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Fuller Maitland, Richard Evelyn (1885–1953), artist

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  • 1885–1953

Portraitist and landscape painter with works in government and regional art collections (Ipswich and Hertfordshire).
Richard Evelyn Fuller Maitland was the son of the art collector and Liberal politician William Fuller Maitland (1884–1932), of Stansted Hall, Essex. William Maitland had inherited from his own father an important collection of early Italian paintings, nine of which he sold to the National Gallery, London, in 1878, including The Mystic Nativity by Sandro Botticelli. Educated at Harrow School, Richard Maitland went on to study at Sir Hubert Herkomer’s Art School, Bushey, Hertfordshire. He also pursued a part-time military career, gaining the rank of captain in the Scots Guards. Essentially a gentleman-artist, Maitland exhibited twice at the Royal Academy, in 1904 and in 1921, when he showed a portrait of a judge, Edwin Max Konstam. His known oeuvre is small and includes A Mediterranean Scene (Bushey Museum and Art Gallery, 2004.108.1), a portrait of Sir Frederick Liddell, First Parliamentary Counsel, dated 1913 (Government Art Collection, no. 1203) and two portraits of senior members of the Admiralty. Also in 1913, Magdalene College, Cambridge, commissioned a sketch from Maitland of Thomas Hardy, then aged seventy-two.

Horton, Percy (1897-1970), artist

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  • 1897-1970

Painter and draughtsman, born in Brighton, Sussex. Studied at Brighton School of Art, 1918–20, where he had a scholarship. Horton was a man of strong radical convictions, and because he was an absolute conscientious objector he had to endure two years’ hard labour in Carlton Prison, Edinburgh, 1916–18, during World War I. From 1916–18 was at Central School of Arts and Crafts under A S Hartrick and Ernest Jackson, then with a Royal Exhibition attended Royal College of Art, under Randolph Schwabe and Allan Gwynne-Jones, 1922–5. Horton went on to teach at the Royal College, 1930–49, where he was a highly respected figure, becoming Ruskin Master of Drawing at Oxford University, 1949. Taught voluntarily at the Working Men’s College, London, for a time.

Tollast, Robert Malcolm Priestly (1915-2008), artist

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He studied Fine Arts at the Westminster School of Art. During World War II, he was commissioned in the Intelligence Corps and joined the diplomatic service as an Attaché de Presse in the British embassies of Baghdad and Cairo. He resigned in 1948 to become a full-time portrait painter and in 1949 had his first one-man show in London and exhibited at the Royal Academy. A period of global travelling was followed by ten years painting in the United States (New York and Washington D.C.) His exhibition at the Washington gallery was opened by the then British Ambassador, the Earl of Cromer, formerly Governor of the Bank of England. In the early 1960s, he spent time in Cambridge doing portraits of college luminaries and also for local families. After he returned to England in 1976, Robert Tollast divided his time among Switzerland, France (Paris) and Italy (Milan and Florence) and Austria (Vienna) with occasional visits to Germany. During long visits to South Africa, he painted three generations of the Oppenheimer family, among other prominent figures in industry. The list of Tollast's most interesting portrait commissions includes clients internationally prominent in the arts, sciences, industry and politics, of which one of the most notable is that of Sir Winston Churchill. This was the last official portrait, of which the sitter — notoriously difficult over portraits of himself — went on record to express his approval.
Robert Tollast's most recent important commission was to paint, in oil, all the partners of the partners of the Geneva private bank Lombard Odier & Cie. He also works in water-colour and pastel and is a notably successful painter of children. At the time of his death, Tollast was royal court painter to the Habsburg family of Austria.

Début, Marcel (1865–1933), sculptor

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  • 1865–1933

A French sculptor best known for his Art Nouveau bronze depictions of historic figures like Mozart and Gaelic warriors, scenes from Greek mythology, rustic peasants in Tunisia, and pedigreed animals. Born in 1865 in France, he studied with his father the famed sculptor Jean Didier Début, who specialized in more traditionally realistic figurative work, as well as under Henri Michel Antoine Chapu, a renowned sculptor of bronze and marble, at the École des Beaux-Arts. Début began exhibiting both as a painter and sculptor at the Salon of 1883 up until the start of World War I, when the Salon was suspended. The artist died in 1933 in France. 

Brooke, Rupert (1887-1915), poet

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  • 1887-1915

Rupert Brooke studied Classics at King's College, Cambridge between 1906 and 1909 where he met and became friends with Hugh Dalton. He became involved in various Cambridge groups, and was widely acknowledged as a handsome and charismatic figure about the university. He was a member of the Fabian Society and the Marlowe Dramatic Society both of which George Mallory was also a member.

Ingamells, Andrew (1956-present), graphic designer and illustrator

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  • 1956 - present

Born in 1956, Andrew Ingamells trained at St.Albans School of Art and the London College of Printing before embarking on a career as a graphic designer and illustrator. It was during this time that he started making drawings of individual buildings and architectural landscapes of London.

In 1987 he was invited to Clarendon Graphics, the print studio set up by Anthony Benjamin, to make aquatint etchings from some of his achitectural drawings. So began his love affair with a traditional printing method that has barely changed in centuries, continuing a tradition of neo classical draughtsmanship made popular by Piranesi.

Andrew has worked in close collaboration with master printmakers Pete Kosowicz and Simon Marsh, and with fine art print publisher Martin Village.

He has exhibited at many London venues over the years including CCA Galleries, The Grosvenor Gallery, The Curwen Gallery and The Royal Academy. His work is held in corporate and public collections including the Tate Gallery, HRH the Prince of Wales, English Heritage, The National Trust, The Paul Mellon Centre for British Art, Shell Oil and the City of London Guildhall Library who put on a retrospective exhibition of his work.

Notable works have included the Basilica San Marco in Venice, the Duomo di Firenze, Jefferson’s Monticello in Virginia and every one of Nicholas Hawksmoor's seven London Churches.

Andrew is currently working on a series of topographic line-plate etchings of the Oxford and Cambridge colleges, a project which has not been undertaken so seriously or comprehensively since the engravings of David Loggan's Cantabrigia Illustrata of the 1680s. He has also begun a series of studies of Ivy League universities in the United States and has recently completed studies of the three Inns of Court in London.

Moreau, Auguste (1855-1919), sculptor

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  • 1855–1919

A French sculptor best known for his bronze-cast figurines. His allegorical Art Nouveau works often depicted women, children, cherubs, and historical figures adorned with floral motifs and ornaments, and were influential to other artists working at the time. Born in Dijon, France in 1855 to a celebrated family of sculptors, including his father, Auguste Moreau, he went on to regularly exhibit his work at the Paris Salon from 1861 on. The artist died in 1919 in France.

Charny, B. M. sculptor

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  • active late 19th early 20th century

M. Charny (late 19th/early 20th century) was active/lived in France.  M. Charny is known for Sculpture.

Dumaige, Etienne (1810-88), sculptor

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  • 1810-88

Henry Etienne Dumaige (1830-1888) is a French sculptor born in Paris in 1830, died in Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie in 1888. He is the student of Jean Feuchère and Christophe Dumont. He exhibited at the Salon of French Artists from 1863 to 1886. He exhibited including The Golden Age , a plaster group at the Salon of 1863, then 1864; Hero to that of 1866 and Patrie , bronze group at the Salon of 1886. Dumaige is rewarded with a second medal in 1880. For the foundry Houdebine, participating in Exposition Universelle of 1878 in Paris, he composes two caryatids-women-flares, but he also works for other founders.
Among other things, he made statues for the Hôtel de Ville in Paris, then the one representing Rabelais , a marble for the City of Tours.

Della Robbia, Luca (1399/1400–1482), Sculptor

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  • 1399/1400–1482

An Italian Renaissance sculptor from Florence. Della Robbia is noted for his colourful, tin-glazed terracotta statuary, a technique which he invented.

Faber, John (c.1660-1721), draughtsman and engraver

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  • c.1660-1721

Born in Holland, John Faber came to London in around 1687 and began engraving portraits shortly thereafter. By 1707, he had established a shop near the Savoy in the Strand where he printed and published his own work. Among his more famous mezzotints are portraits of the founders of both Oxford and Cambridge, a set of the heads of the twelve Caesars and twenty-one portraits of the Reformers. Faber's work is noteworthy because he was one of the few mezzotint engravers who often both designed and engraved his plates. His son, John Faber, also became a portrait engraver.

Kellas, Alexander Mitchell (1868-1921), chemist and mountaineer

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  • 21 June 1868 - 5 June 1921

Dr Alexander Kellas was a member of the 1921 British Mount Everest Expedition. He died en route to Mount Everest.

Kellas was born on 21 June 1868 in Aberdeen, the son of James Fowler Kellas, secretary to the local marine board, and his wife, Mary Boyd. He was educated at Aberdeen grammar school and then attended Aberdeen University, Heriot-Watt College in Edinburgh, and Heidelberg University, where he gained a PhD. He was keenly interested in chemistry and even more enthusiastic for mountaineering. The two interests combined to make him pre-eminent for a time in the field of high-altitude physiology. He was able to combine research at low pressure in the laboratory with practical studies at altitude in the Himalayas.

Kellas had a great love for wild mountain places. He was not given to technical climbing but was supremely interested in mountain geography and exploration, in the course of which he reached numerous unclimbed Himalayan summits. He began mountaineering in the Cairngorms while a student at Aberdeen University.

In his late thirties Kellas made his first visit to the Himalayas. He made six expeditions to Sikkim from 1907 to 1920. He did a phenomenal amount of climbing and yet very little is known about him because he was of a retiring nature and wrote very little of his achievements. Unusual in that he generally climbed without European companions, he was accompanied by an ever loyal group of local porters whom he trained in the basic alpine skills. He possessed phenomenal energy and tenacity.

During the First World War, Kellas channelled his energies into high-altitude research and the effect of diminished atmospheric pressure on human physiology, a subject of great importance to the Air Ministry.

In 1919 Kellas suffered a breakdown in health from overwork, resigned his lectureship in London, and returned to Aberdeen. He recovered the following year and set out again for the Himalayas to carry out more experiments at altitude on himself and his high-altitude porters. He reached a height of 23,622 ft on Kamet. After several months in the Garhwal he travelled over to Sikkim, where in November 1920 he climbed north of the Kang La to obtain photographs of the peaks north of Everest that were then unknown.

Kellas returned to the Kang La region in April 1921 and climbed a higher peak to see more of Everest's north side. He then climbed Narsingh (19,110 ft) before turning his attention to working out a way through the icefall on Kabru. He had time to reach only 21,000 ft. He returned to Darjeeling just one week before he was to join the first expedition to Mount Everest, led by Charles Kenneth Howard-Bury.

Kellas was chosen to be a member of the climbing team of four at the age of 53. He had far more experience of high-altitude climbing than any contemporary. He had alone built up a good rapport with the Sherpa Bhotias hill men and, by emphasising the importance of adequate training and of treating them with respect, had shown their value to any mountaineering enterprise.

After only a week of rest from his attempts to see more of the Everest region and his prolonged work on Kabru, Kellas had no time to recuperate properly for the rigours of the Tibetan plateau. He went down with dysentery and had to be carried on a stretcher. Just before Kampa Dzong the accumulated strain of his spring climbing, the biting cold of the plateau, and rampant dysentery overtaxed his heart. He died, on 5 June 1921, among his faithful porters, as he had insisted his countrymen went on ahead.

Kellas was buried on a hillside to the south of Kampa Dzong in sight of the peaks of Sikkim, where he had made so many first ascents.

Ferrar, Nicholas (1546-1620), merchant

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  • 1546-1620

Nicholas Ferrar was a merchant in London. He is the most senior figure in the line of the Ferrar family whose papers were left to Magdalene College, Cambridge.

Wheeler, Brigadier Sir Edward Oliver (1890-1962), surveyor, mountaineer and soldier

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  • 18 April 1890 - 19 March 1962

Brigadier Sir Edward Oliver Wheeler was a Canadian surveyor, mountain climber and soldier. Wheeler participated in the first expedition to Mount Everest in 1921. He was an accomplished mountain climber and on the 1921 expedition was one of the team to reach the 7000 metre North Col. As a Brigadier in the British Army he was appointed Surveyor General of India in 1941. He was knighted for the work he did surveying India.

Hoppner, John (1758–1810), painter

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  • 4 April 1758 – 23 January 1810

An English portrait painter, much influenced by Reynolds, who achieved fame as a brilliant colourist.

Rennie, Alasdair (1973-present), artist

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  • 1973-present

Alasdair Rennie is an award winning artist who paints portraits, landscapes and still-life, he is an accomplished figurative sculptor and muralist.

László de Lombos, Philip (1869–1937), painter

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  • 30 April 1869 – 22 November 1937

Anglo-Hungarian painter known particularly for his portraits of royal and aristocratic personages. In 1900, he married Lucy Guinness of Stillorgan, County Dublin, and he became a British subject in 1914

Prince Luigi Amedeo, Duke of the Abruzzi (1873–1933), mountaineer and explorer

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  • 29 January 1873 - 18 March 1933

Prince Luigi Amedeo, Duke of the Abruzzi was an Italian mountaineer and explorer known for his Arctic explorations and for his mountaineering expeditions, particularly to Mount Saint Elias (Alaska–Yukon) and K2 (Pakistan–China). In 1906 he led an expedition to the Ruwenzori Range (5,125 m), in Uganda. He scaled sixteen summits in the range, including the six principal peaks. One of them, Mount Luigi di Savoia, bears his name. The highest peak was reached on 18 June 1906.

In 1909 he aimed to climb K2 in Karakoram and he and his team reached a height of 6,250 m. The standard route up the mountain (formerly known as K2's East Ridge) climbs today on the Abruzzi Spur.

In an attempt on Chogolisa he and his companions again failed to reach the summit, but set a world altitude record, a height of approximately 7,500 m (24,600 ft) before turning around just 150 m below the summit due to bad weather.

Thompson, Rupert

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An old friend of George Mallory's, whom he had known since the climbing days at Pen y Pass in Wales.

Meyer, John (1942-present), painter

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  • 13 August 1942 - present

South African painter who has exhibited extensively in South African and abroad specialising in landscapes and portraits (including portraits of Nobel laureates Nelson Mandela and FW De Klerk and concert pianist Vladimir Horowitz) in a photo-realist style. More recently he describes his work as falling into what he terms a "narrative genre" where paintings are often part of a series (usually three to six) of chronological scenes. He has exhibited at the Slater Memorial Museum (Connecticut) and the Everard Read Gallery (Johannesburg).

Finch, George Ingle (1888–1970), chemist and mountaineer

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  • 4 August 1888 - 22 November 1970

George Finch was a member of the 1922 British Mount Everest Expedition. He was a proponent of the use of oxygen at high-altitude, a controversial topic at the time.

George Finch was born on 4 August 1888, near Orange, New South Wales, the eldest son of Charles Edward Finch, farmer and land court judge, and his wife, Laura. From an early age he was a keen explorer of the local countryside; it was a view of Orange, from a nearby hill, that inspired his desire to see the world from the tops of mountains. In 1902 the family moved to England as his father thought that a British education would benefit his sons. However, the discipline of public schools was incompatible with his desire to instil in them independence and self-reliance. It was agreed that Laura Finch would oversee the boys' private tuition in Europe, while their father returned to Australia to manage the family property.

In 1905 Finch entered the École de Médecine, Paris, but soon decided the subject was not to his liking. From 1907 he studied physical sciences at Zürich Polytechnic, graduating DTechChem in 1911. While in Switzerland he spent much time climbing in the Alps with his younger brother Maxwell, who was also studying in Zürich. George Finch was regarded locally as a very talented climber.

Finch moved to England in 1912; he worked briefly at the Royal Arsenal but the following year was appointed demonstrator in the newly formed fuel department at Imperial College.

During the First World War he served in France and in Salonika, where he developed an aerial mine to combat enemy spotter aircraft. He was mentioned in dispatches and appointed MBE. While on leave, on 16 June 1915 he married Alicia Gladys but the marriage was short and unhappy, ending in divorce about 1919.

After the war Finch returned to Imperial College. On 28 December 1921 he married Agnes Isobel Johnston. In the same year Finch was appointed a lecturer in electrochemistry. He became professor of applied physical chemistry in 1936. In 1952 he was appointed director of the National Chemical Laboratory in Poona, India. He retired in 1957, returning to England.

Throughout the 1920s Finch was an active mountaineer. Though his Australian unorthodoxy did not go down well with the climbing establishment he was selected for the 1922 British attempt on Everest. He was one of the earliest advocates of the use of oxygen. With George Mallory he reached 27,235 ft, at that time a record altitude, and the following year he was the first to climb the north face of the Dent d'Herens in the Swiss Alps. Yet, despite his achievements, he was excluded from the 1924 Everest team.

In 1929 he founded the Imperial College Mountaineering Club, but following a gastric illness and the death of three club members on the Jungfrau in 1931, he gave up climbing himself. Many years later, in 1959, he was elected president of the Alpine Club.

During his subsequent career Finch received many honours. He was elected FRS in 1938, and awarded the society's Hughes medal in 1944. He was president of the Physical Society in 1947–9 and Guthrie lecturer in 1950. He was appointed commander of the Belgian order of Leopold II in 1938, and made a chevalier of the French Légion d'honneur in 1952. A keen sailor from the time he had given up mountaineering, he moved in his last years to The Grange, East Hanney, Berkshire, where he died on 22 November 1970, survived by his wife.

Strutt, Edward Lisle (1874-1948), lieutenant colonel and mountaineer

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  • 1874 - 7 July 1948

Edward Strutt was born in 1874, he was educated at Christ Church, Oxford, and Innsbruck University. He spent his holidays climbing, and he joined the Alpine Club at the age of 21. He was also a member of Sektion Bernina of the Swiss Alpine Club.

During the Boer War Strutt served with the Royal Scots, 1900-02 (dispatches, Queen’s Medal and four clasps, King’s Medal and two clasps).

He married Florence Nina Hollond in 1905.

In the period 1916-17 he was Field-Marshal Milne’s principal liaison officer with French headquarters at Salonika, and for his services in the war received many decorations and honours (D.S.O., 1917; C.B.E., 1919). In March 1919, as an officer of the Allied Council in Vienna, he escorted the Austrian Imperial Family to safety in Switzerland. In 1920 he became High Commissioner at Danzig.

On the Mount Everest expedition of 1922 he was second in command to General Bruce.

He was editor of the Alpine Journal from 1927 to 1937 and president of the Alpine Club from 1935 to 1938. His last visit to Switzerland was in May 1946, when he addressed a gathering of mountaineers at Zürich.

Bruce, Charles Granville (1866-1939), army officer and mountaineer

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  • 7 April 1866 - 12 July 1939

Brigadier General Charles G. Bruce was the leader of the 1922 and 1924 British Mount Everest Expeditions.

Charles Bruce was born in London on 7 April 1866, the youngest son of Henry Austin Bruce, first Baron Aberdare (1815–1895), politician, and his second wife, Nora Creina Blanche, youngest daughter of Lieutenant-General Sir William Napier. He had three brothers and eight sisters. They lived at Dyffryn, an estate in Glamorgan, and at Queen's Gate, London.

He was educated at Harrow School (1879–80) and Repton School (1881–4), and spent two years in the militia in York, where he was a noted wrestler and runner. He was commissioned in the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire light infantry in 1887; and he served briefly with an Indian regiment in Madras and Burma before moving in 1889 to the 5th Gurkha Rifles, the regiment with which he served for most of his career. During the Tirah campaign Bruce cut the Gurkhas' tight-fitting breeches off above the knee, an improvisation that was once said to have introduced shorts into the Indian and British armies. In 1891 Bruce studied the equipment of Italian mountain troops in Turin, and he ran a training course for frontier scouts from 1891 to 1913. He taught staff college instructors in his training methods on the slopes of Snowdonia in 1910.

Bruce travelled widely in the Himalayas and organised porters for several important mountaineering expeditions. In 1907 and 1910 Bruce developed serious proposals for the ascent of Mount Everest that were abandoned for political reasons.

On 12 September 1894 he married Finetta Madeline Julia, daughter of Colonel Sir Edward Fitzgerald Campbell, second baronet; and their only child, a son, died in infancy in the Himalayas.

After being adjutant and second-in-command of the 5th Gurkha Rifles he was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel in May 1913, and in May 1914 he was appointed to command the 6th Gurkha Rifles. He went with them to Egypt for the defence of the Suez Canal at the outbreak of war in 1914. In Gallipoli he commanded the depleted battalions of the 29th Indian Brigade, including the 5th and 6th Gurkhas at Gurkha bluff, for which he was mentioned in dispatches three times and was promoted to Brevet Colonel in November 1915. Severely wounded in the leg, he was evacuated before the withdrawal, and on discharge from hospital was appointed general officer commanding the independent frontier brigade at Bannu, a position he held from 1916 to 1919. He commanded the North Waziristan field force in 1917, and served in the Third Anglo-Afghan War (May 1919). In these operations he was mentioned twice in dispatches. His health deteriorated in the heat, and he was invalided out of the service with the honorary rank of Brigadier-General in 1920.

When Tibet unexpectedly granted permission for a Mount Everest expedition, Bruce could not obtain leave to join the first reconnaissance in 1921, but he was appointed leader of the next expedition in 1922. He was too old to take part in the climbing, but his knowledge of Himalayan languages and military organisation, his cheerfulness and joviality, and the Gurkhas he brought to organise the porters all contributed to the expedition's success. Captain John Geoffrey Bruce (his cousin) and George Finch reached a record elevation of 27,300 ft using oxygen.

In 1924 Bruce was again appointed Everest leader, but contracted malaria on a tiger hunt immediately before the expedition. On the march to Everest he became seriously ill and turned the leadership over to Colonel E. F. Norton. Bruce became the model for later Everest leaders.

After his wife's death in 1932 he wrote his autobiography, Himalayan Wanderer (1934), and moved to 27 St Mary Abbot's Terrace, London, where he died on 12 July 1939.

Turner, Hugh Thackeray (1853-1937), architect and amateur china painter, father of Ruth Mallory

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  • 8 March 1853 - 11 December 1937

Hugh Thackeray Turner was born in Foxearth, Essex, the son of Rev. John Richard Turner (a Church of England vicar) and his wife Harriet.

After leaving Newbery Grammar School he was apprenticed to the architect Sir George Gilbert Scott. In 1877 Turner began work on his own account. He was also employed by Scott's sons, John Oldrid and George Gilbert junior, becoming the latter's chief assistant.

Turner left Scott's office to become Secretary for The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (founded by William Morris in 1877). His job was to investigate, inspect and report on buildings at risk from insensitive restoration. He held the post until 1911.

On 19 July 1888 he married Mary Elizabeth (May) Powell (1854–1907). May became a leading member of the arts and crafts movement in her own right, exhibiting needlework and founding the Women's Guild of Arts with May Morris. The couple had three daughters, the second of whom, Ruth, married George Mallory in July 1914.

In 1898 Turner designed his own home Westbrook in Godalming, which with the assistance of Gertrude Jekyll's assistance was surrounded by a much admired garden.

After a long retirement he died of pyelonephritis on 11 December 1937 in London.

Williams, Basil (1867–1950), historian

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  • 4 April 1867 – 5 January 1950

Basil Williams was born in London on 4 April 1867, the only son of Frederick George Adolphus Williams, barrister, and his wife, Mary Katharine Lemon. He was educated at Marlborough College and New College, Oxford. He volunteered for service in the South African wars and then spent time working in the education department. After returning to England he dedicated himself to a career as an historian.

In 1905 he married Dorothy Caulfeild. They had two sons, one of whom (John) taught George Mallory to ski.

He died at 46 Amhurst Park, Stoke Newington, London, on 5 January 1950.

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