Showing 1145 results

Authority record

Donaldson, Stuart Alexander (1854-1915), Anglican cleric and Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Person
  • 4 December 1854 - 29 October 1915

Master of Magdalene College, 1904 - 1915.

Born in Sydney, Australia, son of Sir Stuart Donaldson, the first premier of New South Wales.

He was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge (matriculated in 1873). He graduated with first class honours in Classics in 1877.
From 1878 to 1904 he served as a master at Eton. He was ordained as deacon in 1884 and priest in 1885.

In 1904 he was appointed as the Master of Magdalene College.
He was awarded the degrees of Bachelor of Divinity in 1905 and Doctor of Divinity in 1910. He served as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge from 1912 to 1913.

Donaldson married Lady Albinia Frederica Hobart-Hampden, granddaughter of Augustus Edward Hobart-Hampden, the 6th Earl of Buckinghamshire in 1900.

He suddenly became ill in the College Chapel on Sunday 24 October and died on 19 October 1915.

Arms in Hall glass, E3. Memorial brass in Chapel.

College Magazine
Obituary: College Magazine, vol. IV, No. 20, December 1915, pp. 1-5

Duffy, Eamon (1947-present), church historian and President of Magdalene College, Cambridge

  • Person
  • 1947-present

Educated at St Philip's Grammar School Birmingham, University of Hull, Selwyn College (PhD 1972). Lecturer in Ecclesiastical History, King's College London 1974–1979. University Lecturer in Divinity Faculty, Cambridge 1979–1994, Reader 1994, Professor of the History of Christianity 2003. Hawthornden Prize for Literature 2002.
Fellow 1979 (Director of Studies in History and in Theology; Tutor), President 2001–2006.
Member of the Pontifical Historical Commission 2001; President of the Ecclesiastical History Society 2004–2005; Hon Member of the Irish Royal Academy, 2012.

College Magazine
Article, College Magazine, vol. 45 (2000–01) p. 21

Dumaige, Etienne (1810-88), sculptor

  • Person
  • 1810-88

Henry Etienne Dumaige (1830-1888) is a French sculptor born in Paris in 1830, died in Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie in 1888. He is the student of Jean Feuchère and Christophe Dumont. He exhibited at the Salon of French Artists from 1863 to 1886. He exhibited including The Golden Age , a plaster group at the Salon of 1863, then 1864; Hero to that of 1866 and Patrie , bronze group at the Salon of 1886. Dumaige is rewarded with a second medal in 1880. For the foundry Houdebine, participating in Exposition Universelle of 1878 in Paris, he composes two caryatids-women-flares, but he also works for other founders.
Among other things, he made statues for the Hôtel de Ville in Paris, then the one representing Rabelais , a marble for the City of Tours.

Dupré, Giovanni (1817-1882), sculptor

  • Person
  • 1 March 1817 - 10 January 1882

Italian sculptor whose success was a product of his lifelike and original interpretation of form when Italian sculpture was deteriorating into a mannered imitation of the works of Antonio Canova. Dupré was the son of a carver in wood. Tuscan. He had a museum in Fiesole, but this is now closed.

Durand, Asher B. (1796-1886), painter and engraver

  • Person
  • 1796-1886

American painter and engraver. His early work was mainly as an engraver and he established his reputation with his print after John Trumbull’s Declaration of Independence and with portraits of eminent contemporaries. In the 1830s he turned increasingly to painting.

Eaden Lilley Photography

In 1970 Stearn and Son joined Eaden Lilley Photographers.
The copyright of the photos taken by Eaden Lilley has now passed to Lafayette Photography.

Eddis, Eden Upton (1812–1901), painter

  • Person
  • 9 May 1812 – 7 April 1901

Eden was born in Newington Green in 1812. He enrolled at the Royal Academy Schools in 1828 and between 1837 and 1881 his work was regularly exhibited at the Royal Academy.
He is best known for his portraits, which included many of well-known people. The National Portrait Gallery in London holds a drawing of him by Walker Hodgson.
Among the subjects of his portraits were the historian Lord Macaulay, Bishop Charles James Blomfield, Archbishop Sumner, the essayist and fashionable cleric Sydney Smith, the sculptor Francis Leggatt Chantrey and Peter Mark Roget the compiler of the original thesaurus. He died in 1901 at Shalford near Guildford.

Edouart, Auguste (1789–1861), artist

  • Person
  • 1789–1861

French-born portrait artist who worked in England, Scotland and the United States in the 19th century. He specialised in silhouette portraits. Born in Dunkerque, he left France in 1814, and established himself in London, where he began his career making portraits from hair. In 1825, he began work as a silhouette portraitist, taking full-length likenesses in profile by cutting out black paper with scissors. Edouart spent fifteen years touring England and in 1829 arrived in Edinburgh. He remained there for three years, during which time he produced some 5,000 likenesses. Edouart travelled in the United States in about 1839–49, visiting New York, Boston, and other locales. He later returned to France, where he worked on smaller silhouettes. They included one of the most notable writer of this period, Victor Hugo

Edward Leigh (Photographers), Cambridge

  • Corporate body
  • 1946-1983

Edward Leigh (1913-1998)

Working Dates: 1946 -1983

One of the few professional photographers to obtain a prestigious Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society as well as a Fellowship of the Institute of British Photographers, the professional photographers' own body, Edward Leigh has been described as a true artist with a camera. His photographic career spanned over 50 years. Before WW2 he worked as a fashion photographer and a stills cameraman for Fox Film Studios, later 20th Century Fox. During the war his printing skills were employed by RAF Oakington to process at great speed the aerial recognisance photographs which were assembled into the mosaic maps used by Bomber Command.

After the war Edward set up his own studio on Kings Parade in the centre of Cambridge, living on the premises. Edward did a great deal of work for University Departments and Cambridge Colleges, from groups of freshers to graduation ceremonies, visiting Royals to portraits of fellows and, one of his many favourite assignments, work for the Peyps Library at Magdalene College. Many of his architectural photographs have been used for decades in books on Cambridge. He was a much sought after industrial photographer, skilled in the use of lighting and good at composition.

When Edward retired, his son John Edward Leigh took over the business, still at 22 Derby Road, Cambridge, which he listed as specialising in advertising photography, for a short period around 1983-85, before the business finally closed.

Working for Edward Leigh at different times were Doug Rattle, Peter Lofts and Frank Bird.

Edwards, Peter (1955 - present), artist

  • Person
  • 1955 - present

Painter. Born in Wales, his portrait of Seamus Heaney at the National Portrait Gallery led to a one-man show of contemporary poets at the Gallery in 1990. Awarded the BP Portrait Award in 1994 with Portrait of an Artist's Model (Marguerite Kelsey).

Results 271 to 300 of 1145