic in 1912.

Jay, Anthony Sir (1930 – 2016), writer and broadcaster

  • 20 April 1930 – 21 August 2016

Born in Paddington, London, the son of Ernest Jay, a character actor, and Catherine. He was educated at St Paul's School and Magdalene College, Cambridge, graduating with first-class honours in Classics and comparative philology. With Jonathan Lynn, he co-wrote the British political comedies Yes Minister and Yes, Prime Minister (1980–88). He was knighted in the 1988 New Years Honours.

Jacques Honervogt

  • Corporate body
  • c. 1583-c. 1694

Father and son publishers of the same name, the father b. in Cologne, and active in Paris from 1608-c.1666, the son c.1623-1694, who continued the business. Their products are impossible to distinguish, and are catalogued here under the one name.

Jackson, John (1673-1723), nephew of Samuel Pepys

  • Person
  • 1673-1723

Nephew of Samuel Pepys, younger son of Pepys’s sister Paulina (‘Pall’) who married John Jackson, a Huntingdonshire farmer in 1668.
Admitted pensioner aged 14, 28 June 1686 and matriculated in 1687 (BA 1690).
Clerk and amanuensis to Pepys; European tour, 1699-1701, partly to find additions for Pepys’s collection.
Heir to the greater part of Pepys’s wealth, with charge, for his lifetime, of the Library; drew up the final recension of the catalogue and arranged for the reception of the Library in Magdalene, which took place upon his death (hence the date 1724 on the Pepys Building).

Irvine, Andrew Comyn (1902-1924), mountaineer

  • Person
  • 1902-1924

Andrew C. Irvine was a member of the 1924 British Mount Everest Expedition. He disappeared with George Mallory attempting to summit Mount Everest in 1924. His body has not been discovered (George Mallory's body was discovered in 1999).

Andrew 'Sandy' Irvine was born at 56 Park Road South, Birkenhead, Cheshire, on 8 April 1902, the second son and third of six children of William Fergusson Irvine (1869–1962), a merchant trading with Africa and a distinguished Cheshire antiquary, and his wife, Lilian Davies-Colley (d.1950), daughter of Thomas Charles Davies-Colley, a Manchester solicitor. He had four brothers and a sister.

He was educated at Birkenhead preparatory school, Shrewsbury School, and Merton College, Oxford, where he matriculated on 24 January 1922 to study engineering. He was tall and stout, with a muscular physique, and was nicknamed Sandy because of his blonde hair and fair complexion. He was known as a powerful oarsman at Shrewsbury and Oxford, and gained his blue as a freshman in 1922, when he rowed no. 2 against Cambridge.

In 1923 he joined a sledging party to Spitsbergen with Noel Odell, who recommended him for the Everest expedition in 1924. Despite Irvine's inexperience as a climber, Mallory appears to have chosen him as his partner on Everest because he valued his mechanical ability with the unreliable oxygen apparatus, admired his strength and stamina, and may have seen him as a protégé. He died alongside Mallory in the final attempt to summit in June 1924. His body has never been recovered.

A memorial to him, by Eric Gill, was placed in Merton College grove. Irvine's Everest diaries were published in 1979.

Inge, William Ralph (1860-1954), dean of St Paul's and writer

  • Person
  • 6 June 1860 - 26 February 1954

6 June 1860 - born at Crayke, in the North Riding of Yorkshire, the eldest son of William Inge, curate of Crayke, and his wife, Susanna. He was educated by his parents until he was thirteen and then won a scholarship to Eton College in 1874. There he met A. C. Benson (later Master of Magdalene College, 1915-1925), who became a lifelong friend, and with whom he was caned for making an indoor bonfire out of blotting paper.

1879-1883 - undergraduate at King's College, Cambridge. He won the Craven, Bell, and Porson scholarships, took a first in both parts of the classical tripos (1882–3), and was senior-chancellor's medallist. Both Inge and Benson were susceptible to bouts of acute depression, which Inge attributed to overwork.

After graduating Inge spent four years teaching at Eton but felt he was not suited to the role. In 1889 he became a fellow of Hertford College, Oxford, where he taught classics and developed an interest in philosophy.

1888 - ordained deacon but religious doubts meant that he did not proceed to the priesthood for four years.

1905 - appointed vicar of All Saints', Ennismore Gardens, in central London. The same year he married Mary Catharine (Kitty) Spooner (1880–1949). Her father was archdeacon of Canterbury, her uncle, William Spooner was warden of New College. This marriage was very successful, and Kitty succeeded in alleviating Inge's depression and in helping him to overcome his shyness.

1907-1911 - Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity and Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge.

1911-1934 - Dean of St Paul's. He hated choral music, found the daily services 'dreary and interminable’, and was often seen reading a book in his stall. As a modernist he was often at odds with his Anglo-Catholic canons. He had been appointed in order to revive the literary eminence which St Paul's had previously enjoyed and in this respect he was a great success. His writings attained their widest readership through his weekly columns in the Evening Standard, which ran, with some interruptions, from 1921 to 1946. These articles were on literary, political, and religious themes.

Between the wars - Inge was one of the most vociferous defenders of the rights of the middle classes. One of his most pressing social concerns was the shortage of domestic servants, which he called 'a matter of national importance'. Inge was also concerned that the working classes were breeding too fast and that unless measures were taken to stop them they would overwhelm the middle classes. His interest in eugenic theory had deepened through his friendship with Sir Francis Galton, and he served on the council of the Eugenics Society.

1920s - was a leading spokesman for the modernist wing of the Church of England, becoming president of the Modern Churchmen's Union (1924–34).

He was made CVO in 1918 and KCVO in 1930. He received a BD and DD from Cambridge in 1909, was an honorary fellow of several Oxford and Cambridge colleges and was elected FBA in 1921.

Inge and his wife Kitty had three sons and two daughters. In 1923 his 11 year old daughter, Paula, died of diabetes. HIs youngest son Richard was an undergraduate at Magdalene, 1934-1937 but was killed in an RAF training flight in 1941.

1934 - he retired to Brightwell Manor near Wallingford. He was not a pacifist but did oppose Britain's entry into the Second World War on the grounds that she had no quarrel with Germany. After the outbreak of war he continued to call for a negotiated peace.

26 February 1954 - he died at Brightwell Manor.

Ingamells, Andrew (1956-present), graphic designer and illustrator

  • Person
  • 1956 - present

Born in 1956, Andrew Ingamells trained at St.Albans School of Art and the London College of Printing before embarking on a career as a graphic designer and illustrator. It was during this time that he started making drawings of individual buildings and architectural landscapes of London.

In 1987 he was invited to Clarendon Graphics, the print studio set up by Anthony Benjamin, to make aquatint etchings from some of his achitectural drawings. So began his love affair with a traditional printing method that has barely changed in centuries, continuing a tradition of neo classical draughtsmanship made popular by Piranesi.

Andrew has worked in close collaboration with master printmakers Pete Kosowicz and Simon Marsh, and with fine art print publisher Martin Village.

He has exhibited at many London venues over the years including CCA Galleries, The Grosvenor Gallery, The Curwen Gallery and The Royal Academy. His work is held in corporate and public collections including the Tate Gallery, HRH the Prince of Wales, English Heritage, The National Trust, The Paul Mellon Centre for British Art, Shell Oil and the City of London Guildhall Library who put on a retrospective exhibition of his work.

Notable works have included the Basilica San Marco in Venice, the Duomo di Firenze, Jefferson’s Monticello in Virginia and every one of Nicholas Hawksmoor's seven London Churches.

Andrew is currently working on a series of topographic line-plate etchings of the Oxford and Cambridge colleges, a project which has not been undertaken so seriously or comprehensively since the engravings of David Loggan's Cantabrigia Illustrata of the 1680s. He has also begun a series of studies of Ivy League universities in the United States and has recently completed studies of the three Inns of Court in London.

Hyam, Ronald (1936-present), historian and President of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Person
  • 1936 - present

Educated at Isleworth Grammar School and St John's College (Matriculated in 1956); PhD 1963, LittD 1993; College Lecturer in History, 1960–2000.
Fellow, 1962 (Emeritus 2003); College Librarian, 1963–1993; Admissions Tutor, 1980–1982; President, 1996–1998 (Acting 1992–1993, Michaelmas 1994); Archivist, 2000.
University Lecturer in History, 1965–1996; Reader in British Imperial History, 1996 (Emeritus 1999); Smuts Distinguished Lecturer, 2000. Research Editor, British Documents on the End of Empire Project, 1987–2000 and member of the Project Committee, 1991–2005.

Hume, Joseph (1777–1855), radical and politician

  • Person
  • 22 January 1777 - 20 February 1855

Scottish radical and political. His association with the philosophic radicalism of Ricardo, Mill, and Bentham led him to support reform of local government, financial assistance for popular education, and alleviation of the harsher aspects of the penal code.

Hudson, Thomas (1701–1779), artist

  • Person
  • 1701–1779

An English portrait painter. Hudson was most prolific between 1740 and 1760 and, from 1745 until 1755 was the most successful London portraitist.

Results 601 to 630 of 1144